
Chapter 10595- 

The other deputy chiefs and their subordinates were not a big deal, but when they thought of their own chief, even the Shen Emperor could not help but shudder.

He didn't care about the other people in the Alliance Security Bureau, but he was scared of the director.

But now, the arrow was already on the bow, and he could no longer change his mind.

"Lin Yi, there's no need for you to try and drive a wedge between us now. It's meaningless."

"As long as I'm fair, no matter what I do next, the director won't blame me!" The Shen Emperor pretended to be calm and snorted.

"You should be worried about yourself. If you're tactful and obediently surrender, you might be able to turn things around in the future. If you don't, then you'll really be crippled."

"Really?" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes.

It was indeed a bad idea to attack directly, but if there was no other choice, the bad idea was also a choice.

No matter what, it was better than waiting for death!