
Chapter 10586- 

At the end of the day, there was no benefit in clashing with the other party in his current situation. On the contrary, it was a huge risk.

On the other hand, it was the same for laughing Maitreya.

Before this, if he didn't know Lin Yi's strength, he would've been able to easily crush the weak.

But now, she knew that she'd kicked an iron board on Lin Yi. If she continued to be stubborn, the potential risk and reward ratio would be completely out of balance. There was no point in continuing.

Face was something that seemed to be more important than the sky, but it was nothing when it was really discussed.

For a truly formidable person, face was always just a service for the inner part. Once it could not bring about real inner part, or even hurt one's own inner part, then the so-called face was not worth mentioning at all.