
chapter 10364- 

The Sea King Xiang Yusheng!

lin yi and xu anshan couldn't help but be surprised.

He used to be as famous as Banshi Luo, one of the face-class fighters of the entire Jianghai college, but he'd disappeared after the fight with Lin Yi.

Xiang Yusheng's departure was a huge loss for Jianghai Academy.

If he had stayed behind and accepted the divine spark's upgrade, he'd definitely become another golden class late phase peak full master. This way, the remaining elite forces of Jianghai Academy would have a much more solid foundation.

Unfortunately, everyone had their own ambitions.

Of course, Xiang Yusheng's disappearance last time was suspicious as well. There must be some big secret behind it. Even if he stayed in Jianghai college, Lin Yi didn't dare to trust him completely.

After all, he and Xiang Yusheng didn't have the tacit understanding and trust that he had with Luo Banshi.

"is senior xiang still here?" lin yi asked, his heart moved.