
Chapter 10222-

He didn't understand.

At their level, they really could not see how the situation had been reversed so suddenly, but at least one thing was clear: ao Taiwei was in a bad situation.

Lin Yi was also one-sidedly beaten up by the Dragon Fist, but at least his body was still very strong and could take a beating.

On the other hand, ao Taiwei's body was already badly mangled by the sword Qi, and he looked like he was not far from death.

However, the result was once again beyond everyone's expectations.

Ao Taiwei did look like he was in a terrible state, but he'd recovered in the blink of an eye. In terms of self-healing, he was even better than Lin Yi!

It wasn't that his body was stronger than Lin Yi's God Body, it was just that he used up a lot of life force.