

“Brother! There’s hope for dad! I found an elixir for him, let’s give it to him right away!” Fatty Lai was burning with excitement, the fat on his body wobbling about as he held in his hand a cigar box.

“Changyi, what’re you talking about? What elixir?” Chantian frowned. “You didn’t get scammed by some conman for a vigor pill or anything, did you?”

“Not a conman, and it’s not some vigor pill, either!” Fatty Lai shook his head. “It really is good stuff! Bro, hurry, get some warm water! I’ll feed this to da!”

“Absurd! What if you get dad killed?! What on earth is that, anyway?” Changtian hmphed and went for the cigar box right away.

The doctor decided not to get involved with this sibling quarrel- he was turning around to leave when Changtian called at him, no intention of letting him go whatsoever as he pointed his finger. “The doctor’s here, you ask him if you can just feed some vigor pill to a patient!”