

Tang Yin thought she’d imagined it, but as things stood that was clearly not the case. Lin Yi was the one who’d hit him, but his hand was simply too fast and deft- no one saw him move.

Tang Yin was both shocked and delighted- Lin Yi was so evil! There was nothing Xiaozhang could do about the slap!

“It’s you, you’re behind this!” Xiaozhang was convinced that Lin Yi had hit him- his two swollen cheeks were proof of that! “Captain Zhong! The tapes, check the tapes and see if it’s him!”

Xiaozhang wasn’t too dumb- as angry as he was, he still managed to remember the cameras.

“I’m sorry, but I’m in charge of the gate security- I must reject your request!” Old Sui had already decided to stick with Lin Yi’s side- he had to commit to that decision. “Everyone here was watching, no one saw this mister hit you! Your request is very unreasonable. Are you saying that all of us are blind?!”