

The current Jianwen seemed quite ridiculous to Mengyao- what did it matter to him what type of person Lin Yi was, that was her business! ‘Take a look’? Take a look for what, and as who?

“Wha- I thought you had some objective or something!” Lin Yi was speechless. “I shouldn’t have said yes then!”

“It’s good too, actually- you can go put him in his place tomorrow! He’s always been super annoying.” Yushu said as she raised her fist. “He thinks he’s such a big shot and everything for being a Songshan Young Master- he’s just rich, that’s all!”

“Shu, your brother’s the leader of those Young Masters!” Mengyao reminded, speechless.

“My bro, huh? I actually find Shield Bro more capable than him, he couldn’t even handle that Song Lingshan! Look at how Lin Yi did it, just one word from him and the woman’s a good girl all of a sudden……” Yushu was getting excited talking about Lingshan.