

_Haha……_ Lin Yi chuckled internally- it was true: good thing he didn’t choose the room they were in, since Lin Yi would’ve killed him without hesitation with Tang Yin in immediate danger.

“Should we go check it out, boss?” Xiaobo was a little curious- this wasn’t a chance you’d get every day.

“Sure.” Lin Yi didn’t mind. He turned to Tang Yin. “You going?”

“Um……” Tang Yin was both afraid and curious at the same time.

“You guys are still going out there?” Xinwen wasn’t expecting this- she’d ran back to warn them not to go out, too!

“The police are right there, we should be fine right?” Xiaobo said as he walked towards the door.

He opened it to see the hallway packed with people, some of them patients and some of them staff of the hospital. The police had isolated their part of the hallway to stop the onlookers from getting too close as well.

Lingshan was being filled in by Wangli as they made their way to the scene.