

Tang Yin curled her lips, wondering if she should talk about Fen’s stuff behind her back- it didn’t seem right.

“Can’t you see Kang Xiaobo’s intentions, Tang Yin? Come on, tell him.” Lin Yi said, having noticed the interaction between the two in addition to Tang Yin’s hesitation as he drove.

“But……” Tang Yin was still hesitating- she knew what Xiaobo was getting at- Fen would be able to recover if Xiaobo stuck by her side, but Fen’s story was a little tragic… She wasn’t sure if Xiaobo could take the truth.

“Xiaobo’s pretty anxious over there.” Lin Yi said with a chuckle.

Tang Yin sighed. “Fen, Liu Xinwen, and I grew up together in the slums- we were really good friends. We were in ninth grade when a boy barged into Fen’s life……”

“Kang Zhaoming?” Xiaobo’s face changed slightly as he tightened his fists.

Tang Yin was sitting at the front, and hadn’t caught Xiaobo’s change in expression. “Yeah, Kang Zhaoming. I didn’t think you’d remember that name……”