

Lin Yi was supposed to meet Huaijun that morning, and it didn’t seem appropriate for him to be taking Li Fu’s car for that. He didn’t want Huaijun knowing about what he was doing at the moment- after all, it was a little humiliating for the godly Eagle to be playing house with a couple of Misses…… Lin Yi was starting to doubt his old man’s words- he couldn’t see how this mission would end up setting him up for life.

He didn’t even know what the mission was.

Xiaobo was starting to have suspicions as well, and Lin Yi was sure that things would go wrong if they continued this way. He didn’t really mind, but that wasn’t the case with the two Misses upstairs.

With that, Lin Yi left a note on the table for the girls, telling them that he was leaving early, and that Li Fu needn’t wait for him. He prepared breakfast for them before stepping out of the villa.