

“Holding on? Yes, that’d be fine if it were _just_ holding on.” Xuemin sighed. “You know it yourself- those sedative painkillers cause huge damage to your body. Let’s not even talk about whether the medicine works, or if your body develops drug resistance…… You’ll have long fallen to the painkillers before any of that would’ve taken effect…...”

“Ah, that’s right……” The prescription Lin Yi gave him crossed his mind. He’d gotten a couple of medicines from a pharmacy, thinking that it was worth a try…

He boiled the medicine when the pain prevented him from falling asleep- and it turned out to be extremely effective! His body stopped hurting not long after that, and he slept through the whole night until sunrise, waking up with an indescribable freshness in his body. It was much better than waking up from the pain in the middle of the night with the painkillers, after they’d worn off. He only needed to use Lin Yi’s medicine once.