

“Eh?” Song Lingshan froze, her face darkening instantly… She’d never expected the Captain Yang she admired so much to be interested in gossip..! The image Huaijun had established in her eyes, after all, was that of someone who lived with absolute solemnity… It was definitely startling that he’d ask a question like that… She’d heard of the rumors herself, but there was simply no way to explain her way out of them!

This kind of thing was something that’d just worsen when explanations were given. Anyone with eyes would misunderstand the scene back at the hospital, and there wasn’t much Lingshan could do about what other people decided to say- it was their mouths, after all. It was all she could do to lay low for a while until the whole thing blew over.

But how was she supposed to explain this misunderstanding to the captain? “Captain, I… I’m……”