
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantaisie
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45 Chs


"Andri.. my name is Andri Amaara" Andri said also feeling awkward, he remembered Hao Shen had asked him earlier but he just brushed it off and only payed more attention on his own things, (he was too curious and talkative that he forgot).

Hao Shen replied with a smile "Andri Amaara, you won't let me drown right‽" "Right" Andri replied feeling dazed by Hao Shen, this was the first time Hao Shen was calling his name and he was stunned by how good his name sounded when Hao Shen said it.

He swore in his heart to keep Hao Shen safe and prevent him from drowning.

Getting a confirmation from Andri Hao Shen went to his backpack and picked up his messy clothes and dusted them before bringing the once he planned on wearing close to the lake and dropped it on a dry patch before going ahead to strip.

Feeling a little bit uncomfortable Hao Shen only stripped down to his underwear before slowly entering the lake. Hao Shen was never a shy person, he could easily go bare in front of other guys... well aside from Feng Qi.

But with the way both Kevin and Andri was staring at him unblinkingly made him shiver, it felt like they wanted to devour him whole.

It was only when Hao Shen stepped into the lake that Kevin notice Andri's gaze, 'how could you so blatantly stare at other males mates', he glared at Andri, releasing his aura unconsciously.

It was then that Andri realized what he was doing and quickly looked away 'no wonder.. no wonder the beastman thinks he is a female'. Seeing Hao Shen's silky skin and soft body made Andri's heart beat loudly and even Kevin could hear it.

Kevin glared at Andri wanting to hide Hao Shen from him 'it seems that this sea beastman has developed some feelings towards my Hao Shen, after this I'll have to make sure they don't see each other again'. Kevin frowned as he thought this, he looked at Hao Shen who unconsciously enticed both himself and Andri by simply relaxing in the hot lake, and smiled.

His furrowed brows relaxed as he looked at him. his mind was pulled to the book that he was reading just now, as he was unsure if what he saw in the book was truly related to Hao Shen's origins, he decided to ask Hao Shen seeing that Hao Shen was in a fairly good mood.

He looked at Andri to make sure he wasn't looking before bending down to Hao Shen's eye level, he was still holding on to the book so he brought the book in front of Hao Shen.

"Is this your tribe" he whispered into Hao Shen's ear which startled Hao Shen, it wasn't what he said that startled Hao Shen but Hao Shen wasn't expecting anyone to be close to him at that moment so he got startled by Kevin.

He opened his eyes and what greeted him was an image of two guys being more than intimate with each other. This seen made his face flush red as he immediately slapped the image away from his face only to realize that it was being held by someone.

Seeing Hao Shen's reaction, Kevin withdrew his hand that was holding the book feeling wronged 'what did I do now, why is he slapping me'.

Hao Shen turned to look at the culprit that dared to show him that, only to see that the image he just slapped away was infact his "physics" text book, couple that with what Kevin said, he now understood what had happened but all that he could say was "why... Why are you with that book".

Seeing that Hao Shen had gotten angry, Kevin dropped the book "I was wrong, I didn't mean to go through your thing's,.. sorry".

Andri that was facing away heard the commotion and looked at both of them, but he was confused as why they just started arguing out of nowhere.

Hao Shen wasn't at all angry, he was just shocked and didn't know how to respond to Kevin, he had been planning on lying to Kevin about his origins.

But now that Kevin saw that book and had connected him to the people in it, he got flustered and didn't know how to respond, all he could do at the moment was to angrily reprimand Kevin "I already told you we will talk when we get back so don't bother me".

Kevin felt wronged but he knew that this was his fault, he didn't know how to coax Hao Shen all that could escape his lips was "Okay". Andri on the other hand was feeling left out 'what's going on, what did I miss.

Hao Shen went back to his previous position while pretending to be angry hoping that seeing his angry face Kevin would not ask him any questions, deep down he felt regret for buying that ridiculous comic.

He might have regretted it now but back when he bought that comic, he was still questioning his feelings for Feng Qi it got to a point that when ever he saw Feng Qi he would run away from him.

This book was one of the results of his research on what he was feeling. At the time when he was still hiding away from Feng Qi, he ran in to some girls that were also hiding but for a different reason.

It was then that he found out that they call themselves fujoshi's and they would sneak around reading bl comics in school. and because he lacked presence and most people treated him like air, he was able to join them without them noticing that there was a boy in their mist.

Although he was in their mist he could only catch a few glimpse of the book and he grew curious, he felt like if he could read any of those comic's, he would be able to give a name to what he felt for Feng Qi.

Even if in his heart, Hao Shen already knew exactly what he felt, but all he needed was for someone or something to tell him that his feelings for Feng Qi was perfectly normal and that there was nothing wrong with what he felt.

He kept on following those girls hoping to catch a few more glances at their comic but they hardly read those comic's in school.

One day while Hao Shen was still following them he over head them talking about going to city Y to buy a new comic, one of the girls who didn't know where to buy them asked the others for directions which they told her.

Hao Shen hadn't plan on buying the comic, but seeing that he couldn't read much while hiding, he decided to buy it and read on his own.

He secretly memorized the address and directly went to the schools library to print out a map using their computer. He did not immediately went to the said location as he was afraid that those girls found out he had been following them and had just pretended to call out an address to just chase him away.

his thoughts were 'they have phones, why didn't they just text each other the address, I'm sure they're trying to trick me'.

He kept on following them until he was certain that they weren't playing any tricks on him before he stopped sneaking around with a bunch of girls. He still didn't go there immediately as he never really had a chance to leave home even during the weekends.

Finally Hao Shen was ready to go to city Y he had even prepared a fake physics text book cover to camouflage the comic when he bought it and he had also prepared the money he was going to use.

The day finally arrived and Hao Shen dressed up like a thieve, complete with a black mask, black face cap and a black hoodie.

Just like that He got into a train to City Y, using the map he prepared, he found a book store, he was extremely nervous as he stumbled into the book store hoping and praying that he would not bump into anyone he knew.

He put his head down avoiding to meet anyone's gaze as he walked around the book shelf's.