
Beauty and her Beast:The Don's obsession

(Warning:Mature content,Raffaele is heavily obsessed with our little bella) Beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder. Everybody desires beauty and love it. What if it becomes a curse. Bellarosa(Beautiful rose)Romano is the daughter of the cook of the powerful mafia Vincenti family. She has been cared for and looked after since young by the Vincenti family when their eldest son and Don of the family decides to take up her and her mother's responsibility. Bella has always been scared of the Don who criticises her at every mistake she makes. Don Raffaele Vincenti is a man with IED intermittent explosise disoder. An incident of the past led to this disorder of his and only few can calm him down. Raffeale finds himself in a lustful obsession for the little woman who is in his care and with every growing day he desires her like a drug,oxygen and breathe. Bella is terrified by his madness Will she be willing to help him. Secrets get unveiled on the way ~~~~~ Groaning he takes her hand and places it on his buldge his eyes clouded with desire and lust. ''Please Bella,Touch me''Raffaele growls out gasps escaping his lips while tears fall out of Bella's eyes as she tries to retrieve her hand from his grip.

Empressking · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 20 :Rage

Random question:How are u guys



 After being told to go to her room Bella obediently goes upstiars to her room with her head down and her steps light not to disturb anybody.

 The fear from almost falling and possibly loosing her life was still very much present in her body and she thanks the heavens for Raffaele being there.


 Sitting by her desk she hears a sudden roar of anger but she decides to ignore it and instead move to the window side table and turning on her laptop before sitting down to start playing games.


 Completely unaware of what was happening outside she continues watching her movie.


 Raffaele walks to his room changing his mind and soon his body starts vibrating in anger.

 Breathing heavily he tries very hard to control it but it just seems to intensify.


 His hand trembles and out of the growing rage he slams in into the wall beside him while letting out a roar.

 The guards outside look at each other unsure of what to do.


 The fear he felt when he watched Bella almost fall caused anger to rip through him and now he cannot control the anger anymore.


 He screams kicking the small table in his room causing it to hit the wall and at the sound the guards rush in their eyes widen.


 ''Boss''They say and run towards the man only for Raffaele to turn his eyes red and his hair scattered and dishevelled from tugging on the hair too much.


 ''Get out''Raffeale tells him his voice edged with warning and the guards disobey his words and walk into the room which angers him more and he growls angrily.


 ''Get out now all of you''He screams and throws the table at the mirror on the wall causing it to be scattered and some glass piecing his skin but the man being too angry barely notices the blood.


 He walks on the glass bare foot his eyes unfocused as he looks around the place tugging on his hair.


 ''I-I can't loose you''He says to himself and the guards look at him confused by who he is talking about.


 ''I-I love you baby''He continues but a growl soon escapes his lips again and he flips the ottoman close to the beg stepping more on the glass.


 Seeing their boss like this their eyes widen and they rush towards him to restrain him.

 Pushing them back with force he turns around slamming the other guards head on the wall leaving the man unconcious.


 One by one the guards drop all bot strong enough to tackle to beast of a man.

 The maids and servants hearing the commotion all gather around outside too scared to move or even look what is happening inside.

 They cannot help but wonder what made their boss this angry as the man has been in control of his emotions since ever since.


 What scares them the most is that the only people capable of calming the man down were not around as only his family and Rosaline can do the job.


 Bella finally hearing the noise decides to vome out and flinches back in fear when she hears another of Raffaele's roars.


 ''Bella,Bella you have to help us''Milla says holding Bella whose eyes widen in fright trying to push away from Milla.


 ''M-Me but how''Bella asks shaking her head still trying to walk away.

 Milla stands there and starts pleading with Bella who reluctantly nods her head before moving towards the room.


 With slow hesitant steps she steps inside only to be met with Raffaele's back.

 The man's body is still trembling as growls escapes his lips.


 Softly raising her hand she places it on his shoulder only to flinch back when he suddenly growls.

 Ready to murder the person he turns around only to widen his eyes.


 ''Bella''He calls out to the girl who shakily nods her head.


 Before she can process anything warm lips press to hers.


How was it How are


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