
Beautiful.. •chase Hudson•

Fan of chase Hudson finally gets to meet him and she got a note...

anonxmousy · Fantaisie
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*1 week later*

It's the middle of the night and I wake up now?

My stomach why does it hurt so bad.

Am I about to throw up-

I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Babe are you ok?

I don't think so.

I kept throwing up.

He ran up to me and held my hair up.

I'll get you water wait here.

What is wrong?

Am I- No no what am I thinking there's no possible way I could be pregnant.


Here cha.

Thanks chase.

I went back to bed laying on the side.

Chase held my by my waist hugging me.

Your fine.


*at the morning*

(With chase)

Could she possibly be pregnant?

If she is I won't leave her chase I'm not stupid.

*Chanell POV*



I'll be back soon I'm going out with Mia and Kelianne.

Alright bye baby.


He gave me a kiss.

I went out of the room and see Mia and Kelianne waiting for me outside.

What did you want to go buy? Kelianne asked me.

A pregnancy test.

Wait so you guys really went that far-

Yeah we did, I just need to see if I'm having a child or not.

Alright let's go.

We took Thomas's Tesla and headed to buy the test.

Look Chanell..Don't be scared, If you are pregnant we will be here for you.

What if Chase doesn't accept it?

Trust me he will.

Thanks guys.

No problem.

There's one problem tho.

What's up?

The baby can't live at the hype house.

That's up to Thomas and everyone but in my opinion it's better for you guys to get your own house.

*after they bought the test and now are back home*

You got it Chanell Mia said.

I went in the bathroom and took the test.

I needed to wait for some minutes so I sat down on the bathroom counter waiting.

I started crying and got anxiety, I don't know if I can't handle it.

The test...Positive..

Chanell you good?! I heard Mia.


I went out of the bathroom.


It's positive.

YEESSSS CHANELL!! Mia and Kelianne hugged me.

Wanna go tell Chase?

I'm scared..

Don't be Chanell He's a good guy and you know it.

Alright I'll be back.

I went in to chase's room and saw him playing Apex legends on his computer.


Yeah baby?

Can we talk?

Sure just let me lose first.

I looked at him playing, I was scared to tell him what if he doesn't accept it and kicks me out?..

Alright I'm done what do you want to talk about?

I uhm..I'll just tell you later.

Chanell...what is it?

He pinned me slowly to the wall seeing the test in my hand.

What is that?

Take it.

I gave it to him.

It was silent for some seconds.

Is this some prank?

It's not.

He smiled looking at the test.

For real?

For real I said with an emotional voice.

He hugged me tight as his hand was under my shirt on my stomach.

I love you.

Love you too huddy.