
Beautiful.. •chase Hudson•

Fan of chase Hudson finally gets to meet him and she got a note...

anonxmousy · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Is this true?

*2 months later*

Here's a little back story for this long episode:

"Chase has been home for 2 months now cause his mom died in an accident. You haven't seen him in a very long time although you have been pretty good and hanging out with friends but still missing him you didn't know when he was going to come back. You guys did face time sometimes just not as much cause he needed to kind of get some things off his mind and accept the fact that his mom is now dead"

Let's start.

The sun is going down in la and I'm by the pool looking at the sky thinking about when chase is coming back.

It isn't the same without him here, day by day goes and I still can't get him off my mind.

We're still together and of course I understand that he needs to be there.

I really hope he comes tomorrow.

I've said that everyday waiting for him to be in my arms again.

Things have been great my friends are getting me to stop worrying about chase.

Just this time I just feel like crying.

I have been sleeping in the same room as kelianne for a very long time now.

Blake went back home a few days ago to get some work done.

I started crying.

I miss him so much.

Hey Chanell..

I saw nick coming up to me.

Me and him really miss chase we have been really close friends these months.

Hey Nick.

How are you feeling?

I can't stop thinking about him I just want him here!

Shh it's ok..

I hug him and my tears on his shoulder.

I saw Mia, Thomas, Angel, Kouvr, Alex, Larry and Kelianne coming to the pool.

Hey guys.

He's coming soon I talked to him last night he's good Kelianne said.

What about listening to music and chill in the pool? Kouvr asked all of us.

That would be great.

I still have the bracelet on who his sister gave me or well us.

You guys are the sweetest ily you guys!

Well love you too dummy.

I'll go change fast brb.

I went back to me and chase's room to change into a bikini.

The cuts on my arms have healed and I haven't done anything I'm proud of myself.

I wipe of the makeup on my face and change into the bikini and go back to the pool.

Angel put on some music for us to vibe to.

On our career with tiktok it's going great I keep a smile on my face when I make a video don't want to worry anyone.

With chase he's only uploaded 3 videos nothing more, as he wrote on his Twitter that he would be taking a break from social media for personal reasons meaning his mom's death.

Cmon Chanell let's jump in!

They tried to get me to a better mood and it always works that's why I love them all.

We had fun making so tiktok's, giving with the music talking.

It's great

(With chase)

2 months..I miss her so fucking bad.

I miss my friends I miss her.

And she's still strong to not break up with me after 2 months of not seeing each other.

I love her, and I'm coming to see you tomorrow Chanell.

I went to my dad to tell him that I'm going back to la now.

Hey dad.

Yeah chase?

I'm going back.

I bought the ticket I'm going now.

I'm glad you came here son, Chanell probably misses you so much.

I hug him.

Your mom is in a good place now.

I cried a little.

I still can't believe that she's not here..

she's not with me anymore.

She's watching you.

Go say goodbye to karissa now.

She'll miss you the most.

Thanks dad.

I go up to karissa's room.

Hey sis it's chase.

Come in.

What is it?

I'm going now.

Wait no...don't go.

I want to I need to see my friends and my girlfriend.

She sits up on her bed.

Can I have a goodbye hug?

She hugged me tight.

I'll miss you chase.

I'll miss you to Karissa

Chanell's lucky to have you.


You grown so much look at you..

They'll be shook when they see you again.

Haha yeah.

I colored some of my hair neon green and gotten more tattoos, not much but I look different.

Goodbye karissa.

Bye chase Ily.

I love you too.

Now go say that to Chanell!

I will.

I closed her door and went back downstairs.

Bye dad!

Bye Chase!

I went to my Uber who would leave me at the airport.

I'll be home by tomorrow morning, maybe at like 11am

(The next day)

*with Thomas*

I called chase to pick him up it's 11am right now.

I'm outside by the parking lot.

Oh I see you bye tommy.

Bye chase.

I see chase going a little faster.

Chase it's nice to see you again.

You too Thomas.

Chanell's still sleeping back home but I might have someone else you want too see.



(With chase)

I hugged her tight picking her up.

Your finally back!

I'm here now.

Chanell is missing you so much.

Me too.

Let's get in the car and drive back home Thomas said and me and Kelianne went in the car. I sat in the front.

So chase..how are you?

I'm ok still a little upset but other than that I'm fine.

Your not lying aren't you?

I'm telling the truth.

Good, good.

So I have an idea Kelianne said.

Our idea!

No the whole hype house idea!

What is it?

You wanna surprise Chanell?

Yes 100%

Good cause we bought her favorite flowers.

Pink roses?


Impressed you remember Thomas said.

Of course.

Everything is set up back home right now Kouvr is looking when Chanell is waking up if she's awake right now we'll keep her in the room.

Cool, cool.

Can't wait to see her.

(At the hh)

Kouvr texted me she's still sleeping.

Is she coming to the kitchen or am I going or the room?

She'll come down.


I went into the house after not being here for months I missed it.

First I said hi to everyone before Chanell went down.

Nick was happy that I was back now.

You ready?

I am.

I stood there with the flowers in my hand seeing her coming down with my hoodie on with her hair in a bun.

She's so beautiful..

Kouvr said hi with with her hands.

I saw her, her eyes we made eye contact..

I see her getting tears.

Hey baby.


She runs up to me and jumps on me.

Hey cutie.

I missed you!

Me too, me too.

I rubbed her back and seeing her face so close to me again.

I got you something.

I handed her the flowers.

My favorites.

What happened with your are you-

Ask me later..

I kissed her.

My hands on her cheeks.

Her soft lips, I missed her.

And now I'm here with you again.

My lips against yours.

This is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life! I heard Mia screaming.

(With Chanell)

He's here. His lips, his blue eyes, his hair just him.

He's right here.

He stopped kissing me and hugged me again.

Hey chase.

Hey Chanell.

How are you?

I'm good wbu?

I'm happy nice to meet you again.

Nice to see you too.

We all laughed.

I really missed giving you hickeys he whispered on my ear so nobody could hear.

Give me one..

Not infront of everyone.

I don't care hide it with ur hand.

Won't work.

I don't care anymore just kiss me.

He kept kissing me on my neck.

IM OUT BYE CUTIES Larry, Kouvr and Alex went somewhere else.

What dis boy doin'? I hear kelianne say that.

I looked at her and smiled.

YOU GO BUD nick screamed.

He giggled a little.

His warm breath on my neck missed that too.

I needed that.

Me too.

We're going now BYE.

Hahah ok bye.

We were alone in the kitchen and went up to his room.

He took his jacket and bags off.

Get on the bed.

Hm ok..

Lay down.

I took of his shirt and layed on his chest.


I missed this.

Why did you go so hard on that hickey..?

Cause I wanted too.

Oh well I liked it.

Glad you did..

I'm in the mood to have fun right now but still no.

You horny girl.

Hehe, oh and I love your new hair it makes you hotter.

Haha thanks cutie.

Listen to me he said.

Im listening.

I love you baby..

I love you too bebz..

We cuddled for a while.

I don't know how many times I've said this but I've missed him..

Our fans think we have broken up I said to have a conversation while he played with my hair still having his eyes closed,at least he's awake.


What do you mean and we gotta tell them something.

Yeah ur right sorry I've just been offline for long now.

I know.



Yeah that's better.

Who's posting?



I took my phone and went on Instagram to post something on my story.

Two questions.

What is it?

Do you still love me?

Of course I do.

Have we broken up?

No and will never break your heart.

That's sweet.

Why did you ask?

To make sure.

Haha ok.

I took a picture of us and writed...

"We didn't break up chase has just been offline and went back home to his family for a while I still love him :)"

Your turn.


Cause you need too.


He took a picture of us he had in his camera roll.

Don't take that picture!

As I heard it was my turn right?

I hate you.

Love you too.

He wrote "I'm back to normal now I will post more and upload more on insta, and yes me and Chanell are still together guys I love her with my whole heart.

(Stop making fake rumors about me and our relationship)"

Oh yeah people hated on him because eventually someone started a rumor that he left the hype house cause he was too good for them, bullshit.



So what did you do while I was gone?

Just hanging out with the crew, yesterday we hanged out at the pool and listened to music. what did you do?


I'm sorry bebe..

I hugged him.

It's fine I'll try to get over it, but like where's your mom?

New York,I don't really talk with her anymore.

Aww why?

Just work she still loves me tho.

That's good.

Thomas barked in our room.

What the fuck Thomas.

And why are you filming?

Lets play among us!

Is this for the video?


I'm on.

Ok see you at the gym.

Why the gym?

At the corner of the gym you know where the red couches are.

Oh yeah right k cya.

He went out of the room.

Let's go.

I'm too tired.

It's among us cmon.


He put a hoodie on and went to hug me.

Are you ok?

Yeah I'm fine I just wanted to hug you.

I hugged him back.

I felt something on my shoulder.

Are you crying?

He looked at me.

It's fine chase I know you miss her..

I gave him a kiss.

He wiped it off.


I gave him another kiss.

He did it again.

BRO-, Your not letting go of my lips until I want too.

I kissed him.

I pinned him to the wall.

He laughed.



K good.

I kissed him again..our tongues intertwined.

He had his arms around my waist.

Let's go now they're probably waiting for us.


We went to the second floor

TOOK YALL TIME kelianne said.

stfu you stubborn ass Taurus.

Fuck you chanell.

I saw chase wiping his lips again.

I swear to god I will kill you.


I chased him around the gym.

Not today he took down my arm before I even punched him.

He touched my hair and went to sit down on the couch besides Tayler.

I sat with Mia.

What happened? Mia asked.


He laughed.

Let's play this game.

It was me, chase, Thomas, Mia, Tayler, Kouvr, Alex, Patrick, nick,

I got impostor with Mia.

Boutta win this shit

End of chapter

Guys I'm out of ideas I don't know what to write anymore and I'm so sorry for not updating. But o have a reason!!

My phone needed to be fixed yesterday I got fixed I was about to post this chapter yesterday but that didn't work out and I've been so busy with homework and stuff I'm so sorry!!!😭✋🏽

I'll post two chapters more than I think that's the end of this story maybe not we'll see

(They're going to be long)