
Chapter 33

Danielle Lexington

I let Alan come everyday to see Oscar. We spent a lot of time together and I can see that Oscar really loves his dad. Alan really adores Oscar too and they're unseparatable.

Oscar spent time with Alan when I'm busy taking care of my dad. My dad got home after being in the hospital for 6 days. He recovered just fine and he's back home now. I'm planning to go back to Santorini in 2 days.

"Oscar! Granddad is here.." My dad announced himself to Oscar. Oscar ran from the garden to the living room with Alan behind him.

"Mr. Morgan." Alan greeted my dad and my dad gave a light nod at him. My dad hugged Oscar and Oscar giggled.

"I want cheesecake." Oscar said as he poked my dad's cheek.

"Oscar, granddad just got ou-"

"Let's go!" My dad cut me and I sighed.

"Dad.." I warned.

"Stay for dinner, Alan. We'll buy some dinner from the cheesecake factory." He said and he brought Oscar with him.