
Chapter 17

Bella Morgan

"I'm not surprised to know that he's going to tail on you." My dad said through the phone and I chuckled.

"I already have that in mind because I knew there would be a big chaos in that company as we're going to take down one of the members one by one." My dad laughed and I couldn't help but agree with him.

"Instead of next month, I want you to get on with the next person while I'm in Dubai." I said as I pulled a straight line from the next person's picture.

"It's an easy target, that man will be in San Fransisco when you're in Dubai." My dad said and I smiled widely.

"You can't be weak, Bella." He suddenly said and I turned my attention to the phone on the tabel.


"Don't hesitate anymore, these men killed our family."

"Yeah, I know." I said as I sat down on the chair looking at the next target.