
Chapter 9 Xue Shura

Translator: 549690339

Tang Luo found a large suitcase and threw everything from the safe into it!

After packing the suitcase, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Brother Luo, why did you run off to Zhonghai?"

A man's voice came through the earpiece.

"Hmm, came here to handle some private affairs. You got the money, right?"

Tang Luo took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag.

"Already got it, five hundred million US dollars."

"Good, divide the money into three parts following the usual rule, one part to the 'Charity Fund', one part for you guys, and one part transferred to my account."

"OK, I'm on it."

"Fox, help me check on 'Vice Chairman of Zhonghai City Chamber of Commerce, Hu Nianhua' again, the more detailed the better."

"No problem, I'll get it to you as soon as possible."

"Hmm." Tang Luo nodded and blew a smoke ring. "How are the brothers doing?"

"They're fine, just a bit idle."

"Tell them to keep a low profile for now. The three major intelligence agencies in America haven't given up the hunt ..."

"Got it, everyone's aware."

After chatting for a bit more, Tang Luo hung up and was ready to leave.

But as he looked at the unconscious girl on the big bed, he furrowed his brows, wondering what to do with this little chick.

If she were Zhou Dafa's mistress, he wouldn't have any mercy and would just finish her off!

But now, what should he do?


She was innocent; he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Besides, this little chick was so pretty, destroying beauty would surely bring retribution!

Not kill?

She had already seen him. If he let her live, he feared endless trouble in the future!

Just as Tang Luo was pondering what to do, An Lan slowly opened her eyes.

Her gaze was initially confused, but then she seemed to think of something terrifying, her pretty face turned pale, and she instinctively looked down.

Zhou Dafa lay in a pool of blood with half his head missing, gruesomely drenched in blood!


The next second, An Lan let out another scream of terror.

"Hey, beauty, can you not scream so loudly?"

Tang Luo said, somewhat helplessly.


Hearing Tang Luo's voice, An Lan's screams abruptly ceased, followed by staring at him with eyes filled with terror.

He killed Zhou Dafa!

She saw him kill someone.Having witnessed that, would he kill her to silence her?

Almost instantly, An Lan entertained this thought, her face turning even paler, her body trembling uncontrollably.

"Beauty, tell me, how should I deal with you?"

Tang Luo said, looking at An Lan with a somewhat troubled expression.

Hearing Tang Luo's words, An Lan became even more convinced of her thought, bursting into tears, "Please, I beg you, don't kill me..."


Tang Luo was torn between laughter and tears. Did I say I was going to kill you?

But seeing An Lan's trembling, panicked, and pleading appearance, he couldn't help but feel a mischievous urge and said with a deliberately grim smile, "But you've already seen me committing a murder, how can I let you go?"

"No, please, I haven't seen anything, I beg you, don't kill me..."

"You haven't seen anything? But you clearly have."

Having said that, Tang Luo walked towards An Lan.

"No... don't come any closer!"

An Lan was terrified, her body scooting backwards continuously.

Tang Luo stood by the bed, his teeth bared in pretense, "You... "

But before he could finish, he saw An Lan's originally pale face flush with color as if she was feeling very unwell.

What's happening?

Tang Luo was bewildered by the sudden change of scene.

"So hot, please don't kill me, it's so hot..."

An Lan writhed, her consciousness becoming somewhat muddled.

Tang Luo, realizing what was happening, cursed silently.


Watching An Lan as she seemed about to pounce on him, he gave her a chopping strike to the neck.


An Lan let out a muffled groan, her eyes rolled back, and she fainted.

Tang Luo looked at An Lan and couldn't help but wryly smile. It was just supposed to be a simple killing, how did it turn into this!

Although he didn't mind having some interaction with such a beauty, taking advantage of someone vulnerable was not his style.

"Forget it, I'll take her away first!"

Tang Luo thought for a moment and made up his mind.

Seeing An Lan's condition, if he didn't intervene, her internal organs and brain might get fried. Even if she survived, she would become an idiot!

Considering the gunshots earlier and worrying that someone nearby might have heard and called the police, he decided it was best to leave immediately.

"What goes around comes around, who can escape the heavens—the executor of Heavenly Punishment, Xue Shura."

Tang Luo didn't leave immediately. Instead, he found something to dip into the fresh blood on the ground and wrote a row of flamboyant characters beside Zhou Dafa's body. Then, he picked up An Lan and dragged the suitcase, leaving the villa.