

Queen entered her mom's bar house that's combined with two extra rooms they lived in, a girl in her early twenty one with some extra natural beauty, wearing a short minne v neck gown length knee and her dazzling brown hair left loose at her back entering, the first sight she saw was Micah sleeping on the plastic table with the apron on her neck that's getting loose due to her shifting position when sleeping, queen quietly move closer and hit the table hard causing Micah who was a light sleeper,she jolted up wide awake immediately, saying we really don't have money please don't steal from us, queen laughed out to the core, seeing her beautiful sister acting crazy,sis it's me queen, no one is stealing anything from us, Micah was looking really dull at that moment, recognizing truly that voice was that of queen she sluggishly called in happiness, Queen!!!. she stood up lazily from her seat dragging her feet like they were sack of rice, spreading out her hands for a hug for queen to hug her, feeling that sweet and happy warmth around her she feels, queen tried to release herself but failed, queen strugglingly said sis do you really mean to kill this sister of yours cause you miss her, Micah pouted her mouth saying do you know how badly i really missed you ? i think you have no idea, she released her and kissed her cheeks, with this short time of their display Micah was already wide awake,she dragged queen to the nearest sit when they were already seated they talked, laughed and scold each other, Micah noticed queen was already cause it's getting late she quickly stand up to prepare her some food, leaving queen behind, getting to the kitchen she grabbed some noddles those are the fast food she could probably think of right now ....

Ten minutes later

Queen could really perceive the aroma of whatever Micah was cooking,the scent only was to die for she quickly stand up and put down her phone to see what she's busy doing, she bumped into Micah but fortunately nothing happened to the food she's dieing to eat, queen stretch out her hands, awnnn baby thank goodness you're safe she talked to the meal as if it's real, Micah looked at queen and dragged the meal she cunningly took from her she moved straight to the dinning table cause she knew her sister won't burge to eat right there where she's standing, queen dashed after Micah and happily sat down eating saying sis i would like to give you a treat for this kind job of yours for taking good care of your cute sis dearly, let's take a look this night at hoods, Micah widened her eyes in eagerness and happiness she gave her sis very choking hug from the back i really can't wait to taste those our usual drinks...

Earlier In country M

A man in his thirty one years of age wearing a deep blue jeans shirt, black inner top quality cloth and black jeans colliding with his black Snickers giving him a fresh twenty years old look, Adreson sitting on the chair swinging it from left to right, talking to his assistant on the phone if the flight is ready let me know I'm leaving this as soon as possible .