
Beasts Of Prey

In the unforgiving world of "Beasts Of Prey" where the strong devours the weak,there was an unspoken law of the jungle "Never become the prey". Romona has fought tooth and claw to navigate the vicious courts, malicious rivals and deadly schemes, time and again narrowly escaping death but fate takes an unexpected twist when her path collides with the mysterious boy with obsidian eyes. In a world where everyone has an agenda and danger lurks at every corner, Romona sees him as an angel holding the beacon of light but what she doesn't realize is he might as well as be the devil sent to lure,deceive and destroy. The question remains will Romona fall prey to his antics forgetting the one law of the jungle ? Will her heart lead her down the path of perilous passion that could prove to be her downfall? Dive into this thrilling werewolf story that will leave you on the edge of your seat with each page turned unveiling a new layer of suspense and temptation.

The_Lightening_Pen · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

The Stag

I needed a drink, preferably something strong to wrap my head around what I had just seen or maybe I wasn't entirely sure of what I had just witnessed. Infact I didn't even know what to make of it. I had just seen Estella in a compromising position with a man who was supposed to dead. In what twisted version of reality do the dead come back to life. What even made the situation even more disturbing was the way they gazed into each other's eyes,it was a look you reserved for the one person who meant more than the world to you.

No it can't be I told myself maybe it was all a delusion, a figment of my overworked imagination but deep down,I knew the truth was right in front of me hard and undeniably real. As I stood there frozen in disbelief my mind raced to find a logical explanation maybe it was a twin or some else who looked exactly like Gordon but that seemed a bit far fetched. I had known this man and there was no mistaking his identity,it was definitely him.

My heart ached as I realized the implications of what I had just seen. Gordon was the pack general of warriors before he was proclaimed dead,he had gone on a hunt oneday outside the pack borders and never came back when a search party was sent they found his clothes rip in shreds with his sword covered in blood, Gordon would never leave his sword behind expect something had happened to him,he cherished his sword too much always carrying the sword wherever he went,so he was assumed dead and a mourning ceremony was held for him,his death had sent shockwaves through out the pack he was a formidable general and was greatly missed but to see him well and alive entangled with my step mother in such a disgraceful manner,it was a betrayal among measure.

I couldn't stand there any longer watching the painful secene so I walked away,I knew I couldn't keep this to my self, my father deserved to know but how do I even tell him that the one person he had trusted so much and devoted himself was unfaithful,but then again would he even believe me, he would probably think I am making it up just to spite Estella and Estella had quite the talent to turn the narrative against me, I have seen it happen before she was quite the convincing liar,all it would take would be few words and Estella would convince my father and the entire pack that I was so envious that I was trying to ruin her reputation in other to gain favour from my father, besides the idea that Gordon was still alive sounded unimaginable, the pack conducted the mourning ceremony and the priestess performed the ancestry rites burying the last piece found belonging to him,it would be my words against her's, besides I had no prove, the pack already resented me I didn't want to give them another reason to fuel their animosity towards me which brought me to the fierce conclusion that I needed a stiff drink to numb the choas in my mind.

I found myself heading to the stag a place I thought I would never be caught dead in, not I had any aversions to the establishment and it's clientele but it was because I didn't tend to do well in such large crowds,I guess I got so used to being the wallflower that a little change in what I wasn't used to shakes me, above the entrance of the stag was a welcoming sign featuring a stag with antlers inviting patrons with a twinkle in it's painted eye, wolves often passing by found themselves enticed with the earth of camaraderie and the amber glow of ale, the air was filled with the lingering smell of hearth smoke and the lively chatter with clinking of tankards filled the air.

At the center of the tarvern stood a polished mohagany bar where patrons perched on high backed stools,their eyes glittering with mischief, I made myself smaller as I passed the big burly men, at a corner a group of masked nobles plotted their politically intrigues over hushed conversations their laugther betraying the thrill of their illicit liaisons, admist the relivery a duo of teenagers moved smoothly blending in with the crowd as they extracted wallets, jewelries and even occasional trinkets all the while maintaining the serene facade in order not to draw attention to themselves.

Near the hearth a trio of musicians strummed their instruments as they sang folk songs along the music providing a comforting backdrop for the evening, sighing I couldn't help feel out of place in the midst of all the carousing,I decided to have one more glass before I saw my self out the door but just then a loud bang resonated round the pub as a ruggedly figure that caught my attention strode in majestically like he owned the place,at his entrance a clam stillness descended the pub, the patrons gave respective nods of acknowledgement,he scanned the crowd as if he were looking for something in particular or rather someone and when he spotted me he had the audacity to wink.

Closing in the distance between us he approached me with a sly grin his lips parting in a way that sent shivers down my spine and when he spoke his words carried a certain undertone like he had a deeper meaning behind it.

"Well, well, well look who we have here,I heard that there was a fire cracker in the pub tonight,so I couldn't resist coming to check it out myself" Krian announced shamelessly, I raisied my eye brows up at that

" Firecracker huh,is that how you see me" I questioned pouting

"Let's just say you do have a way of setting things ablaze" he said giving me a suggestive glance and oh boy I was trying everything in my power to resist kissing those delicious lips of his but Krian wasn't making it any easier,I looked around the pub there where people gawking in our direction but Krian didn't see to care one bit. Ignoring the slight throbbing beneath my legs I decided to go for a neutral conversation however it was Krian's innate talent to infuse every topic with a sensuous allure turning even the most mundane discussions into playful insinuations.

I downed the contents of my glass all the while conscious of Krian's gaze on me,a drop of ale trailed from my lips down to my chest and I could hear Krian gulp and he eyes followed it's movement,I took my time with my drink so far this night was turning far more interesting than I anticipated

"You know it's quite a surprise to see you here Krian,if I didn't know any better I do say you are stalking me which is rather ungentlemanly and unconventional don't you think"

"Well I haven't been one to follow conversational norms,I tend to believe in seizing the moment and besides I do have a soft spot for strong drinks and even stronger personalities" he finished. I let out a belly laugh drawing the attention of every pair of eyes in the room.

Leaning closer my lips almost brushing his ear,I could feel him tense as my body came in contact with his,his breathing came in ragged breaths now I whispered "Is that so Krian, you think you can handle my strong personality" I didn't know where that came from I wasn't usually this bold but at the same time I was loving the effect it made on him.

Swiftly recovering he put on his cocky signature smirk " I have been known to handle just more than strong personalities darling" he purred his voice dripping with seductive confidence, the tension between us was palatable each gesture meant something more, the batting of eyelashes and the way his hands would occasionally graze my fingers as he spoke,each accidental touch sending ripples through my skin, tracing my fingers along the rim of his glass my words were slow and deliberate

"Tell me Krian what brings you to the neck of the woods tonight" he beamed radiantly "Oh I just felt like I needed a change of scenery you know how it is some times you need a little excitement in your life"

"And you tend to find that excitement in dark hidden places like this" I asked bewildered

"I tend to find excitement in all sorts of places darling but this one has a particularly enticing atmosphere" he stated devilishly

" And how about you belle flur here for a bit of the excitement and the promise of booze" at that statement my cheeks heated red " N...o not really, more like I needed a fresh breath of air" I offered

"I do say you have come to the right place , the stag has a way of making even the heaviest of hearts feel lighter" he informed

The sudden cacapony distracted us momentarily from our conversation at the far end of the bar a group of patrons had gathered around forming a circle as an elderly man regaled anyone who would listen to tales of his youth when he had travelled far and wide in search of a legendary mushroom which was said to cure even the deadliest aliment his tale grew more fantastical with each retelling but the locals indugled him enjoying the nostalgia of his stories. l couldn't help roll my eyes as the patrons listened wide eyed filled with wonder as the old man kept making dramatic and exaggerated gestures, Krian and I exchanged amused glances while shaked my head in disbelief behind me he grumbled

"That was quite a tale" and I couldn't help the way my lips twitched upwards

" Speaking of tales, you fervent this type of places regularly" I asked him curious

"Well most times,yes"

"And what is the most extra ordinary take you have heard in places like this" grinning like the idiot he was he muttered

"I don't know there are quite so many to choose from but I once crossed part with a group of normadic desert wolves who claimed to have tamed sand storms can you imagine, riding on the back of the ragging tempest" l laughed so that I gasped for breath between laughter my eyes moist with tears as I cluthed the edge of my seat.

That does sound really extra ordinary" I said admist fits of muffled laughter and when I stared back at him he had a look of accomplishment on his face

"What" I asked

"You seem a lot more better than when I first walked in, you looked sullen but I am happy to be the reason for the smile on your face" he said

If there was one thing I was absolutely certain of tonight, it was my gratitude for Krian's presence. A mere few minutes of conversation with him had the power to erase my previous worries,that was the remarkable thing about Krian, he had that magic in him ease my concerns and put a smile on my face. The fact that he had came looking for me filled my heart with an overwhelming warmth.

"You know Krian I have heard a lot of interesting rumours about you lately" I inferred trying to redirect the focus from me

"Really, please do tell" he asked wide eyed opened

"They said you you have a bit of a wild side to you, you seem to be daring dangerous type" I averred

"But surely you do know the rumours tend to exaggerate, but I can be dangerous in all the right ways if that is what you are into" he stated plainly

"And what I am drawn to the thrill of danger Krian? What if I revel in dancing on the edge?" A low, perilous growl slipped from his lips and there was a wicked gleam in his eyes as he suggested mischievously,"Then I propose we venture further into the abyss of danger tonight. How about a game?"

"A game"I responded taken aback

"I did mention that you intrigue me Romona

Let's just say I even more curious about the woman concealed beneath the veil" he drawled

"Fine what kind of game do you have in mind" I said in resignation and his mouth twitched

"The game is quite simple,we both take turns at guessing something about each other and for every correct guess I make I win and for every incorrect guess you loose, but there is a catch" he paused

"For every wrong guess you would take a shot of Nitro fury. Let's see how much you can hold your liquor" The challenge was evident in his tone and now I was so sure I was looking at Krian's evil side. Nitro fury was a drink that had earned it fair share of detractors because of it's unapologetic bold flavor, the intensity of it's tart and acidic taste was an overwhelming and unwelcoming experience for many. Nitro fury claimed the title of having the highest alcohol potentcy and with just two shots its effects sank in overcoming you with lightness. Seeing my slight hesitation he taunted

"What lightweight" he was smirking now and I so very much wanted to wipe that smirk off his face, I rolled my eyes underneath the veil though he couldn't see it

" Fine then since you are being so persistent" I stated and his smirk widened as he bellowed for the waiter to get the drinks. I couldn't help the feeling within me telling me that I was going to regret this,I certainly did not plan to drink me self to death tonight, and at the sight of the orange tinge liquid I sighed what had I gotten myself into.

Author's Note

If there is one thing Romona is about to find out is never get into a drinking brawl with Krian because never good ever comes out of it, Krian is like the drunken master 😁 meanwhile I have been trying all day to come up with a ship name for Romona and Krian but nothing seems to fit lol, I guess I might just give up then but if you have any ideas let me know.


So I just found out that you can't upload images in your chapters on webnovel which kind of sucks by the way, I really wanted you guys to see the way I visualize my characters to look like,so I figured out that the only way to put up the images is through the paragraph comments. So go down to the comment section I would be uploading my characters images there,I really wished webnovel made it easier to upload images so please you would have to bear with me since I can only upload one image at a time in the comments section,so go check out Krian cool picture down below and yes he is dripping sexy