
Beast of the Past

"I don't need your help," she declared with defiance. He advanced, forcing her to retreat until her back met an unyielding wall. Leaning in, he whispered with a low, rumbling voice, "You may not need my help, but you'll soon realize you want it." On that December night, Chloe's world falls apart with the brutal murder of her grandfather, thrusting her in front of merciless assailants. Faced with a bleak fate, a mysterious beast from a distant past saves her—a creature with an ancient purpose and a connection to Chloe that transcends imagination. However, the creature is bound by an unyielding mission—to return to his own time, the year 1927—while Chloe clings to the hope of reuniting her fractured family. In a race against time, Chloe and the beast must uncover a path that defies destiny itself. Will they conquer the relentless forces that threaten to keep them apart, or will their story become a tragic echo in the winds of time?

TitanRoseValentin · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Beast Saved Her

"Destiny wove their fates together with threads of eternity; no matter how they tried to unravel the tapestry, their hearts remained bound, inseparable, and forever entwined."

On that December night, the cold, pale moon hung high in the wintry sky, casting an ethereal light over the snow-covered streets of London.

Its soft glow painted a silver sheen upon the pristine landscape, and a frosty breeze whispered through the silent alleys, carrying the promise of winter's chill.

Down the Willowbrook Lane, a posh and quiet alley in London, the atmosphere within a local bar shifted as closing time approached.

Empty glasses and discarded beer bottles littered the floor, their presence accompanied by the faint, lingering melody in the background.

An eighteen-year-old, Chloe, teeming with the promise of a bright future, diligently attended to her part-time duties.

Her hazel eyes, framed by chestnut hair tied in a loose ponytail, sparkled as she began the task of clearing the remnants of the night's revelry, methodically gathering empty glasses and discarded beer bottles.

An hour passed in a blur of tiring work, and Chloe was finally satisfied with the bar's cleanliness.

She wiped her hands on her jeans, briefly considering her friend's fashion advice, and surveyed her baggy denim pants and worn jacket. "I do need a change of style," she admitted to herself.

She extinguished the lights and music with a resigned groan, plunging the bar into an eerie silence and darkness that felt unsettlingly profound.

With an unsettling feeling, Chloe collected two trash bags and locked the bar's doors, heading toward the distant dumpster in the parking lot. She approached the dumpster and ...


A scurrying mouse startled her briefly.

"Just a mouse, Chloe, just a mouse ... huh ..." she muttered, her hand resting on her chest to calm her racing heart.

She disposed of the trash and hastened her return along the path to her home.

As she walked, snowflakes fell gently from the cold night sky, accompanied by a chilly breeze that whispered through the urban sprawl.

The night's frigid breath nipped at her neck and ears, causing her to shiver. She clutched her black coat tighter and quickened her pace.

Ten minutes later, she reached her home. The locked front door led her to check her phone, revealing the time: 1:25 AM.

"I should've told him," She whispered apologetically as she dialed her grandfather's number. After several rings, she mumbled, "Please, Grandpa, pick up the phone."

Another sigh followed as she considered that he might already be fast asleep. She found the spare key beneath a potted plant, unlocked the door, and stepped inside.

To her disoriented surprise, her entrance was met with a collision against an object she presumed to be a table, further obscured by the inky darkness of the room. An uncanny and oppressive atmosphere enveloped her, making her initial steps into the house feel surreal.

"Grandpa, are you awake?"

Chloe's voice quivered as she called out into the profound darkness that had enveloped the house. Her heart raced with anxiety as she ventured forward cautiously, stumbling over objects strewn across the floor in her desperate attempt to navigate the obscurity. She reached out to find the light switch, and the room transformed abruptly.

The items that once occupied countertops and adorned the walls now lay scattered in disarray on the floor.

As her anxiety and fear continued to mount, she hurried towards her grandfather's room, desperately imploring, "Grandpa! Grandpa!"

"GRANDPA! Where are you?!" She yelled, racing to his room, her heart thudding loudly in her chest.

She pushed the door open, and the room's shattered state was revealed as she entered. The walls and furniture were marred with bloodstains, casting a dreadful shadow over the scene.

"Grandpa..." Chloe's voice trailed into a whisper as she took in the horrific sight.

She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Oh my GOD, oh God!"

Panic washed over her as she beheld her grandfather's lifeless body lying beside his bed, his throat grotesquely slashed open. An acrid, metallic stench hung heavy in the air, choking her senses.

She ran toward him, her emotions overwhelming her. "No-no-no-no ... no ... what's ... Grandpa ... please... oh GOD!"

Her voice broke into loud sobs, and she clutched her hand over her mouth, sliding down against the wall mere inches away.


Her cries seemed to have no end. Her heart felt as if it would burst. She wanted to hold her grandfather, to bring him back, and at the same time, a part of her urged her to flee this nightmarish scene. Her grandfather's death had left an indelible mark on her soul, one that she knew would never fade away.

Amidst Chloe's heart-wrenching cries, an unfamiliar man emerged from the bathroom, a sinister sneer on his face.

"Ah, what an extraordinary day it's been. I never anticipated claiming you as a bonus kill; the boss will be pleased."

Tears welled in Chloe's eyes as she beheld the man. She managed to stammer, "W-who are y-you?"

"None of your business," the man laughed menacingly, shrouded in black from head to toe, the blood of her grandfather splattered across his clothes.

Chloe knew she was outnumbered, and fear coursed through her veins. There could be more of them lurking in the shadows. She decided to take a chance to save herself. Turning on her knees, she stood up, showing her back to her assailant. In the reflection of the glass door leading to the woods, she could make out his menacing figure.

The man, concealed behind a mask, retorted, "Not so fast, sweetheart." He aimed a gun at her.

Fueled by fear, Chloe reacted swiftly. She clicked open the door and fled the house, escaping into the nearby woods. Her speed caught the man by surprise, and he pulled the trigger, causing the glass to shatter.

Running with all her might, her foot felt wobbly, but she had to run, it was the only way to save herself.

Tears streamed down her face, and branches lashed at her in the darkness, thorns scratching her face, neck, and the back of her palms. She gasped for breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

She never ran so fast in her life, her body was not cut out for an athlete, but she did it anyway.

Her only fault was glancing back for a moment, "AH!" resulting in her stumbling on a root and falling hard as her head collided with a rock.

Dazed and disoriented, she peered at her assailant, waiting for the imminent threat.

"Please ...." she whispered, her voice growing louder, "No ..."

"You fool!" The goon snapped back, his words escaping in rapid gasps, "Don't you understand, it's for the greater good!"

Her vision blurred as her focus waned. All she could manage were desperate whispers, "D-Don't ...."

Everything spiraled out of focus, and she turned to see a fuzzy image of her attacker, raising his gun, "... Please, no... please..." She begged, her voice trembling.

Closing her eyes and bracing herself for the impact, she waited for the gunshot.

She waited, and waited ... But instead, a deep, guttural growl resonated through the area.

"What the hell!" He exclaimed.

A dark blur surged out of the woods with an inhuman speed, pouncing on her attacker. The attacker's gun flew into the trees as the sounds of flesh being torn apart and agonizing screams filled the air.

Just as another attacker arrived, raising his gun, he barely had time to utter, "What the?" before the dark figure pounced again.

Chloe was too terrified to move as the gruesome sounds of mauling were followed by an eerie silence and ... stillness.

She could barely make out the outline of the figure now. It was broad-shouldered and muscular, with glistening canines and glowing, golden eyes: a man-creature, the Beast.

Their eyes locked, and she was filled with uncertainty.

Was she next?

And maybe it was her head injury or the way he looked at her but somehow, she knew he would never hurt her. As she gazed into the eyes of this mysterious figure, she felt a connection, a resonance between their heartbeats.

His eyes widened slightly, revealing a hint of recognition.

Before she could say a word, distant sirens wailed across the woods. He hesitated, as if reluctant to leave. Then, he vanished into the depths of the forest.

Who was he? 

Regardless of his origin, one thing was certain: whoever he was, from wherever he came from, it was absolute that he saved Chloe's life; and she couldn't help but feel that if the need ever arose, he would come to her aid once more.

I'd like you all to connect with me at my Instagram handle: valentintitanrose, and give you all some snippets before I release entire chapters!

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