
Beast Of The Night (Book 1: Love and Betrayal)

Rebekah Miklaus, an omega warrior, is tasked with hunting down the most dangerous rogue wolves. When her alpha commands her to kill the night beast terrorizing their pack or witness her family offered as food, she faces a daunting choice. Forced into the most challenging task of her life—killing the unseen night beast—she accepts the challenge. Unfortunately, her plan goes awry as she is ambushed, ending up knocked out and awakening in dungeons the next day. Chained and slated for execution by an unknown pack, she faces an uncertain fate. To her surprise, the pack's leader is revealed to be a lycan king, a figure only existing in the stories of her childhood. As their eyes meet, an unexpected circumstance unfolds, and she hears words she never anticipated in her entire life: "Mate."

joy_chigo · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

Chapter 1 - The She-Wolf

Raindrops danced on my silver fur, each one a staccato beat against the canvas of the forest.

I sprinted through the dense undergrowth, a blur of silver weaving between the shadows. The scent of damp earth and feral desperation lingered, a potent mix that fueled the speed of my pursuit.

The rogues disrupting the nearby pack would know the swift justice of my claws. rhythmic drumming of the rain on the leaves above.

Each droplet seemed to whisper a secret, urging me to press forward through the tangled web of branches. The forest, once a haven, now felt like a maze of shadows hiding the elusive rogues.

As I raced through the maze of branches, my heart pounded in beat with the rain, a primal chord echoing the intensity of the chase.

Golden eyes glowed with determination, reflecting the stormy night around me. Each step was deliberate, muscles coiled like springs, ready to unleash their lethal force upon the elusive rogues.

The scent of the rogue werewolves stayed in the air, a mix of damp earth and feral desperation. The wind howled, carrying with it distant howls that echoed with the haste of the hunt.

Anticipation gripped the forest, invisible fingers tightening around my senses. The thrill of the chase mingled with the anticipation of the impending confrontation, a heady cocktail that fueled my every stride.

The rogues' scent grew stronger, a Strong trail cutting through the rain-soaked air. I drift to a halt, the forest falling silent as if holding its breath.

Shadows danced between the trees, revealing the rogues – their fur matted, eyes gleaming with defiance.

I bared my teeth in response, a low growl roar from deep within, a warning that echoed through the silent night.

I could almost taste the adrenaline in the air as I closed in on my prey, the sharp anticipation fuelling my pursuit. the forest seemed to come alive with the rustle of leaves and the snapping of twigs.

The rogues sensed my presence, their shadows hidden between the trees like elusive ghosts.

My instincts heightened, and my ears perked as I deciphered the unstable heartbeat of the rogues. A beat of danger played around me, and I embraced it with a feral grin.

The rogues burst into view, their fur matted and wild, eyes gleaming with defiance. I drafted to a halt, my muscles coiled like springs ready to unleash their lethal force.

The rogues faced me, snarls escaping their lips, a primal display of charge. Raindrops clung to the tips of my fur, turning me into an animal of liquid silver as I crouched, ready to strike.

The air crackled with energy, and the forest transformed into a battleground, raindrops becoming liquid silver around us.

The rogues snarled in response, their teeth bared in a primal display of aggression. Raindrops clung to the tips of my fur, glistening like diamonds in the moonlight as she crouched, ready to strike.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, blurring the lines between instinct and intention.

Emotions coursed through me – the thrill of the hunt, a virtuous fury burning within. I was a protector defending my kin, and every snarl, every clash, was an expression of that commitment.


My name is Rebekah Miklaus, an omega warrior with a stature of 5'6", my frame etched with the sculpted grace of a relentless hunter. Jet-black tendrils gush down my shoulders, a gush of shadows that conceal the silent strength within.

My icy blue eyes pierce through the night, a reflection of the frigid resolve that defines me.

Beneath the moon's silver glow, my rosy lips hold secrets, a contrast to the untamed fierceness that courses through my veins.

Entrusted with the tough task of tracking down the most dangerous rogue wolves, my every step echoes with purpose.

The moon above casts its hearty spotlight on me, revealing the silent prowess that lies within my craved form.

Each muscle, toned and honed through trials untold, narrates a story of resilience and unyielding spirit.

I navigate the winding paths of the unknown with a well-toned body that mirrors the resilience of my spirit.

A testament to the unbeatable spirit of an omega who has embraced the call of the hunt.

my senses are intensified, tuned to the heartbeat of the night. It is a world where justice and danger entwine, where the unseen battles leave imprints on the soul of an omega warrior. I have faithfully purpose my purpose and have served to the very best of my ability!

It is no secret that I Rebekah Miklaus, am a force to be reckoned with through an omega but still the deadliest she-wolf that prowls the realm of dusk.

Swift justice is my calling, and the echo of my claws against the damp earth leaves behind a deep-rooted trail of shredded enemies.


The first clash is a burst of initial energy. My claws meet resistance, tearing through fur and sinew. The scent of blood mingles with the rain-soaked earth, a savage perfume that saturates the air.

The Rogues snarl and snap, but my actions are a hop of precision and lethal intent. In the chaotic tempo of battle, my instincts guide me – a deadly waltz under the moon's watchful eye.

Adrenaline courses through my veins and a vicious heartbeat prompt me forward. The rogues, desperate and wild, attempt to resist, but they are mere shadows against the might of the deadliest she-wolf.

Each strike is a statement of justice, a reminder that the natural order demands respect. The forest weaves a beat of chaos, and I am its enforcer.

The rain intensifies a persistent downpour that mirrors the storm within. Fur clings to my frame like liquid armor, sparkling with the moon's tears.

The rogues falter, overwhelmed by the unyielding force they dared to challenge. And I was going to deliver the final blow to enforce that which is nature's will. There they lay all weak, without strength, beaten and battered. Pride welled up in me as I growled and just as I was about to deliver the final blow.

I heard it!!