
Beast of Kriatori(FF)

A man by the name of Leviathan Kriatori dies only to be reincarnated as one of the most dangerous beast the world has ever known. Teen Wolf Fan-Fic Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for the characters named Kriatori Three Updates a week / If you want to support you can also use the info below. patreon.com/Kriatori

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Chapter 5: Built Different

When Lilith and I exited the forestry in the back of the house the first thing we saw was Bela making deep gashes into a tree ," let's wait for her to finish up here then we'll talk to your pack" I said as I sit back on a tree watching the blood spattered the snow beneath her, this was a way of training your claws and hand strength.

I had thought of this method simply from the fact that we have supernatural healing abilities so I found one of the hardest trees in our compound and tore into it until my claws broke only for them to grow back later with an even stronger durability.

I could tell from the blood marks on the tree that she was almost done, my father hated this way of training as he thought it was pointless though considering I never gave a reason as to why I did it other than saying slashing it was fun. This was the form of training I started at five years old. The pain was unimaginable but the abilities and physique to be gained were the only reason I needed to train my body the way I did.

Before I came to this world I pushed myself to the limit and toured in the army for a couple of years before I built my own private sector with the help of some funds acquired from my enemies.

I was always someone who hated answering to others so having money and personal strength was a must. That's why I was dedicated to seeing how far I could go, seeing as werewolves get stronger just by devouring the spark of energy from their kills. How can I not want to see what limit I'll reach? I know this is the real reason my father did the hunt, although I was arrogant it was never to the point of blatantly ignoring him I still showed him respect.

I never showed my father my abilities to do a full shift nor did I tell him the reason I did the numerous other torturous exercises and after my sister was born the second she was able to walk she started mimicking me, Though I never tried to stop her and even encouraged her to follow my exercises. Where my father saw arrogance my mother saw confidence and where he saw pointless fun she saw through me.

A woman's instincts are no joke especially your mothers, Lilith watched me closely every time I did my training not because she was worried but more out of curiosity. I never hid anything I did from her as I knew she would never tell my father what she found out simply because he CHOSE to be ignorant and not pay attention. I told him I wanted to train my way and he wasn't the least happy about it but results speak for themselves and I had a better physique than any Kriatori my age and this massacre just opened up my potential even more.

"Looks like she's at her limit, that's an hour longer than yesterday" Lilith says with a small smile as she watches Bela sitting on the grown breathing heavily, as we began to make our way over to her I noticed her little head look up slightly before looking behind her. Seeing us walk up she smiled from ear to ear before running over to us, her amber-orange eyes lighting up when she saw us.

"Where'd you guys go and where's dad I thought he left with you for training?" she asks with her head tilted and a confused look on her face. I turned to my mother who just looked at me with a face that read 'Well I'm not telling her', Rolling my eyes with a smirk on my face I just scoffed before I turned to Bela and stated firmly " I killed him".

Lilith's eyes widened as she most likely thought I would sugar coat it or even lie but what shocked her even more was Bela's response " Already!? I thought you said I could watch when you fought!" her cheeks were puffed up and I could tell she was genuinely upset that I didn't honor what I said and I take my word very seriously as a man's word is his bond.

Pinching her cheeks lightly replied " Well it wasn't exactly planned and he kinda forced my hand, look on the bright side I bought you a present" her face instantly did a 180 before she jumped up and down excitedly.

Looking over to my mother who took that as the cue before she showed one of the Alpha hearts that I procured, Bela literally drooled at the sight of the heart in front of her and since she just got done training this was the best time to eat it. One extra heart wasn't going to hurt me in any way as I would be getting more very soon.

Bela looked over to me in confirmation, and only when I nodded in return did she snatch the heart with bloodied hands and start devouring, my mother raised an eyebrow at that but didn't comment looking at Bela's face with her eyes closed and happily chewing as blood dripped down her face; I couldn't help but find her adorable.

"Slow down it's not going anywhere" I say with a wide smile on my face, I know just how tasty those hearts were as they were filled with such vitality that just thinking about it made my mouth water. "When you're done, come inside and get cleaned up, I'm going to explain what happened to Sven and the others".

Bela just nodded her head not even opening her eyes, as Lilith and I made our way to the house. Feeling my mothers gaze I asked " Are you curious why she didn't seem upset about dad or why she treats me like her Alpha?" The smirk never left my face as I spoke.

"Yes, even though I can probably make some guesses I feel like knowing your answer would be better than any assumption that will come to mind", Lilith replied.

It's because of this that I truly love this woman, she doesn't beat around the bush nor is she chained down by her own pride and animalistic instincts. Lilith was the type of woman who hated to be stagnant and she respected strength above all else, Even in the forest when I had her mate's neck in my jaws I knew she would never attack simply because it was her mates own overconfidence and lack of forethought that led to his demise.

"I'll explain that inside also, I have a lot of plans for the future and all of them involve blood, death and pure chaos". My eyes glowed as I spoke with conviction that I held close to my heart, looking over to my mother, her glow matching mine " I'll be looking forward to it".

'I guess it's time I speak to the old man, I'm gonna need a lot more information than what I already know'.

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