
Beast Lord in Demon Slayer

After dying at the hands of people he was supposed to be loved by our MC finds himself a chance to be reborn in the Demon Slayer world. Now he must try his best to enjoy his life, discover the secrets of the world, protect his friends and try his best to defeat the isekaid Miachel Jackson's army of demons.

ASHARA · Anime et bandes dessinées
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105 Chs

BLDS Ch 83: I promised a Spar

*Asura's POV*

"Let's examine the merits of dying," I said sighing.

At this point I was too tired to think of anything, sure I had ideas but nothing full proof. No watertight miracle plan that would absolutely go through.

"Keep up hope," Haku said though the words sounded like they came from a dying man.

As the oldest one out of our group, he was also the one trying to take the most stress and think the most about a solution. I was up there myself sure but I also had regeneration and Vitality so I was cheating in that regard.

For him though the constant stress was resulting in sleepless nights and bad health in turn.

"So says the dying man. Sigh, I can't figure anything concrete out. What the fuck should I even do." I said holding my head in my hands.

It had been 10 days already and the only task that had gone well was the commissioning of the blades, they'll be back by tomorrow from what we knew and I had a weapon up my sleeve that I had barely enough funds to commission.

"Why not do it like your brother?" Haku said pointing at Inosuke beating the ever-living shit out of two poor guys that had been stupid enough to do something in his general vicinity today.

'Maybe he's that worried cause of me?' I thought looking at my little brother giving trauma to the 2 punching bags. The 'Barracks' as I called this little enclosure had an open ground in the middle to train or get back into shape for members of the Corps, though the latter was rare for obvious reasons.

I knew Inosuke cared, in his own weird but small way he, of course, cared about what happened to Nezuko but he cared just as much if not more than it was me getting stressed and pacing around like a lunatic these days.

"He'll get better," I replied to Haku.

"That or the Barracks will run out of people willing to fight your brother. He had this weird thing he does with air, it's terrifying." Haku said with a small smile.

"Oh?" I said surprised. That was news to me.

"Oh hell yeah. He gets your legs all jumbled up and it's like the air is stuck for a moment. The next thing you know, you're down with half your head buried in the dirt." Haku said and subconsciously rubbed the side of his head.

" I... didn't know that," I said surprised.

" You know what, maybe it's a good idea to spar. Can't hurt." I said getting up. It was afternoon so mostly it was Corps members exercising or preparing lunch.

Others were scouting the general vicinity or on guard duty but other than them everyone was in the open area training one way or another. The place was big enough to hold 5 spars simultaneously and have enough room to have a bonfire in the middle.

"Hey Inosuke, wanna spar?" I said throwing my Wolf Pelt down. The Corps shirt was tied loosely around my waist allowing flexibility and ease of movement.

"Huh? Why now?" Inosuke asked drop kicking one of the poor guys in the face.

"Well I did promise you a spar, and honestly those guys will die if this continues." I said pointing at the pitiful state of his 'Sparring' partners.

"Sure. Dumb, Dumber we're done for the day." Inosuke said and the two guys looked at me as if I was the rebirth of God in mortal form.

" We'll never forget this, sir!" They said crying before running off.


"Guess someone took the no talking tip to heart," I said holding Inosukes right hand a foot away from my face.

I was quite proud he hadn't waited to start the fight, getting the jump on enemies was unsavory but hey sometimes you gotta do shit. And if I was being honest Inosuke would definitely need to get the jump on me if he expects a win.

I was brought out of my thoughts with a spin kick to my head that I stopped with my other hand.

Before Inosuke noticed the restraint I had on two of his limbs, I snaked my right leg over his and in one Swift motion tripped him to the ground.


I let go and retreated a few steps to avoid the kick to my chest which allowed Inosuke to retain his bearings as he took position with his upper body leaned forward.

'So my lower body is gonna be attacked.' I noticed and changed my stance. Inosuke definitely noticed but continued to rush at me anyway.

'He definitely has something up his sleeve.' I thought as I stopped a barrage of kicks that made my arm and bones creak.

"Let's bring this up to speed shall we?" I said before starting counter attacks.


Inosuke turned his head to the right to avoid a sharp impalment by my claws.

He noticed my other hand coming towards his stomach and twisted his stomach so it barely brushed past it. If my hand were turned into claws that would've been disembowelment for him


"Huup..." I intook a sharp breath of air as my lungs burnt. I hadn't noticed the jab at my neck which had forced my breath out.

One of my hands reached my throat to force air in, a reflexive reaction while I did a piss poor job of keeping my head safe from the ridiculous barrage of kicks.

It took me a moment to get my bearings, but that was enough to let Inosuke land a kick straight to my waist making me lose my balance and shift to my right.

I immediately used the momentum to turn but just as suddenly found one of my legs restrained by air, as if the space somehow turned smaller for a moment.

That moment of delay was enough for Inosuke to launch a kick with his full strength and body weight behind it.

I brought both my hands up to stop the kick from landing clean and rag-dolled 5 meters back and barely got up fast enough to notice Inosuke coming for my legs and I started to dance throughout the whole field barely being able to place a step on the ground before the place was hit by a kick.

It wouldn't have been as great of a problem if it weren't for those small waitings when the air sort of stopped around my feet or my hand.

I was quickly getting used to it but there wasn't any way I could feasibly overcome it

Inosuke was getting more confident and spun in the air to try and land a kick straight on my face.

'No you don't.' I thought and with full strength grabbed his leg and took his body stuck in the air and held on as I threw it at the ground.

I didn't let go as I landed a punch or two, not allowing Inosuke to get back on his feet or God forbid get back into his kicking frenzy, and finally getting tired he launched a bash to my chest so I would retreat.

With speed even I was surprised with I grabbed his fist before it had traveled less than a fingers length in the air and with my other hand grabbed his neck.

He gave up air and not allowing him time to regain air my legs immediately locked him to the ground with my strength in it so he could barely move.

"You lost," I said with my hand still on his neck.
