
Beast Control: Starts

When Qiao Yi opened her eyes, She realized she had transmigrated into a Into middle-school student in the beast-control world, what does know she not the only one. (Fanfic of Beast control start zero own Qiao Yi)

Needsleep2002 · Romance
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: Pet Base

Chapter 4: Pet Base

Their mother hesitated before asking, "Isn't Fire Tiger and Fire Tooth Dog too aggressive?"

When Beast Master chose pets, they undoubtedly considered attributes, talents, and potential.

However, for new Beast Masters, the most important factor was the temperament of the pet.

Little Fat Dove, White Sands Fox, Short-Tailed Snake, Sand Rat, and dark-haired Turtle were all great choices for newbie Beast Masters, with their personality playing a significant role in the reason.

Pets raised at the pet base weren't all docile and non-aggressive toward humans.

An inexperienced Beast Master contracting an aggressive-tempered pet as their first companion would be a recipe for disaster. They wouldn't even be able to command it in battle, let alone train it.

Last year, a teenager in Kainan City, who had just finished the high school entrance exam, contracted a Flame Sparrow, but within two days, the Flame Sparrow chose to endure backlash rather than stay contracted. The teenager suffered severe mental damage. He entered high school six months later, he was far behind his peers.

Later, in an interview, he revealed that the whole incident started because he wanted to make the Flame Sparrow strike a few poses for his social media posts...

This news even trended on the hot search for a time.

Most fire-type pets were rough and wayward, and Fire Tiger and Fire Tooth Dogs were no exception.

But Qiao Yi didn't think so. An entire species couldn't have exactly the same temperament. There had to be some with different personalities.

"Mom, you said We have a talent for Beast Control. I think Fire Tiger suits me," Qiao Yi said. Qiao Sang also said same about

Fire Tooth Dog.

Fire Tiger and Fire tooth dog are both fire-type pet, very strong in attack. They would definitely qualify them for the E-level Beast Master assessment after a certain stage of evolution.

However, while Fire Tiger and Fire tooth dog weren't as expensive as superpower-type pets like Bubbly Bells, they still cost more than pets like Little Fat Dove.

Pets like Little Fat Dove, the first choices for new Beast Masters, cost around 30,000, while Fire Tiger and Fire Tooth Dogs are each about around 100,000.

Qiao Yi and Qiao Sang understood their family's financial situation; they could afford that amount.

"Alright, then. Tomorrow morning, I'll take you both to the pet base," their mother agreed without further ado.



The next morning, just as dawn was breaking, Qiao Yi and Qiao Sang was awakened by their mother.

Their bedroom big enough for two single beds, two desks and two wardrobe and enough room to walk around.

Under their mother's urging, it took only 15 minutes for them to get ready and have breakfast. By the time they were ready to leave, it was only 7:06.

Qiao Yi and Qiao Sang both look like they hadn't fully woken yet.

Until they reached the Hangang Pet Base.

The Hangang Pet Base wasn't in the city; it was in the suburbs, over 40 kilometers from the city center.

By the time Fat Family Dove brought them to the Hangang Pet Base, it was 8:31 AM.

They coincided with the opening hours of the pet base.

Because it was so early, they were the only three people there to buy pets.

No appointment was necessary, and there was no need to wait in line.

A female staff member, who appeared to be in her thirties, greeted them.

"Can I help you with anything?" she approached, wearing a professional smile.

"We'd like to buy a Fire Tiger and Fire Tooth Dog," Qiao Yi mother got straight to the point.

"Sure, please waita moment, l get a another staff to show you the Fire Tiger while l take the other to Fire tooth dog," soon a another staff member approach a middle age man greeted them.

Qiao Yi followed the male staff while Qiao Sang and their mother followed the female staff, they meet up after they made contract with their choosen pet beast to pay.

Qiao Yi always been more trust worth than her sister so her mother agreed.

The male Staff member was clearly experienced and kept talking and explaining things along the way, preventing any awkwardness from settling in.

"We currently have 17 Fire Tooth Dogs in the base. They're all in good condition, with 2 of them on the verge of evolving. Among the other 15, 11 have already learned Spark."

"Four have even learned Fireball. They're a few centimeters taller than the same-age Fire Tiger. There are also 5..."

During the introduction, they had already arrived at the place where Fire Tiger were raised.

Fire Tiger a feline beast pet that resemble a Siberian tigers in previous life but their purs more redesh than orange, have same black strips with white belly and white spots on face, ears.

Couple of of the Fire Tiger were laying on floor in resting while the rest for fighting each other or train skills their skills.

They were very energetic and fierce, she could properly guess why new beast master prefer gentle pets beasts.

The male Staff member noticed she looking at them and asked."Do you have any Fire Tiger in mind? I can bring it over for you to take a closer look."

Qiao Yi shock head, as she looks around trying to find one that catches her interest.

The male Staff didn't rush her, he guessed she a another self awaken Beast Master because a girl from Wencheng Middle School had arrived three days ago, also a self awakener, accompanied by her parents to contract a pet. He was just applying his guess to Qiao Yi, otherwise why would her parent let see a pet beast on her own plus it's not yet the time when the Beast Control Alliance conducts the unified awakening of brain domains each year.