
Chapter 88

Zifeng City.

In a dark bar.

It's obviously still daytime.

But the entire bar was airtight, with no light at all.

The bar is a feasting place with colorful lights constantly shining.

Countless people were changing glasses inside, making it very lively.


There was an imperceptible sound of pushing the door open, and a man shrouded in black robes was seen. He had slowly walked out. His fourth-level peak cultivation was undisguised and spreading in all directions.

The man in black robe just appeared.

The atmosphere in the entire bar couldn't help but feel stagnant.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and even breathed a little more carefully. There was a hint of fear in their eyes when they looked at the man.

Because they knew very well how terrifying the man was and how much blood was stained on his hands.

Under everyone's gaze.

The man in black robe has come to the bar and is looking at a bartender who is wiping the wine glass.

The bartender raised his head and said,"Yue Wuguang, I knew you would come."

Yue Wuguang stared at the other person and said lightly:

"The thing about the king's beast egg is true.

The bartender nodded and said:"There is absolutely no mistake. You should also know that those who give tasks here know the rules and will never break their promises.""

The black market has black market rules. The water here is very deep. There used to be people who defaulted on their debts, but in the end they all died miserably.

"Very good, really good."

A flash of blood flashed in Yue Wuguang's eyes:

"As long as I can get that beast-controlling egg, I can become a true fifth-level strongman."

Although he has a great reputation and is one of the few strong men in a city, king-level beast-controlling eggs are definitely rare, so he will never let them go.

"Well, but you have to hurry up, there are many people who have gone before you."

The bartender said slowly.

"Hahaha, I know a little bit about that little kid. After all, he is the number one scholar in a hundred cities, and he is not something that ordinary trash can deal with."

Yue Wuguang laughed and turned around to leave.

In the wild


With a shrill wail, a ninth-level lord beast fell to the ground amid the wail, raising a large amount of smoke and dust.

A tall man with a strong build was stepping on him, his face covered with He looked indifferent.

And behind him, there were also several people following him.

All of them exuded quite powerful spiritual power fluctuations.

"Ring ring ring….."

The phone rang and the tall man answered the phone

"Hey, it's me, Shangguan Chengfeng"

"Is such that…About a bounty….."

"This is true"

"absolutely true"

"Hahaha, okay."

Shangguan Chengfeng let out a long roar and shouted to the people behind him:

"Let's go, don't delay here, there's a big deal, come with me."

Jinfeng City.

In a remote house.

Several people have gathered here. They all exude fourth-level spiritual power. They are all rare masters.

"Haha, we brothers haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Yes, I wonder why the boss summoned us?"

"I do know this. You should have also heard about the huge bounty on the black market. My dear, let's not forget the two billion, but the King's Beast Egg is truly something you can't find."

"That's it, no wonder the boss summoned us all."

A few people were talking to each other, and their expressions were getting more and more excited.

But at this moment, everyone's expressions suddenly moved, and they all looked in the direction of the door. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) click…..

The door was pushed open, and a man with gray hair mixed in with his hair slowly walked in.

Every step he took seemed to be carefully measured, and it could be said that they were exactly the same.

"Boss, you are here."

Everyone stood up immediately, with extremely respectful expressions.[]

"I have called you here today for no other reason than for the reward of the king's beast. Guan

Feiyang said:

"This time it's my business alone. If you want to quit, you can leave now"

"Haha, who does the boss think we are?"

"That's right, when the time comes to take the head off Su Yun's neck, you can take the beast-control egg. We only need the two billion bounty."

"Very good, then everyone come with me."

Guan Feiyang waved his hand and walked towards the door.

After a moment, the whole room was empty.

"What happened recently, and why are there so many strong men of unknown origin in the city?"

"Check it, check it for me quickly, I need to know the truth."

Zhang Wuying's angry roar came from the headquarters of the Jinfeng City Patrol Team.

On this day, all the patrol team members in Jinfeng City had already taken action.

Suddenly, the darkness of Jinfeng City, which had just calmed down, had changed. The waves are surging.

The underground trading hall of Jinfeng City.

Countless powerful people have gathered here.

Everyone is standing or sitting.

Looking at the eyes of the people around them, they are all full of vigilance. And at the front of the hall.

There are several figures standing. Although the auras of these people are completely different, the spiritual power they exude is extremely powerful, and they have all reached the fifth level.

"Hahaha, we all thought about it together. Do you want to come here to get information?"

With a loud laugh, an old man with gray hair has slowly walked in.

He walked very slowly, but very calmly, and a strong smell of blood was constantly exuding.

"The beheaded person is Chu Yun Kuang."

Looking at this old man, everyone around him showed fear on their faces.

Because this man can be said to have committed all kinds of evil, and he was already a federal S-class wanted criminal decades ago.

But even so.

Still at large.

I didn't expect to show up in this place.

"Humph, because of the King's Beast Egg, all sorts of monsters and monsters have appeared. Yue

Wuguang snorted coldly, but ignored it and said to the staff of the exchange:

"Where is Su Yun now? Give me his information. I will pay you any amount."