
Chapter 51

"The black beast turned out to be….How can this be?"

The man in black robe stared at all this with horror in his eyes.

His main beast master was easily killed by a commander-level beast master.

Even if there is a difference in blood, there should be no difference in strength. It's only right that he is so big.

But after all, the man in black robe has experienced hundreds of battles.

After a brief shock, spiritual power surged all over his body.

The summoning circle appeared again.

With a cry, a black shadow reached the sky. rise and hover in the sky

[Name]: Hurricane Eagle

[Level]: Commander of the ninth level

[Talent]: Intermediate speed talent, low-level recovery talent

[Attribute]: wind

[Lineage]: High Commander

[Skills]: Storm blade, violent wind, high-altitude dive

"Hurricane Eagle, uses violent wind."The man in black robe spoke immediately.

As the hurricane bird's wings vibrated, endless strong winds were already rippling out, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, shrouding Xiaobai's direction.

"Xiaobai, breath of fire."Su Yun said lightly.

Xiaobai immediately raised his head and looked at the endless wind that swept over him. His eyes seemed to be contemptuous. He opened his mouth slightly and his extremely hot breath rippled out.


The mighty flames shot up into the sky and turned into a shocking beam. The pillar of fire, as if the flames could burn everything, easily tore through the strong wind, turning the front into a fiery red

"Get out of the way, Hurricane Eagle."The man in black robe said through the message.

No need to be reminded at all, the hurricane eagle had already made a dodge action, dodging narrowly and narrowly, but one of its wings was still burnt black by the hot breath. It let out a sharp whine, and even its flying posture was a little unstable.

"Hurricane Eagle, uses Storm Blade."

The hurricane eagle hovered, a look of resentment flashed in its eyes, and the wind blades made a harsh sound of breaking through the air. They seemed to be steel-like blades, falling towards Xiaobai like a violent storm, directly blocking it. It has the possibility to dodge.

Faced with all this,

Xiaobai's mouth showed a hint of disdain, and the whole body was filled with cold air. The cracked ice armor had been repaired as before. Ding, Dang, Dang,

Ding Dang! It was like the sound of metal. The sound kept resounding.

The wind blades fell on Xiao Bai's body, unable to defeat the ice armor's defense at all, and could not even leave the slightest trace on it.

"With only this level of attack, Xiaobai should ignore the hurricane eagle and directly deal with his master."

Su Yun looked at this scene, shook his head gently, and ordered to Xiao Bai

"Damn it….."

"Hurricane Eagle, you also attack the opponent's owner."

The man in black robe cursed angrily. While trying to force Xiao Bai to defend, he had chosen to summon his third beast. The summoning circle appeared.

A humanoid beast covered in pitch black and like weeds. Already appeared in front of the man in black robe

[Name]: Black cord grass

[Level]: Commanding the Sixth Level

[Talent]: Intermediate defense talent, low-level recovery talent

[Attribute]: Wood

[Lineage]: Middle leader

[Skills]: Plant restraint, vine shield, vine whip

"Black Cord, use Vine Shield."

The black rope grass has vines all over its body, and they began to intertwine crazily, forming a huge shield that completely enveloped itself and the gangster man.

At the same time, the hurricane eagle had dived from high altitude at an extremely fast speed. Down, the claws flashed like bursts of cold light.


Su Yun snorted coldly, quickly raised one hand, and the spiritual power all over his body surged crazily. The spiritual power impacted.


The mighty spiritual power turned into a shocking torrent and landed on the body of the hurricane eagle. , and knocked it away directly.

In another place,

Xiaobai had already launched a charge, and the ice armor all over his body had disappeared, replaced by endless flames.


The flames burst out.

Thick vines The shield disappeared in an instant, and Black Rope Grass didn't even have time to cry out before its entire body was burned to death.


The man in black robe looked at Xiaobai who was so close, his whole body shrouded in flames. He could only scream in horror, and his consciousness fell into eternal silence.


The rock python also noticed the battlefield here, and saw a hint of fear in its eyes when it saw Xiaobai showing off his power.


But just for this distraction, the huge fist of the Diamond Ape King had already landed on He hit his head and beat him dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, the rock python had been attacked by the King Kong Ape King like a violent storm, and there was no room for counterattack.



Cracks appeared on the body of the rock python. It emerged from above and finally covered his whole body.

Smashing fist!

The Diamond Ape King roared, and the white light that tore everything rippled out from the fist, and it fell hard on the body of the rock python.


The terrifying power exploded.

The rock python's body had completely exploded.

"You two did a great job."

Su Yun began to clean the battlefield.

First, he searched the body of the man in black robes and obtained nearly 10 million worth of unnamed credit cards, as well as some rare materials, all of which he put into his space bag.

Then he collected the body of the man on the ground. Except for the beast core, most of the materials of the beast's corpse were converted into resource points by him.


Su Yun took the two beasts and came to the silver ground in front of him in great spirits.

No other abnormalities were found.

I have already picked the Silver Flower Grass


The Diamond Ape King looked at Silver Flower Grass with a look of longing on his face.

Silver grass for it.

The attraction is just too great.

It can be sure that as long as it eats Silver Flower Grass, its strength will definitely reach a whole new level.

"Give it to you, look at how anxious you are."

Su Yun shook his head in a funny way, and handed the Silver Flower Grass directly to the Diamond Ape King.

The King Kong Ape King cheered, took the Silver Flower Grass, and ate it carefully.

The next moment, the King Kong Ape King's whole body was filled with tears. There were bursts of silver light, and the breath also underwent subtle changes.


The King Kong Ape King screamed, feeling his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"Going into deep sleep?"

Su Yun looked at this scene thoughtfully.

This situation is recorded in the book.

Generally, this situation will happen when the bloodline undergoes purification changes.

In a flash of thought,

Su Yun has included the Diamond Ape King as a beast. In space.

Only with the help of the power of the beast-controlling space can the Vajra Ape King quickly complete its transformation.