
Be Very Afraid- Horrors At The Attraction #5: Aquatic And Automatic

Synopsis: Everyone Is Afraid Of The Unknown However When People Get Too Nosy It Leads To The Worst Scenarios. A Bunch Of Kids Discover An Abandoned Aquatic Theme Park Which Is Sponsored By Doug's However When They Trespass Their Met With An Marine Horror. Two Cops Are Called After Suspicious Activity Is Happening At An Apartment Complex But What They Discover Is Something Beyond Their Wildest Dreams And... Nightmares. Hikaru A Simple Camera Man Is Looking For A New Camera However When He Finds A Vintage One In The Alley He Claims It But It's Soon Discovered The Camera Could Change People's Lives For The Worst.

TheUnknown_goat · Horreur
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Chapter 3- True Desire:

The Warm Sun Beats Down Upon The Backyard, The Air Fragrant With The Smell Of Freshly Grills And Smoked Meats. A Group Of Friends And Family Are Gathered Around A Large Grill Or Smoker, All Smiling And Chatting As They Enjoy The Good Weather, Along With The Delicious Food. As They Talk And Laugh, The Smell Of Smoked Meats, Grilled Veggies, And Homemade Side Dishes Drifts In The Air.

The Atmosphere Is One Of Peace And Joy, As Everyone Enjoys The Warmth Of The Sun And The Good Company. This Is A Backyard BBQ, A Happy And Relaxing Time That Brings Joy To All. At One Of The Tables However Was A Blonde Man Named Hikaru.

Hikaru Was A Popular Photographer In The Town And Decided To Come Over To His Parents House For The Day To Catch Up. Along With His Three Other Pals That Being Wakatsuchi, Urata And Toju. 

Wakatsuchi Is A Beautiful Short Pink Haired Girl Lush Green Eyes, She Wore A Beautiful Hot Pink Turtleneck Sweater Along With A Blue Jacket. In Addition She Also Wore Adorable Little White Loafers. 

Urata Being The Nerd Of The Group Wore His School Uniform For Some Reason As He Rarely Ever Took It Off. Coupled With Short Grey Hair And Ocean Blue Eyes. He Was There Mostly To Flex All Of This Intelligence Onto People. 

Lastly, Was Of Course Toju Who Had A Troubled Past However Has Changed Due To His Friendship With His Pals. He Wore A Simple Grey Suit Jacket With A White Shirt As He Currently Works At An Office Near Ginza State. 

Hikaru Was Currently Trying To Fix His Camera Although It Was A Bit Difficult As For Some Reason The Screen Was Buffer Alot For No Reason. But He Couldn't Just Leave His Prized Possession As He Had This Camera Since He Was Eight.

"Dammit... Why Is My Prized Work Failing On Me Now?" He Sighed Shaking The Camera Aggressively. Nevertheless, It Was Futile He Then Glanced At The Trash Bin And Thought It Was Finally Time To Let An Old Relic Die. 

"Well I Guess It's Time My Beautiful Creator Of Art" He Caressed The Camera Wiping The Dirt Off With His Fingers Before Getting Up And Throwing It In The Trash. To His Surprise Though He Spotted Something Glistening In The Trash. 

As He Rummaged Through The Thousands Of Discarded Items That Were Now In The Trash He Managed To Get His Hands On The Glistening Object. It Surprisingly Was A Polaroid SX-70 SLR Camera With A Sonar Autofocus, His Eyes Sparkled At The Sight, It Was Like Love At First Sight.

As He Examined The Camera From Top To Bottom, It Seemed That It Was Almost In Pristine Condition. "This Has To Be Luck... God's Luck Hahaha, These Cameras Are Old Marvels!" He Cheered Embracing The Camera Tightly. "I Need To Test It On Something" He Thought To Himself About What He Could Take A Photo Of.

This Opportunity Came Almost Instantly Yet As Something Poked His Shoulder As He Turned Around It Wakatsuchi, She Had A Wide Grin On Her Face As Usual. "Hello Hikaru-pie!" She Teased Nudging Him Playfully While Giggling Like A Little Girl.

"Oh Hi My Frivolous Friend How May I Be Of Service?" He Asked With His Usual Prideful Tone And Reserved Attitude. "Oh Well~ It's Simple Hehe!" She Then Grabbed His Hand Taking Him To His Parents And His Friends They Seemed To Be In A Formation That You'd See On Family Photo Shoots.

"It's Simple Really We Need A Brave Photographer!" She Cheered Before Speaking Up Again In Her Squeaky Voice "Will You Do It?" She Begged With Puppy Dog Eyes. "Aha! Of Course I Am The Best Photographer Course" He Dusted Himself Off In A Prideful Way.

He Then Held His Polaroid Camera In Position And With A Few Hand Gestures Commanded People To Get Into Correct Places. This In Turn Allowed Him To Make A Beautiful Photo, Or As He Calls It "A Magnificent Piece Of Art". Then When Everyone Was In Position He Snapped A Photo As A Large Flash Went Off.

As The Photo Slides Out The Polaroid It Looked Almost Perfectly However He Had To Flop It Around A Little To Get A More Clear Image. The End Result Was Spectacular For An Old Camera Everyone's Faces And Smiles Were Highlighted Perfectly.

The Group Then Came Around Him Wanting To See The Marvelous Of This Small Camera. "Wow I Looked So Cuteeee!!!" Wakatsuchi Exclaimed With Joy. "Huh Did A Great Job Pal" Urata Patted Him On The Back With An Approving Gaze. "I-I Guess It's Good" Toju Stutters With His Usual Awkwardness And Shyness. 

Nevertheless, As The Group Started Cheering Him On He Noticed Something That They Couldn't See. It Seemed To Be Crow Of Sorts Laying Flat On The Ground In A Puddle Of Its Own Blood. However As He Looked Back At The Area He Took The Photo With He Noticed That Crow Was No Were To Be Seen.

Immediately, A Large Crash Sound Was Heard As A Black Bird Fell Onto The Ground With A Large Thud. Everyone Gathered Around It In Pure Shock, The Bird Too Was In The Exact Same Position It Was As In The Photo. Hikaru Couldn't Believe His Eyes As His Eyes Widended As well And His Skin Grew Pale With Fear.

The Next Day, The Group Decided To Meet Up At A Cafe To Talk About The Camera, The Cafe Is Buzzing With Life. People Are Talking, Laughing, And Eating Their Lunch. The Smell Of Fresh Coffee Fills The Air And Makes It Seem More Alive. The Atmosphere Is Full Of Energy And Enthusiasm. Everything About This Cafe Is Lively And Energizing. 

It Is The Perfect Location For Meeting Up With Friends, Catching Up With Loved Ones, Or Just Enjoying A Meal Alone. He Layed Down The Camera On The Table For The Group To Look At In Intrigue. 

"So You're Trying To Tell Me... That This Camera Can Alter Fate Of Things? And That Fate Is Usually A Dark Fate?" Urata Spoke With Skepticism And Doubt Since He Believed In Science This Seemed Very Illogical. "I Don't Know How To Explain It But That Crow That Fell From The Sky... Well It Seemed Like It Wasn't Meant To Die" He Shrugged In Response.

"Well Natural Selection Is Always Surprising You Know Hikaru" Urata Argued With Science As Per Usual. Wakatsuchi On The Other Hand Seemed To Be Playing With Camera Instead Of Actually Examining It, As She Wasn't Used To A Polaroid Camera She Kept Looking For The On Switch. 

"Hikaru-pie This Is A Confusing Camera" She Wined While Pulling On His Arm, With A Tears In Her Eyes. "Well I'll Show You Later Wakatsuchi For Now We Need To Figure The True Contents Of This Camera" He Announced While Ruffling Her Hair. 

"Thanks Hikaru-pie, Hee-hee~" She Giggled While Resting On His Shoulder. "W-Well I Think We Should Give It To A Trusted Person And Let Them Keep It Hidden From The Outside World While We Figure Out The Camera In It's Entirety" Toju Recommended With A Nod And His Usual Stuttery Voice.

"Brilliant Idea Toju, Now The Question Is Who To Give It To?" Hikaru Placed A Finger On His Chin On Deep Thought, He Knew Full Well Wakatsuchi Would Probably The Least Viable As She'd Probably End Up Breaking It, Urata Probably Wants Nothing Do With This, Toju Seems The Most Unlikely To Cause Any Problem So He's A Perfect Choice.

"Right I Think The Best Course Of Action Is To Give It To Toju" He Pointed To Toju Throwing Him The Camera The Latter Of Course Caught It With His Reaction Time. "U-Uh Sure I Mean I'll Be Fine" He Nodded Clutching The Camera Tightly.

"Well This Concludes This Meetup" He Nodded Waving His Hand Dismissing Them All Toju Seemed To Getup First Holding The Camera Tightly And Nodding As A Sign Of Thanks For Receiving The Camera From Hikaru. Then Urata Got Up He Seemed Eager To Research About The Properties Of Supernatural So He Could Understand What This Camera Is. 

Wakatsuchi And Him Were Now The Only Ones Left At The Table, So Wakatsuchi Saw This As A Perfect Opportunity To Hangout With Him One On One. "Sooooo~ What Do You Wanna Do Hikaru?" She Asked In A Cutesy Voice With A Wink.

"Well I Guess We Could Head Back Over To Yours As That Chaos Has Now Been Averted" He Nodded With Chuckle And A Reassuring Smile. "HUH? Really? Ufufu~" She Giggled With A Smile Now Painted Across Her Face.

So The Two Decided To Walk Out Of The Cafe, 

The Night Sky Is Clear And Star-filled, Making The Night Seem Even More Peaceful. The Sounds Of The City Are Muted, Leaving Just The Sound Of The Wind. The Air Is Crisp And Fresh, Allowing You To Breathe Deeply And Feel The Calmness. 

Hikaru Gazed Up At The Stars And Then Out At The Moon, And He Felt A Sense Of Peace And Relaxation. This Is Truly A Peaceful Night, One That Soothes The Mind And Eases The Soul. Wakat Then Took The Opportunity To Place Her Arm Around His, This Sudden Advance Made The Usual Easygoing Hikarus Cheeks Grow Red Like Roses. 

The Two Now Walked Arm In Arm As They Headed To Hikarus Place, The Latter Wasn't Used To Just Having A Girl Over At His Place As It Was Usually The Group All Together At His Place. So This Was A First.

As Two Arrived At His Home, He Let Her Inside First As Any Gentleman Would And She Was Presented With A Perfect Living Room Which Was Warm And Inviting. The Colours Are A Combination Of Light And Dark Shades, Blending Together To Create A Cozy Atmosphere. The Furniture Is Comfortable, With Soft Couches And Recliners. The Rug Is Thick And Comfortable Under Your Feet. There Are Plenty Of Pillows And Blankets Scattered Across The Room. 

The Windows Let In Plenty Of Natural Light During The Day, And The Curtains Block Out The Light In The Evening. The Perfect Living Room Should Feel Like A Second Home, And This One Definitely Fits The Bill. "Wow Hikaru-pie You Really Changed It Up It Looks... It Looks...Hmm" Wakatsuchi Found It Hard To Describe. 

"An Artistic Masterpiece I'd Say" Hikaru Answered For Her Patting Her Shoulder, "Yeah That's What I Was Gonna Say Hehee!" She Smiled With A Firm Nod Even Though She Knew Full Well That She Wasn't Gonna Have The Same Answer As Him.

"Well It's Really Late So I Guess Dinners Off The Table" He Yawned Before Walking Upstairs "I'll Go Get Changed Then" Wakatsuchi Stated In A Cheery Tone However She Seemed To Be Plotting A Little Prank As Per Usual. Hikaru Meanwhile Was Changing Into His Pajamas, He Now Wore A Simple Dark Blue With Square Patterns PJ's. The Patterns Being Reminiscent Of Memphis Style Squares.

As He Finished Up Brushing His Teeth With Rose Flavoured Toothpaste, He Headed Back To His Bedroom However He Noticed His Closet Was Opened And His Floor Was Scattered With Clothing. "Huh? This Is Odd, I Don't Usually Like My Room Looking Like A Pig Sty But I'm Too Tired To Clean It Up" He Sighed Falling Onto The Bed On His Back. It Was Like He Was Laying On

Clouds Almost.

Out Of Nowhere, Wakatsuchi Jumped Onto Him Wearing One Of His White Shirts It Was A Bit Oversized For Her So It Didn't Cover "Everything". 

She Then Leaned Forward, Pushing Her Breasts Forward To Tease Him With Her Cleavage. "Waka...What Are You Doing-" Before He Could Ask She Placed A Finger On His Lips.

"Shhh Hikaru-pie Mommy Wakatsuchi Is Here To Look After You Hehe!" She Cheered Happily As She Gave Gave Coy Smile Her Breasts Recoiled As She Moved, This Only Made Hikaru Blush More Now He Was The One Becoming The Rose Flower As He Usually Compared Wakatsuchi To A Rose Flower. 

He Was Left Speechless In This Entire Moment. "Now Let Me Ask You What's My Favourite Thing?" She Gave A Seductive Wink As She Looked At Him With Her Lush Green Eyes. "W-Well It Has To Be Chocolate I Guess" He Stutters With Heat Rising Up His Body. 

"Bzzt! That's Wrong... Tsk I Thought You Knew Me Well Hikaru-pie" She Signed With Saddened Eyes Before She Pressed Her Body Up Against His, She Proceeded To Then Move Her Lips Near His Ear As She Spoke "It's You" She Whispered With A Giggle. Her Breath Created Tingles Which Went Down His Ear, This Moment Would Definitely Be An Artistic Wonder As Hikaru Calls It.

Hikaru Then Proceeded To Wrap His Arms Around Her, Sure He Didn't Love Wakatsuchi That Much But Then He Remembered The Past Moments He Had With Her. There Was A Spark And Today That Spark Would Grow Bigger, Flourish Into Something Beautiful. He Could Definitely He Loved Her Now. "Thanks Wakatsuchi" He Smiled Before Closing His Eyes Along With Her In A Peaceful Slumber.

The Next Day, A Sunny Morning Took Center Stage It Was Bright And Cheerful. The Sun's Rays Are Shining Brightly, Illuminating Everything In Their Path. The Air Is Warm And Crisp, Filling Your Lungs With Fresh Oxygen. Hikaru Could Feel The Warmth Of The Sun On Your Skin, The Gentle Breeze On His Face. The Atmosphere Is Full Of Energy And Optimism. 

This Is The Perfect Morning To Have A Relaxing Stroll In The Park, Enjoying The View And Enjoying The Weather. "Uh... Wakatsuchi?" He Looked Beside Him Noticing That She Wasn't There Anymore However Later In She Came Back Inside The Room Holding Two Mugs Of Hot Chocolate. But The Most Noticeable Thing Was That She Still Was Wearing His Shirt Which Caused Him To Blush For A Third Time.

"Morning Hikaru-pie" She Chuckled Handing Him The Hot Chocolate Which Seemed To Almost Instantly Warm His Hands Up. "Oh Morning Wakatsuchi" He Chuckled Nervously Not Forgetting The Image Of Her Seductive Gaze Last Night.

"Did You Hear About The News?" Wakatsuchi Asked Concerned As She Picked Up The Remote, "Huh News?" He Asked In Utter Confusion. As She Turned On The TV, It Flashes With A News Report About Two Boys Being Ran Over By A Garbage Truck But The Most Peculiar Thing In The Report Was That An Image Of The Accident Was Laying On Their Corpses. But The Photo Was Taken Mid-Accident Which Didn't Make Sense.

The Format It Was In Was Reminiscent Of Zink Paper, Hikaru Was Slowly Starting To Piece Together The Story. "Wait You Don't Think Toju Did This?" He Gulped With A Shiver Running Down His Spine. "He Was A Troubled Kid He Probably Took Revenge On His Bullies" She Answered With A Somewhat Terrified Gaze.

Hikaru Thought To Himself About What To Do Next... However Coincidentally A Message From Toju Flashed Up Onto His Phone Screen, It Stated "Come Meet At The Abandoned Office Building In The Ginza Prefecture". Hikaru Was Set On Meeting Him And Getting Answers. As He Got Up With A Quick Pace And Changed Wakatsuchi Grabbed His Hand Stopping His Movement.

"Let Me Come With You Hikaru" She Pleaded With Her Puppy Dog Eyes "Sure" He Answered As The Two Headed Outside His Home. They Walked In Moderate Place To The Ginza Prefecture. 

The Inside Of The Abandoned Office Building Is Dark And Eerie. The Air Is Cold And Damp, And There Is A Thick Layer Of Dust Covering Everything. The Walls Are Stained And Damaged, And There Is A Feeling Of Abandonment And Isolation. The Furniture Is Old And Rotten, And There Are Signs Of Neglect Everywhere. The Atmosphere Is Bleak And Depressing, And There Is A Sense Of Gloom That Lingers In The Air.

It Is A Bleak Reminder Of The Past And Of What Has Been Left Behind. One The Couch The Toju Sat With His Legs Crossed Caressing The Camera Like It Was A Pet. "Toju Was It Really You?" He Asked With A Low Aggressive Tone.

"It Was... Urata Was Here Too But Unfortunately He Acted Too Aggressive And Met His Face" He Then Pointed To The Right As They Saw Uratas Dead Body Crushed By A Large Iron Bar. Wakatsuchi Looked On In Horror And Spoke With Solemn And Anger, "Toju He Was Your Friend How Could You!" She Shook Her Head In Tears.

"It Doesn't Matter To Me, Everyone Sooner Or Later Will Become My Art Pieces" He Laughed Maniacally, This Seemed Shocking As He Never Achieved This Level Of Insanity. Hikarus Contorted Into A Face Of Pure Rage As He Rushed Towards Toju. 

He Then Punched Toju With Sheer Rage Flowing From His Veins, As Toju Collapsed To The Ground He Dropped The Camera Too. The Two Now We're Locked Onto A Pure Fight For Survival As Toju Lunged Towards Him With A Knife. 

Toju Began Swinging His Blade With Pure Craziness And Malevolence As The Latter Responded By Dodging Effortlessly. Toju Then Thrusted The Blade Forward Attempt To Catch Hikaru Off Guard Unfortunately The Latter Was Still Faster So The Blade Just Merely Brushed His Hair.

Hikaru Then Grabbed His Blade In Hand Stopping His Hand From Moving, "Soon You'll Become My Art Pieces Ahahaha!!!" He Cackled As He Attempted To Push The Blade Down Harder. Hikaru Then Pushed Him Back And Uppercutted Him With Relative Ease. As He Fell Unconscious, Hikaru Walked Over To The Camera.

Wakatsuchi Watch On In Utter Relief As Hikaru Picked Up The Camera, Suddenly Toju Got Up And Thrusted The Blade Through Hikarus Back Puncturing It But Before He Could Do Anymore Damage. Hikaru Clicked Onto The Polaroid Camera Snapping A Photo Of Him, Toju Then Realized He Was Finished.

As The Photo Came Out And Hikaru Fell Onto His Own Pile Of Blood, The Photo Became Clear Revealing Toju Being Crushed By A Large Dump Truck. "What Have-" Before Toju Could Finish A Dump Truck Rolled Into The Building, Ravaging The Walls And Crushing Toju Under Its Large Wheels. He Slammed Into The Ground Like A Bloody Pancake. 

Wakatsuchi Then Rushed To Hikaru To Check If He Was Ok, As She Bent Down In Front Of Him He Gave Her A Thumbs Up Before Speaking "Don't Worry I'm Fine" He Chuckled Coughing Up A Little Bit Blood. 

As Wakatsuchi Helped Him Up, A Portal Suddenly Opened A Large Fleshy Humanoid Creature Emerged With A Security Camera As A Head. It Seemed To Spot The Two, Analysing Them But It Didn't Seem Dangerous, The Creature Then Picked Up The Polaroid Camera With Its Large Fleshy Claws.

The Monster Then Left After Collecting The Camera Through The Portal. The Two Took A Sigh Of Relief Being Glad That It Was Over...

(Writers Note: Thanks For Everyone Reading This Series, You Probably Don't Know How Much It Means To Me But Thank You. This Isn't The End Of The Franchise Just Yet... Stay Tuned :) )