
Celestial Daughter “Princess Faye”

Meanwhile in the palace of King Jaile,

Prince Kresh was holding Dimus' neck as his sword was stuck in it "Now, give me the antidote for Nevaeh!"

Dimus just laughed and laughed even though he was bloody and wounded "Why do you feel sorry for someone like Nevaeh? You are a demon and there is no room in our hearts for the word mercy! That's why you are still weak!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ??? !!!" Kresh shouted angrily and he buried his sword even more stuck in Dimus' chest.

But like Dimus' first reaction to him, he just laughed and laughed until black blood came out of his mouth "Black blood?"

Kresh quickly released the bloody Dimus because it suddenly released black blood he thought it might be Dimus bad tactics "You can't escape from your destiny Prince Kresh!"

Dimus' body dissolved and before it finally dissolved he spat at Kresh and hit his eye. "AHHHHHHHH !!!"

"Until we meet again Prince Kresh."

Dimus has disappeared while Kresh is writhing in pain "DIMUS !!! COME BACK HERE!!!


Kresh's loud shout was heard throughout the palace "Prince Kresh !!!" Resha's statement that helps evacuate the normies to Aeros' portal so that everyone can be teleported quickly to the Kingdom of Altair.

"Resha! Where are you going?" Vero says Resha was restrained.

"Prince Kresh needs help!"

"You're just a normies so you can't help the dear prince so come on don't be so hard headed!!!"

Resha jumped up and ran away from Vero "Resha!!!"

"You go first! I will not be relieved until I know the condition of the dear prince!" Resha replied as she ran to the hall.

"She doesn't really know how to listen like her former lord."

And as Resha ran she thought she was not fast enough to get close to Prince Kresh so she quickly removed her handkerchief that was placed in her hair and suddenly it became a broom and there she rode. "Broomy lets go."

She called her broom, Broomy as if he had a life of his own because it seemed to understand her.

Resha quickly reached the main hall and the handkerchief that turned into a broom came back to her hair on purpose "AHHHHHH !!!" Prince Kresh's cry writhing in pain in his eye.

Resha approached Kresh "Pri— Prince Kresh what's wrong with you?"

She held the prince slowly and she was shocked as if Kresh eyes were on fire because the area around his eyes was so red but he was crying black liquid so in fear she backed away from him "Re— Resha!!! Help me."

"Ye— Yes ... I ... I'm here to help you my prince."

But she was nervous to approach Kresh again so she was even more nervous when Kresh suddenly approached her and hugged her so she just shouted "AHHHHH !!! Don't kill me Prince Kresh. "

"Help me ..."


Kresh lost consciousness as he hugged Resha "Pri— Prince Kresh? Prince Kresh ??? Hey !!! Wake up !!!"

She tries to wake up Kresh but he still unconscious so she asks for help from those in higher positions to help Heaven and Nevaeh too who are in critical condition.

At the same time,

Death was lying on a white bed while a disciple of King Emeritus, Thylon treated him "King! Who is he? He looks familiar I just can't remember who. But I'm sure he really looks like someone."

"Thylon is Alexa's father."

"Weh? I mean really? That's why she looks like Alexa. "

"Yes he is the leader of their clan the demon slayers in Esthrianca."

"Why is he here?"

King Emeritus make a facepalm "Why did you inherit all the qualities of your mother?"

Faye smirked "Canania was home to creatures with good will when they were still alive. So what do you think Thylon is doing here?"

"Exploring? I dunno."


Faye just laughed out loud "Ahahaha ... you're cute when you're upset."

"Cu— Cute?"

"Ohhh ... I forgot it was another world. Cute means like a kid ... "Faye sighed "Tsk ... its hard to explain! Don't ask!"

"Pffft ..."

"Are you mocking at me???"

"Ahahaha ... you're cute too when you're annoyed."

Faye smirked "Humph! Why are you telling me that you are my dad? What is your evidence that I am your celestial daughter thingy?"

"Show me your palm."


"Just do it!"


Kelly showed up her right hand and it suddenly shone after King Emeritus put his hand on hers "Wo— Woah !!!"

Faye was shocked and suddenly changed her clothes. "Wha— What did you do to me?"

Faye had a gold circlet on her right arm and her dress with a gold belt became a white side off shoulder like King Emeritus. "It's like I said I'm your father. So what I can do you can do too."

"N ... No way ..."

"Look at what you have in your hand, that is the proof that you are my child. That is the bahuk that says you are a celestial daughter. Princess Faye."

Faye can't believe what she sees and happens to her "A tattoo of atom?"


"It's in science and if I explain it to you, you won't understand because you are immoratal."

King Emeritus felt a sudden sadness. "Please forgive me if I am not by your side while you are growing up."

"Hmmm? Why? Have I ever accepted the fact that you are my father? They are not enough for me to say that you are my father unless my mother says that you are my father. So, I will not believe what you say. "

"Wha— What?"

"To be honest, I want to believe what you were saying but as long as my mother is not here to say that you are my father, I will not accept you because I have never seen my father even in the picture. So I hope you understand and respect my opinion."

"May I ask a question?"


"What if I am your father? What will you do?"

"You know when I was a child I told myself when I saw my father I would cry because I miss him so much but ..."


"But, a few years have passed and I have also finished school. I promised myself that I would forget my father but one day a man came to our house and introduced himself as Vien Quin, he was my father's lawyer. He said my dad was dead so I lost hope that I wouldn't see my father again. Then here you are saying that you are my father? Huh! Watta joke! "

"But this is Canania ..."

Faye looked at King Emeritus "Wait ... Attorney Quin said my father died in an accident but no body was found."

Faye's tears suddenly flowed because she realized that if her father had died King Emeritus might have been the one she had been waiting for a long time because the inhabitants of Canania were already dead. If she was a celestial princess her father might have been a Celestial King.

Hi there, I hope you enjoy reading my novel.

Don’t forget to vote, comment and hit the star over there to gimme a review. Thankies.

Ps. I will update my chapter on Sunday so wait for it. (^_~)

lyniarcreators' thoughts