
Chapter 8

The car ride to Yuna's place was silent. The sudden ambush of that lady in the mall shook her up a little. Yuna already dropped Alice at her place, not wanting to bother her after the rather traumatizing experience. Yuna couldn't process the fact that someone would put their hands on someone. Especially someone like Yuna. Yuna groaned as the lady caused her mental strain. Yuna took out her phone and went to her trusty search engine. Her mind pondered as she tried to remember the name of the lady who attacked her earlier. Siliva Galedon. What a name. Yuna typed the name into her phone.

Millions of search results came up as they talked about her. Yuna clicked on a random article.

'Let's see who this bitch is..'

The article reads,

Siliva Galedon

'An active journalist who stalks her prey(celebrities) down with a striking force that destroys all. Her tactics are usually annoying to poor celebrities. Doesn't matter if you're a celeb who's done nothing wrong or a downright monster, she'll harass you for that information!

Many celebs say that she's physical and abusive by yelling, screaming, and downright stalking them. Though law enforcement can't confirm this. Many have theorized that she pays them to keep quiet in cash that can cover them for almost retirement! Though, these are only theories. Nothing true.'

Yuna grows a disgusted face as she reads the article. It might be true with how violent and rude Siliva was to her. It was bad enough that she found out she was friends with Lydia. The last thing she wants is for Lydia to get hurt, stalked, harassed, or worse… She growled with annoyance as she was getting pissed off the more she thinks about this girl. How she could ruin her friend's privacy?

"Uhm? Ms. Yuna? Are you going anywhere else or..?" The chauffeur asked worryingly. Yuna looked up to see the hotel, all in its shiny glamorous vision. Yuna apologized as she gave the chauffeur an extra tip for making him wait this long.

Yuna stepped outside of the car, her face still expressing that she was still pissed off. She softly stormed up to her hotel room, slapping the door behind her and creating a loud boom. She sat down in the kitchen, her fingers tapping on the marble table.

She decided it was best to call up Kenji and explain what just happened to her and Alice. Yuna took her phone and tapped on Kenji's contact. The phone barely rang as Kenji's playful voice echoed through Yuna's ears.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Hey, uhm…Do you know about this lady called..Siliva Galedon?" Yuna butchered. She could hear the shock from over the phone. "HER?! No way! Not her!" Yuna could tell that this woman is a threat to her personal life and others. "What about her? She came up to me and Alice we were at the mall…she kept trying to grab me and ask me questions." Yuna explained.

"God, you are in danger now. Does she…know about Lydia?" Yuna tried to remember what happened. She kept asking her about a girl with dark ginger hair in the alleyway. Denfitlely talking about Lydia. "Yeah. Described her pretty well." Kenji sighed over the phone as he took a minute to think. "She's definitely on your ass now..she wants to know who that girl is and how to either spill your private or ruin it. You better put everything on private.."

The worry in Kenji's voice scared Yuna. She was scared about what would happen to her and Lydia. Lydia was just a nice girl who helped her. She didn't want her to get stalked. "Yuna…don't try anything too out of nature. She'll find out anything. She'll use physical force if needed. That bitch is crazy.." Kenji warned. Yuna only shook her head. A headache started to form as she tried to dispose of the recent event.

"My head hurts, ugh.." Yuna complained.

"I know how you feel, I remember the first time she tried to get on me for whatever reason. You just rest okay? I'll keep tabs on her. Just rest."

Yuna sighed once more as she thanked him for his empathy for her problem with Siliva. She hung up as she put her phone down and headed for her room. She laid her head softly as she closed her eyes. She sighed as she drift off trying to get rid of her pounding headache.

Lydia was hanging out at home with her friend Angelica. She wanted to hang out with her before she left for her parents' house. "Can I be honest with you Lydia?" Angelica pleaded as she lay flat on her back on Lydia's bed. "Sure!"

"You know, I don't want to go to my parent's house. They're not the best to be around. Snobby and mean to the bone. Can't handle that I'm going to a college like this. It's perfectly fine and it's good!" Angelica vented. Lydia sighed as she thought about what to say. "Just don't go," Lydia said bluntly.

The only time that she and Angelica hung out with Lydia is to just dumped all of her "rich girl problems". She didn't mind in the beginning thinking that she'd be here for her. But not really. She never truly understood how Lydia's life was way different from hers.

"I can't. Then there'll be another heap of problems." Lydia looked at Angelica. "God, just don't go and just cut 'em off. How much do you make? Like 12k a month as a model? You'll be fine.." Angelica frowned. "Your acting like I'm bothering you, Lydia.." Lydia was getting annoyed at this point. "Yeah, I am actually because I'm giving easy solutions to your damn problems and you keep finding anything to debunk it. Just cut them off Angelica...You make enough money alone to support yourself." Lydia snapped. Anglica snapped her body up as she looked at Lydia with disgust. "Excuse me?! You don't understand!"

Lydia was tired of hearing Angelica complain as if Lydia isn't struggling herself. She couldn't handle Angelica and her complaining about how her rich lifestyle was hurting her. She had her college paid in full for all 4 years. Meanwhile, Lydia wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for her hard work without maids and butlers and the private lessons that Angelica's parents gave her.

She was kinda spoiled as Lydia was trying to survive every day with a salary of 30k per year. Meanwhile, she tried to save money for food and medical bills. "I'm so done with you Angelica! You're spoiled! You'll never know what it's like to struggle!" Lydia started to tear up. "You need to go…" Lydia said with a tremble in her voice.

Angelica scoffed. "Okay, whatever…broke.." Angelica left, slamming the door behind her. Lydia slumped against the door as she cried. She was glad that Angelica left. She was done with her. She just wanted peace right now. She wiped the tears on her face, sniffling as she cried her heart out. She raised her head. She thought about what just happened. Her head pounded. She can hear her heart pound in her head.

Lydia took her phone and looked at Angelica's number. She just deleted it. She was freed from a girl as she was done with her groaning and complaining about her rich people's problems. Lydia crawled to her bed, with her phone in hand as scrolled through social media. She sniffled as she remember her meet-up with Yuna with her wanting to explore around town. Lydia searched around the internet for fun and nice places to bring the celeb.

Lydia had gathered all of the places she wanted to bring her friend. She put her phone down and sighed as she put her phone on her bedstand. She snuggled herself under the bed sheets. She slowly tried to fall asleep. Her eyelids became heavier and heavier. And soon enough she was asleep.

Sorry for not updating last week as I was super busy with life and that this chapter has less words than usual. Hopefully tomorow it will be better! Thanks for reading! Stay tooned!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

archipelago_devilcreators' thoughts