
The escape

They both rolled on the dusty road on each other arms and then stopped. " Are you hurt Ragini?",asked Arjun worryingly. "No I am fine ,what will happen now Arjun"?, asked Ragini dusting her skirt. " Don't worry ,we won't let them win,I will take you to Prince Shashank safely,trust me ",said Arjun. He then looked around him ,it's almost getting dark,the sun has set,they are In the middle of a hilly road,with forest hilly land on two sides. But this place seems known to him. It's the road that travels from Irawati to Panchal,the kidnappers were taking them to Panchal to show the world may be they really eloped. After walking some twenty miles in the forest ,there will be the Irawati river. They only have to cross the river to reach the Kingdom,the guards in the border will then help them to reach the palace.

"It's getting dark,we have to cross the twenty miles forest to reach the river side,that's the best short cut we got now,if we do not waste time,we will reach the palace by tomorrow noon",said Arjun " Come quick",saying she pulled Ragini's hand "Ouch", Ragini exclaimed , " Ragini,what's the matter? you are hurt " ,said Arjun

"No I am fine", she said.

" Let me see",saying so Arjun kneeled down and took Ragini's foot on his hand.

"Your leg is injured,I think you cannot walk ,let me help you",saying so he lifted Ragini onto his arms. Their eyes met, a spark flowed through out her body,her heart started beating rapidly. 'I will have a heart attack now if it beats so fast',she thought. "A..A..Arjun you don't have to carry me through this forest ,i can walk,I will be a heavy load for you ",pleaded Ragini. Arjun smiled and said "You will never ever be a load for me Ragini,I feel blessed on carrying you" .He always liked Ragini and wished to marry her but everything is on fate's hands and moreover Ragini do not love him,thinking about all these Arjun felt pain in his heart. He started walking fast carrying Ragini,the faster he reaches the river bank the better,he cannot hold his emotions,desires long,after all he is a young man carrying his love in a dark deserted forest.

It was not painful for the man only,the woman felt every bit of same pain the man felt that night. She was also in love with the man,but she was scared that her confession will only bring pain and misery to her family and kingdom. In his arms she remembered how this man supported her stupidity even risking his life for nothing in return,how like a puppet he acted without reprimanding her,how caring was he toward her,and now he is returning her to the fiancee carrying her load.Ragini felt so safe on his arms,she felt she is out of all tensions and dangers,she belived this man will always protect her whatever happens,she then felt asleep .

How many hours passed she didn't know,she felt a gentle push ,Ragini woke up rubbing her eyes " We reached the river bank Princess,its dawn now,there is a ferry tied here,i have to put you down now,so that I can row the boat". "O sure" .Ragini then got into the traditional small boat,Arjun pushed the boat in to water and got into it. "Its heaven's blessing that the water of the river is in our direction,we will reach your land faster", rejoiced Arjun. Ragini nodded her head and sat opposite to him shyingly.