


Temple bells rang in the distance. As if set to ring with the same pace of my heartbeat, the bells rang simultaneously to my heartbeat. With every heartbeat, the tension that built-in me was echoed by the bells. Every second that passed, felt like a minute. A calculation of time I knew back in the planet of my birth spelt something like a year. The accuracy I knew depended on the density of Tiamat's only living and eldest daughter of the thousands that she gave birth to with Nibiru. That accuracy I knew was by now distorted as Ea has now grown more pact than it was thousands of years ago when I still walked on it. Thinking about my home planet pulled on the emotions that have long died with my beloved wife three hundred Earth years ago. I sighed and tried to relax before the Elohim found their way into my brain and I focused on different things like a human with ADHD. I dont know what it means but its the same disease as in my head was.

Damn! here i am saying I'm crazy. Guess I'm not.

One choice. One wretched choice. That was all that I had. Was all that they have given me. Of the two options I was given, I knew that one wrong move and the decision would be a permanent disgrace on my legacy. Stay or leave? I couldn't decide. However I knew that with every second I wasted on this cursed planet, the warship covered millions of miles. I knew I had to intercept it or let it go. Honestly let it kill the fifteen billion humans who now dwell on Ea (in the voice of my descendants Earth). Or should I take the decision and go head to head with it the ship and try to save a few more humans?

I couldn't decide.

The more I thought about it the more it became clear, how caught I was between a rock and a hard place. But I had to make a choice. My life depended on it. Billion others depended on it.

I could either lose my immortality, my citizenship to Nibiru. My job and probably, no actually my life like I had lost my wife. Or I could go against the warship. Go against four hundred of the galaxy's most skilled, powerful army of my creators. The Elohim. Suicide, I knew it was. No better word for it.

But that wasn't all. If I didn't play my cards right, I might end up being wanted by the serpentine races and their lizard brothers who long to destroy the Orion empire. Plus I couldn't pull the greatest card the Elohim feared, because I made a promise to Marja. And I knew he was watching me. That didn't make me comfortable at all. Nor make things easy.

I turned around, contemplating over what I was supposed to do. I knew the king and the prince of heaven whom I've worked for have given me a go ahead with the decision I was about to make. Told me to take all the time I needed. But I knew they were impatient.

However I didn't want know if they would keep their word. Especially that Enlil dude. My king. The lord of the command. But I couldn't blame them. I knew all the secrets of their empire and where to hit them hard. Their enemies would die to have that. Especially that wolf tribe they overtook Nibiru from millions of years ago.

"The decision?" The royal guard of the Elohim asked. His golden eyes searching for my eyes. And if I didn't know better, and I know better, I would say he was looking for a way to harness my brain waves. I shot to my feet and tried to over flood my brain with a thousand confusing thoughts. I didn't even realize I had sat down, again. Something I learnt by living among people who could pick their way into each other's brains. I knew it was bad news somehow. It would hurt like shit.

He grimaced as I looked at him. Yep, I got him. One point for the half human bastard. No point but a head ache for the 8" 4 foot tall stature of the Elohim. His brass armor covered all of his body except a small portion of area around his eyes, nose and mouth. His skin, despite from being pale white and having blue blood, his skin reminded me of the Egyptians I once saw when I visited Pharaoh Mihibre Kheti thousands of years ago. Who also happened to be my descendant but like always the Elohim scum happened to have slept with his mother though she was also a granddaughter of theirs. But it still made me miss home, same way it made me angry.

Confidence flooded over me as I said, "Earth. I'm going to stop the annihilation of mankind, what the fuvk can you do about it?"

I smiled at him and even winked. "Asshole!"

He went for his sword and I advanced on him. Like what the fuck did he think I was? Bullshit of a freak? I am Idris for fuck's sake, the first mortal to ascend up to the heavens and find citizenship in heaven itself.

I cut his throat with my dagger, spilling blue blood on the floor.

Congratulations Idris, Marja's voice said creeping in my head. You've just became the most wanted human in the cosmos.

I know! I screamed at him. Help? I asked him as I drew my golden sword. I knew more guards were coming my way this time armed with guns. I hated those weapons. They were total obliteration. No honor in using them. They were long illegalized but as the gods expanded their empire, they were legalized for the army. I didn't want to know what kind of armor they were to bring out for me but I knew it was bad news. Even worse than the weapons they had brought out for the earthen Larceta because I've just committed the worst of sins. I've killed a god. Whether it was sound, pulses or whatever it was that they shot planes and cars with, to make them stop. Or light I didn't want to find out. But I was stuck in an impasse. I couldn't just dive out of the window of an aircraft that was high in the air. I couldn't...

Do you know that humans say if an angel fell from the sky, he or she becomes one of the fallen? Marja asked inside my head. I practically swear before the celestial judges that I saw a picture of him, maybe, holding a black book as he leaned on an ancient bookshelf.

"seriously Marja," I said out loud. Where do you get that? Ancient book of stupidity?

Oh it's what your descendants believe, like I mean how foolish... Ooh guess what?

What?! I wanted to scream at him. Here I was trying to formulate my escape and he was just calm and trying to make a conversation with me. I was about to die the most horrible of all deaths. He on the other hand was safe and sound.

Ooh shit, you have no legacy. You only have two lines in their history. Shit man, that's depressing.

Can we just focus? I asked. Irritated. I need to get out of here alive. And I also got a warship to catch.

And would that be in a form of... You know, take you out of here and send you into the cosmos.

Are you stupid or pretending to be? I asked, half expecting to be blasted into slime, his specialty.

Hey I am asking, anyway I don't even know what death is, and it's surely is written a lot about it on this bible.

I will teach you about death maybe kill you if you could get me out of here. I promise.

Tempting. He turned back to the human crafted book and continued reading like I didn't say anything.

Marja! You...

Fine. The wall of the craft next to me got scrapped away by something I couldn't see. Immediately air rushed out as the pressure in the cabin reduced. Even that which was filled inside my lungs got sucked out.


Are you out of your damn mind?

Jump! It's going to stabilize soon. Jump!

I jumped like an asshole to my certain death. If I died, fuck this god. Wait a second, did I just jump out of a flying plane? Am I in my... MARJA YOU..!