

was he dead?

I don't know.

Last, I remem...

Abigail. A whisper crawled into my head.

Abigail? Who was...

'Remember me, always.' The voice called back into my head.


Then, I remembered.

The day I met her. I remembered. Standing out from everything else. I remembered was also the day I met Ganzu.

But I remembered that that day I hated ever being born a demigod. A prince. And an heir to the earthling throne. I hated it all. Even the perks that came with it all. The cars, the prestige, money. Everything. I hated it all. Trust me, it was the first day the hate came to me strongly. I knew I always felt the dislike for being me. But today it was worse.

It was my first day at school. A human school. Not demigod or school for gods. And it was the worst day of all. Not only did the humans, which I am half of, fear me, but they bowed to everything I said. It was like I was something strange. Something that could wipe them all out if displeased. And to think I ran away from the castle just to be treated like this was taunting. I mean, at the castle, at least my mother and her human counterpart treated me like a person. These were worse.

I walked to my borrowed car and put my scrolls on the trunk before I took out Lord Earth's guide to scientific scribe and went to the sit by the nearest tree's shade and read it as I munched on a sandwich.


I jumped and broke the tablet into a million pieces. As my heart raced, I slowly turned to the direction the sound came from and I saw a pretty, yet far from scared girl looking at me. I dropped the pieces at my feet, and she gave me a forced smile.

'that's gotta hurt.' She said in a low voice.

'It does.' I said frankly. Wouldnt it? I just tore a table with my hands and a huge chunk of it fell on my pinkie toe, and it hurt. Definitely. But her face made me forget all about that pain. A little.

'I'm sorry. But I gotta admit, I frankly thought everyone was lying when they said, there is a demigod in our school. And I haven't got a wind of it onto our school paper.'

I looked up at her. Wondering... was she for real? She just scared the crap out of me, and she is acting like nothing happened.

'what?' she looked at me directly in the eyes. 'aren't you going to say something?' she asked.

I looked at her. Then at the ground. The broken pieces of my tablet lying on the ground, the information they had scattered all over the ground. Assembling it, with where I was, was nothing but impossible. Unless, I met another demigod or a god himself. They had the technology of putting it all back together. But doing that I would have to go back to the castle and continue my training as a warrior king. and i don't want to do that. 

'...and I heard he was way too kind compared to other demigods who grew up around here.'

I kept quiet. Honestly, I thought they were supposed to be more... I don't know, vile? I mean, earlier I had to save a young kid from being bullied by his elders. I mean who does that? Kids are meant to be precious. Not play things. okay, maybe the gods were like that. Sometimes. Well most times, especially when it came to their game of power. But they were only cruel to the adults but to kids they were sweet.

'you are not going to talk?' she raised her eyebrows and inflated her cheeks like a mad baby. Shit I gotta admit, she was red hot. I continued looking at her. Wearing, as serious a look can get. Hoping she would give me a break, cause the I wanted to stay hidden from the eyes of the gods. And I knew for a fact that if I was that way, the humans won't need to talk. They won't need to pray to the gods about me or include me in their prayers. Hell, I even wore a cap, and my clothes had an aluminum lining to prevent their cameras from scanning my body and using its radiation, and biometrics find me in the book of life and come for me.

'okay, let's restart, I am Abigail. The scribe around here.' She held out her hand and gave me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. The one warmer than my mother's happiest smiles. And trust me that ought to mean a lot. Considering who my mother was. But it was even purer. Beaming with... I don't know, love? But something certainly felt warmer within me.

I looked down as heat climbed down up my spine and my heart went on overdrive. I pretty am sure that I was blushing. And I think for the first time, in front of a human.

I looked back up at her and went for her hand.

She pulled her hand before I could touch it. As she added, 'second thought, I think, my bones wont handle that.' She pointed to the broken-down tablet.

'it's your fault that happened.' I responded.

'oh, he speaks!' she exclaimed sitting right across me. Her smile beaming brighter. I am pretty sure my heart felt... weird. But I liked it. A few heart beats felt like they were being missed. I looked at her chest. Sweet smooth boobs. Wish I could...

she bit her lower lip. Her smooth sexy lip as she noticed me staring at her boobs which were covered by hemp dress. Her crooked grin disappeared and an innocent look that melt my insides as if it was butter, or chocolate, went in its place.

Shit, what am I going to do with you!

Castel part two. And I thought I had enough friends who were overrun by their tongue. And incredibly beautiful. I mean, how can someone be so beautiful? It's not supposed to be allowed.

'I think, you would be surprised.' I told her. Rather growled. Shit I didn't know I could do that. Speak in a deeper voice than my usual six-year-old childish voice.

She looked at me, completely surprised, or maybe she wasn't. hard to tell when all you could think of was kissing those lips. Those tiny yet soft and glossy lips. And grope those soft looking big boobs. She pulled the cloth around her boobs and hid her cleavage.

'Your voice doesn't suit you. It's way too soft to be yours. It's like I am talking to a kid.'

So, have I been told. I commented in my head.

'but I kind of liked it, before you tried to make it deep.' She said with her mesmerizing smile. I couldn't help but blush a lit... 'it made me jealous, for a sec."

Shit, I gotta keep my cool.

I took a deep breath and took a bite from my sandwich. Trying to shut her out of my head.

'so, what is a demigod doing in the middle of a human school?' she asked.

'I heard this school provided the best meal there is.'

Hmmm. She hummed as she looked at my sandwich. 'Ironic, isn't it?'

I looked at the sandwich then at her.

'Not really, my mom makes the best meal there is in this world. Including this sandwich.'

she locked her eyes with me and added. 'Really?'

Just looking at her eyes made me want to tell her the truth. Do everything to keep this conversation going but i couldn't tell her the truth. So i did the next best thing. I pressed my lips together and shook my head.

'What is a Nephilim doing here?' There was the question.

'it's quiet.' I admitted. 'calmer than the violent lord cities.'

'I know what you mean. So, what's your name?'

'What?' My name? oh-oh. should I tell her my real name? should I tell her I am prince Idris Edna of Edna? And I have a city inhabited by both gods and demigods living in it, half of them bowing to my name? hell she was a human. She definitely would kowtow to my name because I was actually going to be the king of all men. The god of men, Enholi in I don't know, seven years?

'Your name. I cant call you that demigod. If we're going to be friends.'

'Adri.' I responded. It actually was my name too. In another tongue, my mother's.

'just Adri?'


'Well, nice to meet you, Adri.' She gave me a peck on the lips and for a moment, I felt my lips come alive. Brimming with thrills I never felt before. Even my heart went on a quick overdrive.

Mmmhh. that feels so...