
Battler Swordsman Dominates The Cosmos

The reason Cosmos came into existence is unknown but what was known was its insatiable hunger for expansion. It absorbed all the space around it and kept growing. In this humungous Cosmos, lay large milky ways, inside which solar systems could be found, which were made up of a number of planets. The planets habited many different civilizations and races of living beings. Jasper was one of the insignificant beings in the grand scheme of things when compared with the Cosmos. His life suddenly changes and is introduced to a World where magic and swords exist, just like in fairy tales Journey with him as he climbs from an insignificant being to the strongest being in the Cosmos overcoming every challenge in his path to achieve his goals by walking the path of a Battler Swordsman never seen before. On the way he will experience friendship, love, pain,misery, suffering , joy. All the emotions making hims stronger. A small extract: "Who ar…e y…ou? Wh…t do y…ou want f…rom me?" "Jasper , Its me your big sister Jennifer." Jasper replies," N…o way. Y…ou have s…ame face b…ut everything e…lse is diff…erent." "HOW?" " Listen Jasper what I am about to tell you is very important and it will also answer most of your questions. I know you are very confused about everything but please try to stay calm until I finish explaining everything. ************************ Instagram: diamond_shatterer Recently, I have started posting Character Design Concepts on my Instagram_id. If interested then please follow me. I PROMISE TO RELEASE 3 CHAPTERS A WEEK (DISCLAIMER: THE COVER FOR THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE. PLEASE DM IF YOU WANT THIS REMOVED.) (ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: THIS NOVEL IS PURE FRICTION SO PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT ANYTHING SPECIFIED IN THE NOVEL.) (THIRD DISCLAIMER: JUST SKIP THE R18 STUFF IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. DON'T STOP READING IT I PROMISE THAT MY STORY WILL KEEP GETTING BETTER AND BETTER...) Feel free to join me for a novel discussion or grab the novel update role in the link below: Discord: https://discord.gg/NZwBKuFG ************************ Author Message: Please read a few chapters if interested in this novel. I hope I can satisfy your curiosity. Add the novel to a library, write a review and gift me power stones.

Diamond_Shatterer · Fantaisie
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61 Chs

Ch-1 Jasper and An Ordinary Life

Jasper, a 16-year-old boy, gazed out of his window at the beautiful orange sunset, contemplating the significance of the upcoming day. It was going to be one of the most important days of his life. He lived in a world that seemed entirely ordinary, with a family that was just as normal as any other. There was nothing exceptional about him.

He was preparing for his last final examination, which was scheduled for the next day. Despite his fears and uncertainty about the future, he looked forward to it. The prospect of the future held the promise of breaking free from his ordinary life and living an extraordinary one.

The following morning, Jasper rose early and prepared for his exams. After twenty minutes, he emerged from his room to find his parents in the living room. His father, Mr. Pierce, was engrossed in reading the daily newspaper, while Mrs. Pierce was busy making breakfast. Jasper's father was a professor by profession, and his mother was a homemaker. Their household was peaceful, and despite occasional disagreements, his parents always reconciled.

Jasper's older sister had already embarked on her career elsewhere, leading to infrequent visits. Nonetheless, she was generous with her gifts. This was Jasper's ordinary family, and he cherished it.

After having breakfast with his father, Jasper hurried to catch the school bus. He gazed out of the bus window as they approached the school, a weathered building with patches of white, grey, blue, and green. The creaking gates, slowly opening for the buses, and the worn-out window grills with their plus-sign design added to the school's aged charm.

Jasper disembarked from the bus with a group of other students and headed to his classroom, taking a seat near his friends Edward and Tony. Edward inquired, "How did your exam preparation go?"

Jasper responded, "I've completed my preparation for the entire syllabus."

Tony, with a hint of sarcasm, interjected while looking at Edward, "Don't worry; toppers like Jasper get good marks even if they don't study. Asking such questions is pointless."

Edward disregarded Tony's comment and turned to Jasper, "Have you heard about the new VR model making headlines?"

Jasper replied, "Yes, I read about it on my phone a few days ago. The DB Company claims to have increased the realistic effect of VR from 60% to 80%. This significant improvement could boost the company's value and generate more interest in VR."

Edward contemplated, "That's a substantial enhancement in realism. It could lead to more people adopting VR as it becomes an alternate world."

Tony chimed in, "The price of VR gadgets, though, is quite exorbitant. Ordinary people like us can't afford them."

Jasper concurred, "There's nothing we can do about that."

A teacher entered the room and instructed, "Please prepare for your exams and line up."

Before parting ways for their exams, Edward, Tony, and Jasper wished each other good luck.

After completing the test, Jasper joined other students outside the classroom. He met Edward and Tony, and they discussed the exam papers until they reached their respective buses. Jasper bid them farewell and boarded the bus.

As the bus pulled away, Jasper gazed at the school one last time. This marked the end of his 10th standard and his last visit to the school. Countless memories were associated with it, and he wished to preserve the image and feelings it evoked. He looked forward to reminiscing about his school days with friends and family in the future.

The school bus dropped students at a landmark near their homes, typically with 4 or 5 students at each stop. Jasper, along with two other children, disembarked at the final stop and made their way home.

As Jasper walked towards his house, he heard the rumble of a truck and swiftly stepped aside. His expression changed when he saw a young child, approximately 5 or 6 years old, stumble on a rock, unable to move, while a fast-approaching truck showed no intention of stopping. Jasper observed the impending disaster, with the child's mother screaming and crying in the background, underscoring the urgency of the situation.

Jasper hesitated, fearing the bus's speed, but his conscience prevailed. He realized he couldn't live with himself if the child were to die when he could have saved him. Jasper sprinted forward, executing a miraculous jump just in time to snatch the child from harm's way. He rolled away to evade the oncoming truck, panting heavily and stunned by his own success. He hadn't expected to reach the child in time, but somehow, he had accomplished the seemingly impossible.

Jasped imbued himself with Internal Ki Energy concentrating all of it on his legs to attain high speed and get a boost after he jumped. The Internal Ki Energy empowered his legs, enabling him to move faster than he ever could. It was a complex feat, achieved in dire circumstances.

The child's mother, who had been screaming in terror, witnessed the entire rescue and broke into tears, clutching her child tightly in her arms, grateful to Jasper for saving her son. She offered her gratitude and asked if there was anything she could do to repay him.

Jasper looked at the mother and her son and replied, "There is one thing, ma'am." The mother appeared eager to help. "I would appreciate it if this incident is never reported to my parents. It would worry them, and I'd like to spare them that concern."

The mother, while frowning, agreed, "Very well, I'll keep it a secret. But if you ever need anything or if you change your mind, please don't hesitate to reach out."

Jasper nodded, and they exchanged phone numbers before parting ways. Jasper was about to leave but noticed a traffic camera above him, worrying that the police might inform his parents about the incident. He pushed the thought aside and continued walking home, though he felt incredibly fatigued as if he had expended a lot of his energy at once.

In the Arcane World, the Arcane Observation Department, responsible for monitoring supernatural occurrences in the Blue World, had a dedicated member named Vick. Vick, with advanced skills, could simultaneously watch about a hundred videos, thanks to his ability to harness mana, an energy source unique to the Arcane World. While scanning the videos, he came across an intriguing incident: Jasper's extraordinary rescue.

Initially, there was nothing remarkable about it for Vick, who considered the jump child's play in the Arcane World. However, Jasper had unintentionally activated mana, which emitted distinct energies only perceptible to those accustomed to using it. Vick quickly realized that Jasper had awakened mana within his body, an unusual occurrence in the mana-deprived Blue World.

Vick promptly reported this discovery to the Magic Council, responsible for such matters.

Hello everyone, this is Diamond_Shatterer the author of The Battler Swordsman.

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