
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

The hunt

Waking up the next morning Dj found that neither girl was in bed or any remanence of them he got up and put his gear on he left the cloak on the chest and walked out of his room to find everyone talking and eating he walked to Krystal and put his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek and she turned red as a tomato and everyone laughed and before long the laughs died down and Dj had gotten a bowl of stew and ate it. He looked at John Lucas and Leon and they nodded there heads saying they were ready to go. He knew they couldn't stay long in town before the city would send troops to find out why Lyle hadn't returned yet but it would be after Krystal and his wedding and after they could move to the mountain with Luke and Lucy and her parents and the gang if they would go they walked outside and to the cells. The four men walked in and in chained everyone who was to be executed the four people to be executed were escorted outside the cells and to the outside of the village. Dj had Lucas Leon and John stand behind the four to be executed and Dj said,"You four have been tried in a fair court and are to be killed but like all executions you have a chance to survive so the execution will not be beheading but you will be hunted by the alpha himself. If you can escape from him an live no one will ever know you lived that is why you are branded you will forever be an outcast not welcome in any village or city, rules in order for you to survive you must make it to the other side of the territory the alpha will chase you until I tell him to stop if you kill the alpha you will live for about a day before I come torture you rule two you are not allowed to step food on the path or I will shoot you. So if no questions let's begin" Dj motioned for Lucas, John, and Leon to make them run and they took off. Dj whistled for Zeus to hunt he jumped the wall and took off like a bat outa hell and Dj just laughed a little. Dj and the others walked back in the village and went to village center and they were trying to find someone to be village head but no one wanted it. After their stroll in village center they walked to the cells and grabbed Lyle owls and took him to the blacksmith shop upon arriving everyone one was ordered out of it even the blacksmith himself they placed Lyle down on a chair and tied him to it John loved to mess with people it was his glee. Dj said to the three of them and said,"he is at your mercy" and Dj walked out and back home. He walked in and was attacked into a hug by Krystal and she kissed his lips again and he kissed back and he looked at her and smiled they walked into the kitchen area and found Lucas and Lucy and he sat down and Krystal joined him and Dj said,"We have a problem, since Lyle has been killed or will be soon, his friends will come here and the towns folk will tell them what happened and then they will hunt for the men who killed him and his friends it is no longer safe for me or for my friends and my

Future wife if she still have me after what I say here, in order for us to be safe we must leave and you must join us and Krystal's parents will need to also". Luke said,"We will talk to her parents, but where do you expect us to go to hide from bounty hunters and mercenaries". We will go to the top of the mountain at the old training camp and stay we can live off of the beasts that give good meat and good hide we can live for as long as we need to and we can go into villages when we need and to city when we need this is what my friends and I did when we were out there, it does take some getting use to but life will be better for us up there" ,said Dj. Lucas and Lucy both nodded there heads and Krystal squeezed Dj's hand reassuring him that she was with him. He then looked at Krystal and said,"But before we move we have a wedding to get ready for so I shall see you in a little while" he got up with his future wife and walked to the door and kissed her lips then he went to town to get ready for the wedding tomorrow. Dj walked to town and went to get his long hair cut and his beard trimmed. He walked into the only barber shop and he had the man cut off three inches of his foot long hair. He then had the barber style his hair into a top braid with a free hanging side braid and anything that wasn't tied up was shaved off he then had his scraggly beard trimmed to be even as possible and he paid the man and walked out. He found the clothing store in town and they did do something similar to a suit but he couldn't afford anything they had so he decided to find something else. Once Dj found everything and did everything he needed for the wedding he went to a jeweler shop and had a tiger and wolf necklaces made with each of their names in the necklace. He paid the jeweler and took the boxes he went home he looked at the sky and saw the sun setting and the moon starting to rise by this time tomorrow Krystal and him would be married and be on some what of a honeymoon in the village but he wasn't told anything special about it.