
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Scare tactics

Dj and bear were hiding in the back of a noble mans cart being pulled by rhino beasts the two were hidden with weapons maps and other supplies. Dj looked at Bear and asked,"So how do the powers work to be able to conjure anything" bear smiled and said,"Well you cant just conjure anything you have to be able to understand how it works like in your past life if you knew how a gun worked and all of its parts and how they worked together you could conjure it and it would work but to just imagine the gun itself it would just be a big piece of metal" Dj nodded his head as he understood what he was saying Dj thought about something a small explosive appeared and Dj laughed as he knew he just needed a spark to make it explode. Bear laughed also because Dj now knew he would have the upper hand in most battles. Dj made the explosive dissolve back into the air because bear gave the cue to get out of the cart as they now were in the city and a checkpoint was very close. The two men jumped off the cart and Dj let himself turn human again and bear took a similar form to be able to hide in public because bear taught Dj how to access the power when in human form the two men ducked in an alley between the buildings as Dj saw them they were the size of a small city some were at the biggest ten stories made of somewhat similar building materials as he was use to seeing. Dj thought of some weapons he could hide under his cloak that would help the men hide he created smoke bombs, and small explosives with a few flares and he created two rings one of flint and one steel worn on the thumb and middle finger. Dj kept his cloak tight around his body and his face covered so no one could recognize him. Bear and Dj came to the end of the alley and looked around there were hundreds of men in armor some in sliver and others in black they each carried swords and were checking random people. Dj was sitting just inside the shadow of the alley when two men walked in front of them Dj grabbed a smoke bomb and waited to see if the men would see them but thankfully they didn't and the two walked from the alley in the opposite of the guards who just passed and kept a good pace until three dark armored men stepped in front of Dj and bear and the biggest one who was just a little shorter than Dj said,"I need to see your faces and papers to be in the city. Dj smiled under his mask and bear grabbed Dj before he could light the smoke and said,"We are on special mission for the Greeks we were told we needed no papers to do our job" the man said,"what job did the Greeks want you to do" Bear thought and said,"Assassinate a special target on need to know basis" the man said,"Well I need to know" Bear sighed and said,"He's all yours just no noise" the man looked confused until he saw Dj move. Dj created a small dagger about four inches in length and half an inch thick and he shoved it through the man that was questioning them's throat and he let him go and bear caught the body and Dj had already attached him and the blade to the second mans throat before he could react and the third man drew his sword and tried to scream and before he could Dj threw the dagger in between the mans face guard and into his eye killing him bear and Dj left the bodies and continued on their walk and disappeared from the road until they got into the inner city which is where people live. Bear said,"Dj this is as far as I can go for now I have to get back and deal with a few lost souls" Dj nodded his head and the two shook hands and separated. Dj walked to a fancy hotel and more or less bought the room he was staying under the alias of reaper. The lady at the counter seemed kind of reserved when he first paid for the room and Dj left up the stairs to the top floor and found his room it was more or less a giant apartment as you went up in floors their was less rooms on each floor the top floor had four massive rooms and six on the one below and twenty rooms on the bottom floor. Dj unclaimed and took off all of the weapons he created and his sword and tomahawk and went down to normal clothes Dj left his gear and grabbed his black cloak Incase he had to turn forms and he covered himself with his normal cloak and jumped to the roof of the hotel and he was surprised to find a woman at the top of the roof but Dj was on a mission and didn't need to be seen so he jumped to a near by roof and then to another and when he thought he was outa sight he turned to the berserker form and he turned quickly and opened his wings and flew back the way he came keeping close to the buildings trying to hide himself Dj passed about fifty buildings and he landed on the last rooftop before a Manson that went on for about two whole city blocks and and he kneeled down on the edge and let his wings disappear again and he pulled the cloak on and hid his self besides a black cloak and he watched the dozens of guards walk the perimeter of the Manson wearing dark armor and helmets with swords and war hammers and some had bows Dj also found the whole area had a huge stone gate with steel spikes sticking up along with a cat walk for the guards to walk on. It had a pool and some other outside things to do like a porch guard shacks and a very secure building which he could assume it to be a armory. Dj looked around the building and saw movement on the roof there was a group of guards in a small shack with what resembled a cannon so that means they have discovered black powder in this world Dj thought to himself and then he asked himself a question why not have guards armed with black powder rifles and such? Dj heard the voice and he froze and the same voice repeated,"What are you doing on this roof top?" Dj made a smoke bomb appear in his hand and he turned to be shocked to see such a beautiful woman. Dj saw the glimmer of a silver blade and he silently laughed as he knew he wouldn't hurt her as she was innocent. Dj stood and the girl stepped back and she looked at his white eyes and she gasped at his eyes and she shook in fear. Dj went to say something when he heard yelling in the streets then heard what sounded like an explosion and he looked to see a red puff and then he saw the cannon turn towards the two Dj jumped forward and grabbed the girl and dove off of the roof as he heard the explosion then he heard the crash and clatter as the giant ball of metal hit the building. Dj opened his wings ripping through the back of his cloak and flew back away from the Manson and landed on the top of building and hung on the side with the girl digging her fingers in his neck Dj watched the Manson and the men as they moved in order to prepare for a raid of some type. Dj took this world as being primitive to his but it rivaled it except with its transport and weaponry other than that they were very similar. Dj saw something sliding over the inside and outside of the windows to stop anything from penetrating them and and the door looked very secure. Dj let go of the side of the building and flew to the roof and landed and placed the girl down and he stepped away and hid his wings from her. She looked at him and said what are you?" Dj looked at her in confusion as he thought the answer was clear as he thought there was only one species of humanoid. She looked at him again and said,"What are you because I've seen many species but none like you so what are you?" Dj laughed and said,"Human mostly I think" she said,"Humans can't fly or stop a blade from penetrating their skin" Dj looked at her in confusion as he never was stabbed by her and then he looked and realized she was holding half of the original dagger in her hand. Dj said,"This" he motioned to himself,"is not my true form this is magic and how have you seen multiple species if humans are the only one besides the animals here?" The woman said,"There are different species in each city this is a cross over world as we can create portals or well the creatures can create portals to their home world but they keep that technology to them selves but all rulers here besides the city of garg their ruler is an unknown species he can shape-shift so nobody knows what his true form really is" Dj nodded slowly and watched the woman and she asked,"So how are you doing magic on that level being a human" Dj looked at her and he said,"I can not tell you as I don't know how you will react" Dj looked at the sun and saw it was starting to set and he looked at her and said,"I will meet you here every day until my mission is done" she looked at him and said,"mission what was taken from you" Dj said,"Something irreplaceable and that I need to get them back" Dj looked at her and said,"Now I have to go but I'll meet you here tomorrow at sunset and I will always be around the city you don't know my true form so you'll never know if it is me or not but goodbye for now my friend" Dj walked and stepped to the edge of the roof and waved at the woman and fell off and she screamed and ran to the edge to see him flying off into the heart of the city.