
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


Back at the camp

Caleigh and Julie rush Leon to the camps own little hospital after landing. They put Leon on the table and Julie grabbed a syringe with numbing medication and inject the area around the wound and the arrow. Caleigh started an iv and got moved onto helping Julie remove the arrow. Julie grabs a coagulant powder and pours it over the wound and then wrapped the wound in gauze and coban and they clean up the area they check the wound regularly to make sure it stopped bleeding.

Back with Dj and the others

The group called their partners and they came in from there own hiding spots and the group loaded everything again and rode about three quarters of the day towards the base of the mountain and stopped off for water since they wanted to make it by morning so they gave their partners a break and they all got water and rested Dj broke off from John and Lucas and their partners and went to keep watch and see if he thought anyone was following them. Dj climbed a tree to the first big branch and sat and looked around the surrounding area he saw other wild animals and he watched for any unusual movement and the longer he waited the more he anticipated it would come the three of them agreed to move again after dark because if they were being followed they wanted it to be almost impossible to follow them up the mountain since there is a path but they didn't follow the path they ran up a back way that would be nearly impossible for a human to climb on their own as it was hard for the animals to climb it. Dj sat watching the woods when he caught sight of a weird thing it was a hyena beast a good sized level hyena beast so why was it alone he thought to himself then he heard it a crack and he turned his look to a figure about thirty to forty yards to the west of him since he hadn't moved and since he was to high. Dj whistled like a bird and he knew that the person wouldn't think anything of it since they made a huge noise but his friends wouldn't they would hide and wait for a take down. Dj pulled out his bow and nocked an arrow and watched the person walking slowly towards the river where his friends were he saw that they had crossed the river and hid in the thicker part of the beginning of the woods so Dj walked the branch he was on and climbed to the other side of the tree and crouched and watched the person waiting for a good opening to take a shot since the part of the forest was covered in a dense thick of small saplings and elephant grass. The person finally found themselves in a tiny opening to get a shot through it wouldn't kill them but it would knock them unconscious. Dj had knocked a special tipped arrow that when it would hit it would hit like a fiat instead of a blade. He pulled the string back and loosed the arrow knocking the person unconscious and their hyena beast didn't hear anything since it was now almost two hundred yards away and the thickness of the forest didn't let sound carry very easily. Dj climbed out of the tree and walked slowly towards the person he knocked out. Watching to make sure it is safe Dj slowly closes the gap when he hears the high pitch whistle and he knows it is to late. The person he thought he knocked out isn't knocked out just playing it. Dj calls to Zeus and he came charging across the river. The hyena beast charges through the thick brush and comes right to the aid of its owner as does Zeus. As time what feels like it slowed for Dj he watched the hyena come closer and closer until he has broken the clearing edge and runs right towards him and the hyenas claws and paw smacks Dj knocking him back and against a tree. Dj falls to the ground and John and Lucas come to his aid while Zeus holds the line against the hyena beast keeping Dj and the others safe. The two animal partners roaring and growling at each other the hyena beast knowing he has no power against the giant alpha wolf but he must protect his partner whom he would give his life for. The assailant who was thought to be knocked out called to her hyena to stand down. The alpha wolf she saw before her was the one no animal left a fight with not even a king gorilla who were the biggest in strength. The young girl heard the alpha had been tamed and she knew if her hyena beast killed that owner they would both be dead so she tried to calm hyena beast so they would show no threat she just wanted to join the side of the man who tamed such a beautiful killing machine. Zeus was called by Lucas and he slowly backed towards the three men and he watched the beast and assailant in front of him. Lucas and John helped get the unconscious Dj onto the giant wolf and sorta tied him so that he wouldn't fall off. And the two called their partners as well and johns rhino lead the two animals through the river to them. John and Lucas climbed on top of their partners and walked towards the assailant and John said,"You will mount your beast and follow us or die here your choice" the woman that they didn't know she was since she was wearing a wrap on her face and hid her feminine features under her clothes climbed on the hyena beast and she rode in front of John while Zeus and Lucas lead the run back to camp a day earlier than expected. The four of them after a days ride broke through the clearing to find the camp and everyone came out excited to see the group. But they were shocked to see a new person and see that Dj was unconscious and Caleigh Julie Krystal Dan Lucas Came and got Dj off of Zeus and carried him to their hospital/infirmary and started working on him while John and Lucas lead their new prisoner to the make shift jail and locked the door and her hyena beast laid behind the jail while Zeus was circling the camp clearly irritated by how tense the wolf's muscles were when he walked John started trying to scare the woman or interrogate her. John said,"You know if he doesn't make it out alive you and your beast will die it will be a slow death too" Lucas looked at her and he just shook his head walking away and John followed. Lucas grabbed John once they were out of ear shot and he threw the man against a near by tree and he said,"You know as well as I do that even if he doesn't make it he will not take a life of a female that is one of our number one rules unless it can't be helped you know this so why do you make it seem like we are just a bunch of thugs" John who was pissed at being man handled but he knew what he did was wrong it was why they all looked up to Dj and Lucas they were two men who inspired you to be close to them they stood for something better than most men here who just want sex and money these two men want to fight against the greed and lust. The two men walked to the infirmary to see if they could help when they walked in they were both hit with a smell of blood and alcohol they didn't know the extent of his injuries when he went in and now they do. When they opened the door John threw up at the sight there laid Dj their leader and best friend covered in blood and bruises. Dj had four claw marks running from shoulder to his mid stomach they looked deep but they couldn't see any bone or organ so they knew nothing was penetrated with the claws three out of four of the claws were stitched Julie was stitching his cuts while Caleigh was trying to keep it together Lucas heard crying and he looked and saw Krystal Lucy Luke Dan and Beth they all had solemn looks and Krystal was crying her eyes out along with Lucy. Lucas walked in and looked at Caleigh and hugged her and said,"Go with the others and sit with them I will help Julie your in no condition to do this". Caleigh wanted to argue with Lucas but she couldn't because she knew he was right Caleigh walked out of the room and Julie said,"I need some more gauze and tape so I can cover his stitches once I'm done with this" Lucas nodded and searched through the area and found tape and gauze and handed them to her he put a set of blue rubber gloves on as he saw that Julie had them on. He looked at the gloves weirdly not liking the texture and feeling of them. Julie had just finished the last stitch and then started covering the wounds with gauze and tape once she was done she did a look over and she wiped the blood that was on Dj's body off with a antiseptic rag as the package said and cleaned the blood off. Lucas and Julie walked out of the room and just fell to the floor not knowing if Dj was going to live or die it was now in Dj's hands and it was the worst time the waiting process it was going to be a rough time for the group