
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Meeting new people

Dj landed back on the roof of the hotel he was staying in and he climbed back onto his balcony and he went into his room he turned back to his normal self and he changed his clothes and he created a piece of metal like a vest to help stop arrows or knives and he placed it on under his clothes. Dj then grabbed his cloak and tomahawk and sword and hid them under his cloak he left the smoke bombs and small explosives and flares hidden in his room. He then walked out his door and down the stairs to the bottom floor and he walked to the business side of the city walking around Dj saw a whole different side of the city it was all different kinds of shops some for magic, food, clothing, weapons, all seemed normal except one it was a magic book shop it seemed darker than most and it didn't look like they had any business. Dj walked to the entrance of the shop and opened the door and entered the dark room and he saw a person in a hood standing behind a counter and he walked to the person and said,"I need some information" and the person took of their hood and it was a women covered in what seemed to be animal tattoos but Dj didn't think they had a way to make tattoos in this world. The beautiful white haired woman said,"What kind of information" Dj said,"The kind that of you gave it to me you would be killed kind" the woman said,"No no we don't do that here" Dj let the white berserker eyes show and the women wasn't shocked and said,"So your an enlightened one I can possibly help you then" but not put here follow me to the back Dj walked behind the counter in tow with the beautiful women and she closed the curtain and said a few words in what sounded like Latin and she said ,"we are free to speak now" Dj nodded his head and said,"I'm looking for an illegal animal transportation someone who would have taken a giant wolf from the villagers outside in the jungle/forest" she said,"You mean the owls private black knights" Dj nodded and she said,"What would the giant wolf have been used for" Dj looked at her and said,"He is the alpha" she smiled and said,"Your the one they rumored of a man who was more god than man who could say men by the thousands with his wolf and sword" Dj just looked at her and she said do you want to know why you don't see any animals in the city" Dj looked at her in Boredom and she took her cloak off and said,"Here" she showed her many tattoos one which looked new and she said there are spells you can use to place them on your body and you share one mind and you can use their power and sometimes if the bond is good enough you can turn into them" Dj asked,"Where did you get the tiger" the woman smiled and said,"I bought it from the group of black knights that have your wolf" Dj felt the anger boil and asked,"What all animals did they have" she said,"This tiger, the alpha, another wolf, an owl a snake and a rhino why do they matter though" Dj said in a deathly calm voice,"Those were my friends animal partners and I intend to get them back and the one you have their is my wife's" the woman looked in glee and said,"I'll give the tiger back but I want something in return" Dj said,"What is that" and she said,"To have your child as I can feel you have immense power and i am a witch in need of power" Dj thought about it and said,"When I get my partner and my friends and family and have discussed the deal with my wife then possibly" the women looked please and she said,"Here then" she said more words in Latin and the tiger disappeared from her to Dj's arm. Dj dropped to his knees from the burning of a weird symbol on his wrist it was what resembled a lock and the woman said,"The lock is holding you to the deal so the deal will be forever placed on your body until the child is growing inside of my womb". Dj stood and said,"Then you will help me find my friends and family along with the men who have my partner and the other animal partners agreed?" The women nodded her head and said,"my name is Snow" Dj said,"and I am Dj". Dj walked out of the back and he turned and said,"I'll be back tomorrow that is when we start our search for the partners and my friends and my family" and he walked from the shop and disappeared into the crowd of people as the sun rose and he went back to the other side of the city to find a good diner. Dj was walking down the path when he heard a voice that said,"Give me your gold and I'll let you live" Dj knew he was in no danger but he decided to play along for now Dj pulled a small pouch from the air under his cloak and it seemed to have weight like gold coins but was just a magic pouch that seemed heavy. Dj dropped the pouch onto the ground and it landed with a good thud and the person grabbed it and tried to kill Dj he shoved the blade into Dj's back but the blade was stopped by the metal Dj wore. He became furious at the person who tried to silence him. Dj turned and looked at the person and he saw it was a kid no more than fourteen he grabbed the kid who was hidden by baggy clothes that resembled jeans but it was just some type of hide painted blue and their shirt wasn't hide but it was like a cloth that would be used for coverings it was always expensive so it was what everyone in the village used as coverings because that is all you could by enough for. He picked the kid up and lifted him to eye level and said,"I gave you why you asked for and yet you still try to silence me, now what is keeping me from killing you huh" the kid looked shocked by the fierceness of Dj's voice. Dj looked into the kids eyes and saw true fear in them. Dj dropped the kid and said,"I'll be calling on you kid for help looking for some people okay" the kid nodded. Dj created a bag full of thirty coins and said,"Here kid take this and feed yourself and get a good nights rest" Dj dropped the bag and picked up the other bag and he disappeared into the crowd. Dj found a small diner that sold food he went in and found nobody was in the diner and the sign said seat yourself. Dj found a small table in the back of the diner and he opened the menu and a young women who seemed to be about eighteen. She asked what would you like to eat Dj ordered his meal and the young women disappeared into the back room and Dj let the berserkers powers arise so he could see through the walls and so he could hear what they were saying and he heard the young women say,"Their is a man who is oozing with power I think you need to go check him out" Dj kept his hood up and kept his head down when he heard movement come from the same door the young women enter and then he heard a plate be sat down in front of him. Dj looked at the plate and his instincts said something was off about the food Dj glanced at the person who handed him his plate was smiling and said,"Gotcha" and the person grabbed Dj and slammed him into the table and stepped back Dj stood and threw the table across the room shattering it to pieces and Dj looked at the person who he now saw was a man and he held a smile. Dj let his eyes change color and let a deep glutenous growl resonate from his chest and the mans once smug smile turned to fear. Dj grabbed the man and looked him in the eye and said,"I know you tried to poison me why?" The man ran over his words trying to say,"I was going to give you a mild knock out drug to interrogate you" Dj picked the man up and threw him across the diner into a table and said,"Don't you mean for the dark knights" Dj drew his sword he had hidden under his cloak and walked over to the man when the woman who took Dj's order ran out and stood in between Dj and the man and she said,"Please don't they force us to give all magical beings to them if they find out that we didn't they will kill him and sell me as a whore" Dj looked at her threw the hood of his cloak and he sheathed his sword and said,"Who are they, I want names and how many of them" the women said,"four of them, their leader is Jax, Oliver, Cris, and Donnie" Dj asked,"Do these four have anything to do with selling illegal animals?" The girl nodded her head and Dj smiled to himself and said,"When will they return to this establishment" the girl said tomorrow there is a sale going down tomorrow with some new fresh group of animals" Dj walked to the door and said,"I'll be seeing you tomorrow and if anything said here leaves this building I will come for you both and gut you both understood?" Dj left without an answer and he walked back to his room and stripped of his normal clothes and turned to the berserker he had to meet his friend he met yesterday. Dj pulled his cloak on and walked to the balcony and dove off the balcony and opened his wings and flew to the building he left the girl at before he left. Dj landed on the roof and closed his wings and watched the city move. Dj saw movement to his right and saw the girl he met yesterday and she said,"hello" Dj returned the jester and said hello back to her. The girl said,"My name is Emily what is yours" Dj smiled under his hood and said,"My real name I can not give but you can call me reaper for now" she watched him closely and said,"Well okay Reaper how is your mission going" Dj said,"Well if all falls in place I should have the first half done by tomorrow now the second half could take me a little while" the young women looked sad and then kind of happy but she quickly hid it. Dj asked,"What do you know of the city powers of the Greeks?" She said,"Well all I really know is my uncle was good friends of the head man in charge his name is green I believe. But why do you ask?" Dj said," Well I just like to know who I am meeting I don't like surprises very much" the girl nodded and said,"Oh no I'm late I have to leave good bye reaper" Dj watched the girl run and disappear from the roof of the building and Dj flew to his own room for some much needed rest.