
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Marriage and death

Waking up the next morning Dj was alone and it was early morning he had to get ready for tonight because tonight was his wedding with Krystal. He go dressed in his wedding attire which was just new black dyed hide pants and somewhat of a black dyed cloak with a white shirt he then placed the new wolf cloak over top of it all and he grabbed his weapons and necklaces he adjusted his top braid to where it was tighter and he walked out of the house and found his friends at the bar Caleigh was trying to keep the three men from getting to drunk along with Julie he walked over to them and hugged Caleigh and she looked happy and hugged him back and Caleigh said,"well congratulations on getting married here soon" Dj nodded his head to her and smiled he then hugged each of the others and Dj walked away after saying goodbyes to his friends and that he would see them at the wedding. Dj walked to the edge of the village and called for Zeus and he came running Zeus jumped out of the trees just beyond the village and he stopped in front of Dj and Dj said to Zeus,"thank you buddy you have been here for me and today I take marriage and I want you in town with us you and Selene need to get acquainted with each other buddy" Zeus nodded his head and Dj touched his forehead to his and he turned and walked with him to the bar where the others were and he said to them,"You guys have kept me alive thus far and you are my friends and my family thank you" they hugged him and he them and they all saw it was time for the wedding to start they all walked to the wedding area and he walked in the back to be greeted by Lucy Lucas Beth and Dan and the town priest he said his hellos and took of the over cloak and gave it to Lucy she placed it in the closet and they walked into the alter and saw the priest and all the others Luke and Lucy stood in the front along side of Dan and Beth out came Krystal after some time and she walked up to where Dj was stand and Dj admired what she was wearing was a dark tanned animal skin dress. The priest called for the wedding to start and he took their hands and grabbed a small knife and cut their fingers and dropped their blood onto hot rocks he then said,"the blood has been burned and absorbed by the heat and therefore can not be undone" Krystal kissed Dj in happiness and Dj and Krystal after kissing they walked outside and down to the inn Dj carried Krystal to their room and placed her on the bed Dj then removed his gear he had on along with his shirt he kissed Krystal and and she pulled him to the bed where she laid Dj on his back and kissed his lips while sitting on his lap and she began kissing down his neck to his chest and she kissed back up capturing his lips and she sat back up and pulled the skin tight dress off her body showing the two white cloths she wore to cover her. Dj leaned up and kissed her neck causing Krystal to lean her head back he started to untie the white cloth covering her breasts and his battle cry in his arm went off and he ignored it and continued untying Krystal's wrap when Krystal's and his both rang at the same time they both answered them and on Dj's he saw John and he said,"Emergency owls town have sent royal guards to find who killed Lyle and walker" Dj said,"Okay I'll be there give me a second" John nodded his head and closed the call and kissed Krystal's lips and said,"as much as I want to continue we have to go" she nodded her head and climbed off of Dj's lap and they both got dressed and Dj grabbed his gear and he kissed her lips then her forehead and he turned to look at her and said,"If anything happens I want you to take Luke Lucy Beth and Dan and go to were I said we would go and the others and I will be there in a day if nothing bad has happened and if something does happen we will send a two people up" she nodded her head and they walked out and towards the village main entrance he kissed Krystal one last time before she went with Lucy and Luke and Beth and Dan as they were standing off to the side Dj watched the crowd of guards and he heard the head guy say to Leon,"We are here to search for The murder of Lyle owl and Walker Scroll we have reports of one man being the killer his name is unknown but we have a description of the murder" The man speaking and he looked around through the crowd of people and when Dj and the man locked eyes Dj smiled and gave a curt wave like one would give a small child. Thus enraging the man more he called for his guards to grab Dj in which Dj held his hands up and he held a smug smile and he looked at the four guards and said,"If you wish to live drop your spears and walk away now" still the men stepped forward and Dj dropped his hands to his weapons and drew them attacking the closest guard Dj shoved the sword into the mans throat with his right hand and he turned and slammed the ax of the tomahawk into another guards head and Dj turned slicing the mans head off that had the sword in his throat and spun and successfully slashing the third guards side of his neck hitting the jugular causing blood to spew from the mans wounds once the first three guards were dead the last guard stood in an attack formation which Dj readied himself the man shoved the spear towards Dj in which Dj hit the spear with the tomahawk causing it to hit the ground and he shoved the sword into the mans stomach and slashed out his right side causing his innards to fall out and the man to fall to the ground. Dj then walked towards the group of guards and the shock from the killing stunned each of the men and eventually the order came to charge at him and by this time his friends attacked the guards Dj killed the first guard running at him and he looked over and saw Luke Dan Lucy Beth and Krystal and Dj yelled,"Run go now get out of here" the shock of what they saw wore off and they all ran to their houses and left. Eventually the group of friends being Caleigh, John, Luke, Leon Julie and Dj all became surrounded with guards and he looked at his friends and Dj yelled,"Alpha release the urge to feast and have your full of men" the others caught on to what he was doing and the others followed suit besides Caleigh since she didn't have one yet. The group began killing every person who came at the with a weapon and their animals killed men as they tried to run or attack them the group of about a thousand went down to about 7 and the 7 men dropped their weapons and Dj looked at his friends and said,"Call your partners" they each Called their partners and Dj looked at the group and grabbed the man in charge and pulled him aside of the others and Dj said the man he was holding and said,"Watch your men you led to death die a horrible way" Dj then said to Zeus,"rip them to shreds" and as on cue the animals all attacked Dj watched Zeus jump and bite into his man and release and throw the man to get a better bite and saw the once whole man just disappear down to his ankles he looked around at the men who were once alive all shredded and all over the ground which was now littered with bodies and soaked with blood. Dj looked at the man he pulled to the side and he said,"You will join your men but I thought it so fitting to give the leader a special death" just as the words left his mouth he heard the string of a bow loose and he watched the arrow soar and before he could react he watched the arrow imbed into Leon's chest and as on instinct Dj drew his bow and nocked an arrow and drew and loosed the arrow and saw the man fall and he said to Zeus,"Bring him here if you would" Zeus took off like a bat outa hell running across. Dj grabbed the man he was next to and threw him to the ground as Julie and John tried to stop the bleeding of Leon something in Dj snapped and he looked at Caleigh and she went to run to Dj but it was to late Dj had already grabbed the mans hand and sliced it off and the man let out a scream Dj said in a eerily calm voice,"Your towns men have started a war they will never survive" Dj stepped on the mans wound causing him to scream more and he shoved the tip of the sword slowly into the man shoulder causing the man to scream and try to get away from him but he couldn't. Dj pulled the sword out of the man once he went through the shoulder as he knew it was just hanging on barely and he grabbed a spear from off the ground and he acted like he examined the spear that had been laying next to the mans leg. Dj then picked up the spear and jammed it into and through his leg causing the man to scream out more by this time there was a crowd of villagers who were watching some thinking if they should intervene or others trying to drown out the mans blood curling screams. Dj dropped to a squatting stance and whispered in the mans ear,"If your archer hadn't taken that shot you would already be dead and have no pain" Dj stood to his legs and he grabbed a knife the man had on his side and he placed his knee into the mans spine and he made two final cuts one on each side of the mans spinal cord near his neck and let the man die slowly from there. Dj stood dropping the knife and walked over to Julie and asked,"Will he make it" she nodded her head and said,"He will for now we stopped the bleeding but we need to get him up to the top of the mountain to our supplies. Over the year he had been up their with them Dj had gotten every modern day medical supply from his world and books on them also. Zeus brought the injured archer and dropped him in front of Dj and Dj looked at Julie and said,"You decide whether he lives or dies" she looked at Dj in shock but she thought about it and she grabbed a dagger from the ground and she walked over to the archer and looked him in the eye and put the blade to his throat and said,"Had you not hurt anyone I would have let you live but now you must die" she sliced his throat and Dj grabbed the arrow from the mans body and placed it in the quiver on his side. Dj then said,"We need to get moving I have a sneaky suspicion that there are a lot more guards not to far away" Caleigh John Lucas and Dj all helped Julie to get Leon in a basket more or less for his owl to carry him while Caleigh rode his owl home with Julie running with them for emergency John Lucas and Dj mounted their animals with gear and things that were left at Krystal's and Luke and Lucy's house and the three of them rode towards the deepest part of the forest they needed to find a place to camp to see if they were being followed. After about two hours of running the trio made camp in a giant tree that had fallen and was hollowed out at the end. They rode inside of the giant tree that made them look like a ant walking a normal tree even if they could climb the tree with gear as it laid there it would take about a half day. The trio unloaded their partners and let them run and find a place they were more comfortable with to sleep and the three of them made camp they grabbed their ground beds and laid them close to the fire to keep warm. John cooked a couple birds he had shot for the group and when it was finished they ate and went to sleep for the night.