
Battle of Gods

Only one attempts to seek equilibrium in a world where gods, angels, and demons abound. Damian Blest is his name, and although most people don't value what he does, it's for the benefit of mankind's future and his quest for vengeance and redemption. Note from the Author: If you like short Novels then this is for you! ;)

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6 Chs

Chapter 1-4 “The End begins I”

<At first, there was nothing—a vast empty space with no signs of life. Then time came when that nothingness made a singular light, a faint light. But that light exploded out of nowhere, causing it to give birth to the first being and the first god, named Nura.>

"What? What is this? Where am I? Am I blind? I can't see?" Confusion then struck Nura.

<As he exhaled, a thought slipped into his mind.>

<<Create? But there's nothing to create.>>

<Then an unknown being appeared out of nowhere.>

"I am your humble servant, my lord." The being stated.

"Whoah, what? Where'd you come from?" Nura said shockingly, then asked.

"My name, my lord, is Infinity; you created me." The being answered.

"Created you?" Nura replied.

"Yes, my lord, with me you have the power to create whatever it is you desire." Infinity answered.

<<Whatever I desire.>>

"I hold space and every flow of this thing you call the fabric of time. I am a being you created to hold time and bring balance to everything you would create." Politely said by infinity

"So I can create anything with just a thought?" Nura asked.

"Yes, my lord, but only if you are with me." Infinity answered.

"I have two capsules, my lord, containing fragments of my essence. One of these capsules holds the power to create anything out of sheer knowledge, and the other could create anything with just a thought. I shall keep only knowledge, for I am who is to see everything." Infinity stated.

<So, Nura closed his eyes and let out a huge explosion, causing space to expand. And after this, Nura created the universe.>

-Present time-

"Fuck! Somebody took Belle?!" Exaggeratedly stated by Ragna.

"Are you sure of what you saw Ali?" Calmly asked by Damian.

"Sure did Damian, I followed her to the catacombs because I smelled something fishy in the air." Ali replied.

"I saw two identical men grab her into some kind of a portal." Explained by Ali.

"Did you see the faces who dragged her?" Damian asked.

"Not really, but I did hear their names. It was something like Abal? Abol? And something like Chain's?" Ali replied.

"Kane and Abel..." Faintly replied by Adam.

"Yes! That!" Ali stated.

-A short silence passed by.-

"How could I be so fucking careless? I should've brought her with me."

Daniel opened his hands and said:

"Book of Time." This book is an incomplete replica of the Book of Time. This book contains every knowledge of every fabric of this universe and of time." Damian explained.

"That's impossible; how can you make a replica of this book? It's not like you've been in every moment of time." Curiously asked by Adam.

"I've lived long enough to see this world fall, you know. But as you can see, this book is not complete, and there are some blanks here that need to be filled." Damian answered.

"Okay? But how are we going to find her with this?" Adam asked.

"This book contains something that I knew of, something highly important. This book has the entire enchantment to summon Odin's Eye." Damian answered while he opened the book.

"With this, I can find her even in the deepest part of the outer world or even in every fabric of time."

When Damian summoned Odin's Eye, he unravelled something unbelievable.

"She's in the plains." Damian stuttered.

"Plains? What plains? Where is that?" Adam curiously asked.

"The plains are where it all began. That's where time began." Damian stuttered and was shocked.

-A week earlier-

Back when Kane and Abel dragged Belle through a portal to the outer world, a ripple occurred on the pathway between two dimensions. And with this, it redirects them to the plains.

"What the fuck!?" Kane stuttered.

"Where are we?" Curiously asked by Belle.

"W-we don't know either, lady..." Answered by Abel

<Out of nowhere, a sudden glow came.>

"What the fuck is that?!?" Kane was baffled.

<As the light came closer, it took the form of a glowing man with no face but only a figure.>

"I see; the side effects of her long absence have already been showing." The being spoke.

"Holy fuck, the thing just talked!" Kane was flabbergasted.

"Who are you?" Belle asked.

"I am simply a being who puts himself into isolation. But you can call me Nura." Said by Nura.

"I feel like I've heard of that name before." Belle replied.

Nura then points at Kane and Abel with an unpleasant tone.

"You two don't belong here."

Naura then sends them in front of Lilith's domain.


"Damian, I have to ask. As I've read in some of your books. So, there were originally two capsules, right? So how come in one of your other books it is stated that there are three?" Asked Adam.

"Well, the capsule told me." Damian replied.

"Technically there are only two capsules, but God asked this being Infinity to make one of his sons another capsule. Although I don't know the details of how the first one that came with mine works, I do know how the third one works." Damian explained.

"How come you don't know how the first one works?" Asked Adam curiously.

"The capsule won't tell." Says Damian.

"But, do you know where the third one is?" Asked Adam.

-In Heaven-

"Ahh, I see. My brother is trying to escape, is he? I thought primordial magic would last longer, but it seems like that wasn't the truth." Michael grinned sarcastically while sitting on the throne and wiping his spear.

"Well, Azazel, prepare 500 angels and release 500 Doom angels out wild and go greet them." Ordered by Michael.

"Yes, brother," Azazel answered.

-In Lilith's chamber's-

"Kane! Abel! if you don't want to get incinerated by the Lord, then take a thousand beast angels and get the fuck out of here!" Lilith shouted with anger.

<Damian then felt something unpleasant.>

"Ragna!" Damian called with unease.

"What?!?!" Ragna shockingly replied.

"Tell Philip and Richard to get their soldiers and be ready for an attack!" Damian answered.

"Uh, on it!" Says Ragna.

"Adam!" Damian called.

"I heard I'll be up front!" Adam replied.


"Ali! Tell Jor and Reeve to guard the fucking globe!" Damian shouted.

"I'm on it, boss!" Ali then barged out.

"This is the start of an all out war." Seriously stated by Damian.

<As the threat came, Damian was left unprepared.>