
Battle Of Earth (Golden Will) Fanfic

At a young age Yuki loses his parents in front of his eyes. He learns life doesn't fight fair and that reality stabs us in the back. His entire goal of protecting others and becoming stronger is built on a promise. Yuki a boy in a world gifted with powerful people fights to become the strongest and protect others, but also ends up doing the opposite. He experiences love and loss, happiness and sadness, being good and evil. In a powerful world only the strong can survive; so they say.

Narcissistic_Tiger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 20: Man Down

Derek picked up a red card and read the dare out loud. "Call your mom and ask if you're adopted."

He looked up from his card and stared timidly at both girls. "If I ask my mother that, she'll kill me for sure."

"Derek is right, his mom is very strict and asking her that question would mean suicide." Yukari added.

Tamiko contemplated for a while before speaking. "If Derek's mother is really that strict then he shouldn't do it."

"Yeah, I think he should skip the dare." Yukari seconded.

"Yuki, what do you think?" Tamiko asked, everyone turned their attention towards Yuki. He placed his phone on his right ear.

"Hello Mrs. Itsuki." Yuki said to the person on the other side of the phone.

"Shit, he's talking toy mom." Derek whispered violently. "Yuki stop."

Yuki put the phone on speaker. "Hello, Kinatarou-kun, how are you doing?" Derek's mother spoke from the other side of the phone.

"I'm great, I just called because Derek has been really bugging me about something." Yuki said.

Derek glared at Yuki silently. 

"Why was he bugging you? I hope he hasn't been a bother to you or else I'll beat him to a pulp." Mrs. Itsuki said.

Derek tried to grab the phone from Yuki's hand but Yuki prevented him from doing so.

"Derek has been asking if he's adopted." Yuki fired the shotgun directly at Derek's head.

"WHAAAAAAAATTTT!!!!" Mrs. Itsuki shouted in shock. "After I clothed and fed that boy he is asking if he's adopted! I'm gonna give that boy the beating of his life! How dare he doubt our relationship!" Mrs. Itsuki yelled. 

"Okay, Mrs. Itsuki." Yuki spoke casually.

"Thank you for telling me this Mrs. Itsuki said.

"Okay, bye." Yuki hung up the call and smiled deviously at Derek.

"Someday, I'll stab you through your head." Derek said while handing the dice over to Yukari. "It's your turn to suffer." He said without any expression on his face.

Yukari rolled the dice and a got a two, she moved her character and landed on a blue square. 

'Its been proven that both the blue and red cards don't have any good dares, so I'll just have to pray that Yuki doesn't get involved when I pick a card.' Yukari thought while picking up the card and slowly read it's content out loud. "Who is the person you care about the most?" 

Everyone was shocked that Yukari got an easy question.

"No! Noooo! I can't get my revenge with that question." Yuki complained while taking the card from Yukari's hand and checking it to confirm if what she said was true. "Noooooooo!!" Yuki yelled at the painful truth, his plan was thwarted.

"Hehe, looks like you can't get your revenge on me." Yukari giggled and stuck out her tongue.

"Well then just answer the question?" Derek said while still thinking about what he would say to his mother when he gets home.

"Well that's easy, The person I care about the most is onii-san. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to him as long as I'm here." Yukari smiled and hugged Yuki's arm.

Yuki looked at her and said. "You're lucky you didn't get a hard dare."

"Hehe, your turn." Yukari giggled and handed Yuki the dice.

Yuki rolled and landed on a red square, he picked up the card and read it out loud.

"Kiss either the player on the right or left on the cheek." Yuki looked both of the girls, Tamiko was on his left while Yukari was on his right.

Both girls looked him with anticipation, the atmosphere became tough, It was truly a test of who Yuki liked more; Yukari or Tamiko. Derek was too busy thinking about his mom to notice the change in the atmosphere. 

Yuki slowly moved, he leaned towards Yukari and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Yukari's face turned red and she looked at ground. 

"Sorry Yukari, if you want you can get revenge on me during my next turn." Yuki thought Yukari was upset because of how red her face was.

Yukari opened her mouth and spoke timidly. "I don't mind as long as it's onii-san whose kissing me."

'Thats a wierd thing to say to someone who you consider your brother.' Tamiko thought their was something fishy going on.

They kept playing the game until it was late. It was Derek who so he walked home with four hundred yen. Although he was still scared to go home because he was afraid of what his mom would do if she saw him.

Yukari had walked Tamiko home so they would have a girl to girl talk.

Yuki sat on the couch in his regular cross legged position while Shizuku lay on his head. During the time that Tamiko and Derek were here Shizuku slept in the room so they had no idea a cat was in the house.

Yuki stared at the TV which was turned off and then stared at the clock hung over it. The time was 8:47 PM.

"It's getting late, looks like Yukari is taking her time." Yuki spoke to Shizuku who responded by placing his paw on Yuki's nose.

Yuki got up and stood on one leg, he spoke as if he had gotten the greatest advice from Shizuku. "Shizuku you're right, I should cook a delicious dinner so that when Yukari gets home she will be greeted by the scent of an awesome meal."

Yuki walked into the kitchen hopped into the kitchen with Shizuku still resting on his head, this was his new way of transportation. If he was to lazy to use crutches then he would just hop to his destination. 

He was going to prepare ramen and gyoza dumplings, he wanted Yukari to get the best treatment while she was living with him, he also choose this dish because he couldn't afford anything else. Within 25 minutes he was serving the food on the dining table while waiting for Yukari.

The door opened and Yukari walked, she was hit by the smell of ramen and gyoza dumplings. She walked to the dining table and saw Yuki sitting on a chair while petting Shizuku who was laying on his laps, the food looked incredibly delicious.

"Onii-san, did you prepare this?" Yukari asked.

"No, it was Shizuku who cooked the food." Yuki said in a sarcastic tone.

"Shall we eat?" He asked.

"Okay." Yukari started eating using chopsticks.

She kept staring at Yuki while eating, she touched her cheek where Yuki kissed her. Although he was someone she considered her brother, they weren't really related by blood.

"What? Is there ramen on face?" Yuki asked after he noticed Yukari staring at him.

"Can't I look at my handsome brother?" Yukari said while still looking at Yuki. 

Yuki continued eating and let Yukari do what she wanted.

"I just wish onii-san would also look at me." Yukari said while pouting.

"Go ask someone else to look at you." Yuki said while chewing his food.

"You're so mean, can't you at least grant my one wish?"

"I'm not a genie." Yuki said while looking down at his food.

"Ummm, Yuki have you talked to Haruki or Satoshi." Yukari asked, she was referring to Yuki's brothers.

"No, they are out doing their job." Yuki said.

They had jobs which involved a lot of traveling, the job also required them to use their kizo.

"Ohh, so when are you going to visit my mom." Yukari asked.

Yuki had lived with them since he was five and he also considered Yukari's mother as his mother. He had started living on his own when he was fifteen and and since then he seen her.

"I think I'll go when my leg heals."

"Silver bear was thrown into prison for life, maybe I'll pay him a visit so I can make him pay for what he did to you."Yukari said while tightly clenching her chopsticks.

It was obvious that Yukari didn't didn't like what Silver bear did to her brother.

"Don't worry, we will just have to deal with his son." Yuki said.

"Son?" Yukari tilted her head in confusion.

"Yeah, he has a son who attends Empirial college." Yuki had finished his ramen so he just leaned backwards on his chair while sitting in his regular cross legged position.

"How did you know that?" Yukari asked.

"He and a kid named Hiroto Hiroshima look exactly alike, they also have the same smell." Yuki stated. He and Yukari had a very strong sense of smell and hearing, so they could easily pick up the slightest scent.

"We're not sure about that." Yukari said.

"Yeah but we still have to be cautious, knowing Hiroto he will probably get revenge if Silver bear is his dad." Yuki said.

They both washed the dishes and showered separately. Yuki lay on the bed while Yukari lay on the mattress placed next to the bed. She kept groaning and turning because she wasn't comfortable.

"I can't sleep if you keep making noises." Yuki said while sitting up.

"I'm not comfortable." Yukari complained.

She got up from the mattress and sat with Yuki on the bed, she lay down on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Yuki asked.

"Can't we just sleep on the bed together?" Yukari asked.