
Battle Of Earth (Golden Will) Fanfic

At a young age Yuki loses his parents in front of his eyes. He learns life doesn't fight fair and that reality stabs us in the back. His entire goal of protecting others and becoming stronger is built on a promise. Yuki a boy in a world gifted with powerful people fights to become the strongest and protect others, but also ends up doing the opposite. He experiences love and loss, happiness and sadness, being good and evil. In a powerful world only the strong can survive; so they say.

Narcissistic_Tiger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 19: Aete Gēmu

"That's enough Onigiri for now." Derek said while opening his backpack.

"You guys denied me from eating, how cruel." Tamiko slowly put down the plate with a frown.

"You eat just like Yuki." Derek commented.

"You're wrong I don't eat this much." Yuki retorted.

"Yeah.... You eat way more than this." Derek said while pulling a board game out of his backpack.

The board looked similar to the monopoly board game. It had red and blue colored squares drawn on it.

"This just came to my mind, Yukari you should call Yuki onii-san and not onii-chan." Derek said while placing the board on the table.

"Why is that?" Yukari tilted her head a bit and asked.

"Because, chan is mainly used for girls while San is used for someone you respect. And you respect Yuki don't you?"

"Of course!!! I respect and love onii-san more than anyone!!!" Yukari shouted.

Derek placed a deck of red cards on the right side of the board and a blue deck on the left side of the board.

"What game is this?" Yuki asked.

"It's a game where we're supposed to summon a demon." Tamiko whispered in a low and grim voice.

Yuki turned pale upon hearing this.

"Don't mind me, I'm just joking. By the way Yukari, 

how old are you?" Tamiko asked with a hint of curiosity.

"I'm the same age as onii-san which is sixteen. Onii-san is only a day older than me." Yukari said with a bright smile.


"So what's the game called?" Yukari asked.

"It's called aete gēmu." Derek answered. "We are each given pieces or you may call them characters." Derek placed four tiny objets on the starting point of the board game, they actually looked like toys. One was bird, one was cat, one was a dog and one was mouse.

"I'll be the mouse." Yuki was the first one to pick his character.

"I'll be the cat." Yukari picked.

"I'll be the dog." Derek picked.

"I'll be the bird." Tamiko was the last person to pick.

Derek pulled out the dice and proceeded to explain how aete gēmu was played. "When you roll the dice you get to move forward based on the number of shown on the dice, if you land on a blue square you pick a blue card and if you land on a red square you pick a red card. Each card has a dare written on it. There's over two hundred cards so that will keep the game going for a while. The first person to make it to the finish line wins the game and is gets one hundred yen from each player."

"That sounds fun, let's play." Yuki felt this was gonna be awesome.

"Everyone sit on the floor round the table so we know the order we will play in." Derek instructed.

They proceeded to round the square table. Yuki sat across Derek while the girls sat across each other.

"I'll go first." Yuki picked up the dice and threw it on the middle of the board. He got a three.

He moved his mouse character and landed on a red square, he proceeded to pick up a red card. He read what was written on it and looked back at them.

"Ummmm, Derek was supposed to go first." He said with a look of regret.

"No way! You probably picked something stupid." Derek rejected.

"What's written on your card?" Yukari asked while taking the card out of Yuki's hand. She read the card out loud. "Smear butter on your face for two turns before cleaning."

"Hahahaha!!!" Derek and Yukari laughed in unison.

"That's what you get for being to confident. Hahaha!!!" Yukari laughed loudly.

"Wait.. Wait this isn't right." Yuki tried standing up but he couldn't because of his broken leg.

They all held him down while Yukari got some butter from the fridge which was in the kitchen.

"Hey hey, don't you dare touch my face!" Yuki warned.

Yukari returned with the butter, Tamiko and Derek pinned him on the floor by the table. Yuki struggled but he couldn't release himself from their grip. Yukari rubbed some butter all over Yuki's face. They released him when they were done. Yuki's face now glistened in the light because of the butter. They sat down in their original positions, Yuki sat in his cross legged position and looked silently at the board.

"What's wrong not saying anything anymore?" Tamiko teased.

"I'll get my revenge on all of you!" Yuki yelled loudly and handed Tamiko the dice. "It's your turn Miko."

Tamiko confidently threw the dice and she got a six. She moved her bird and landed on a blue square.

She picked up a blue card and read it out loud. "Eat a spicy dish prepared by the player on your left.... Hmmm, that's not so bad." Tamiko said and glanced at the person on her left.

It was Yuki, he was smiling deviously and said. "I'll set your mouth on fire."

"Huh?" Tamiko felt she was danger. 

Within a second Yuki had appeared in the kitchen standing on one leg and began preparing the most spicy dish he had ever made. He looked like a mad scientist as he worked in the kitchen while laughing devilishly.

"We should go to the kitchen just to make sure he doesn't go overboard." Derek said and stood up, both of the girls followed behind him.

When they got to kitchen they saw Yuki pouring a full bottle hot sauce into the pot which he was using to cook. He added all the spices in the kitchen as well. Tamiko gulped down a mouthful of saliva, she had started sweating.

"Wow, he's really gonna set her mouth on fire." Yukari said.

"You guys are not gonna let me eat that, are you?" Tamiko asked anxiously.

They all looked back at Yuki who had just turned off the stove. He was already putting the food into a bowl. He had prepared a red spicy soup for Tamiko to drink. All though what Yuki prepared looked delicious but it was incredibly spicy, it was ten times more spicy than it should've been.

"It's alive! It's alive!! HAHAHA!!!" Yuki was like a mad scientist who had just created monster.

Yuki lifted the bowl and walked past Derek and Yukari but he stopped in front of Tamiko.

"Shall we take this to the living room." Yuki said with a devious smile.

They all walked to the living room and sat in their respective positions. Yuki handed the soup to Tamiko.

Sniff Sniff

Tamiko sniffed the soup and it felt like the smell was burning her lungs.

Cough Cough.

She coughed as tears welled up in her eyes, the tears were caused by the soup.

"Yuki are you seriously going to make me drink this, it's so spicy that it should be considered acid." Tamiko commented while still holding the bowl in her hands. 

"I brought this just in case I feel sorry for you." Yuki said while placing a glass of milk on the table. "After you drink the soup maybe I'll give you this to help you ease the flame that's about to destroy your tongue."

"Whatever, I eat hot soup every weak." Tamiko said with a proud look.

She held the bowl close to her mouth and began to drink the soup, she gulped it all down and placed the bowl on the floor.

She looked directly at Yuki's dark blue eyes. Yuki observed her with much concentration. Her face began to turn red and she began to sweat.

"Eeehhh!!!" Tamiko yelled as a spicy flame engulfed her tongue. Tears rolled out her eyes as she opened her mouth and breathed through it, she felt like her head was going to explode.

Her face was bright red and sweat soaked her clothes. She tried to grab the glass of milk on the table but Yuki grabbed it before she could.

"You can't drink it just yet." Yuki held the glass and spoke.

"Please Yuki, please. I'm sorry for rubbing butter on your face just give me the glass." Tamiko spoke in a high pitched voice. She had moved and was now directly beside Yuki, she tried reaching for the glass which he held up high.

"Please I'll do anything." Tamiko pleaded.

'Its a guys dream to hear those words from a girl but I don't feel any different.' Yuki thought.

He gave her the glass after thinking of something, she drank the milk which seemed really cold. She drank it all in one gulp, her face returned to it's normal color and her mouth stopped burning.

She glared at Yuki. "You almost killed me."

"Yeah and I also saved your life by giving you that cool glass of milk. So you're welcome." Yuki spoke with a smile which meant he was satisfied.

Yuki threw the dice towards Derek who caught it easily. 

"It's your turn." Yuki said with a smile.

Derek threw the dice without looking at Yuki, he got a three. Derek moved his dog three spaces forward and landed on a red square.

Derek picked up a red card and read the dare out loud. "Call your mom and ask if you're adopted."