
Battle Of Earth (Golden Will) Fanfic

At a young age Yuki loses his parents in front of his eyes. He learns life doesn't fight fair and that reality stabs us in the back. His entire goal of protecting others and becoming stronger is built on a promise. Yuki a boy in a world gifted with powerful people fights to become the strongest and protect others, but also ends up doing the opposite. He experiences love and loss, happiness and sadness, being good and evil. In a powerful world only the strong can survive; so they say.

Narcissistic_Tiger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 17: Confession

"It's nothing, besides you saved my life." President Tsubaki said while waving her right hand in a dismissive way.

Both of them stared down at city, the traffic was noisy as always, the clouds parted ways for the sunlight and a cold wind blew across the roof. 

"Kinatarou-kun, I've been wondering. You're from an upper house royal family which is composed of the strongest kizo users but you still have weak ki, why is that?" President Tsubaki asked with a curious expression. This had been bothering since the first day she met Yuki, which was when he first transfered to the school.

Yuki looked at her and then looked back at the city below them. "Okay, I'll tell you my story."

President Tsubaki looked at Yuki, she seemed like a little girl about to hear a bedtime story.

"I'm Yuki Kinatarou from the Kinatarou family, we are descendants of Kinatarou himself. Kinatarou was my great grandfather, he was an extraordinary kizo user who wielded a katana. He was a great swordsman." Yuki looked at president Tsubaki who was listening attentively. "I'm getting sidetracked, I should be telling my story not my great grandfather's."

"You can continue if you want, but I would like to hear your story." She said before moving closer to him. Their shoulders we're almost touching each other.

"Well, my mother as well as my father were strong kizo users. As expected their first child was also a kizo user, that was my elder brother. They gave birth to their second child which was me, I wasn't as strong as I was supposed to be. When I had grown some hair they noticed that I was different, unlike other members of my family I didn't have a unique color of hair. My hair was plain black, they later found out that I had a heart disease which didn't let my body produce enough ki." Yuki stretched both his hands upwards.

"My parents and siblings still loved me despite this, at my former school I was bullied because of my weak ki. No one considered me a Kinatarou, the school board didn't let me participate in any duels because of my ki. I was called names and insulted, I started training my body and developed my physical strength. I was taught how to fight by a family friend and I got stronger, but I'm still not strong enough. I was once again insulted by that guy who held us captive. So I have to become stronger, I have to become the strongest to prove them wrong." Yuki said.

"That's amazing, you're working hard just to prove those who insulted you wrong." President Tsubaki's eyes sparkled. 

"Well, that's about it." Yuki scratched the back of his head and grabbed his crutches. It seemed like he wanted to leave.

"Kinatarou-kun, I have something to say." President Tsubaki grabbed his sleeve which prevented him from moving.

"What is it?"

"Kinatarou-kun... I... I really like you and... and I would love for you to be my boyfriend." President Tsubaki said in a shy tone but still looked Yuki in the eyes as she spoke, her face also turned red.

'Did she just confess to me? Maybe my ears got hurt.' Yuki couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Can you repeat what you just said? I think I heard it wrong." Yuki said while rubbing both his ears.

"I really like you!!!" President Tsubaki shouted. "I haven't felt this way about anyone before!!! So please be my boyfriend!!!" President Tsubaki shouted before closing her eyes and stretching out her palm towards Yuki, seemingly wanting him to grab her hand.

She felt someone grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently, the hand grabbing her felt cold and soft. She opened her eyes and saw Yuki holding her hand. He looked her in the eyes, her bright green eyes stared into his dark blue eyes.

"I can't be your boyfriend." Yuki was straight to the point.

President Tsubaki felt her heart break into a million pieces, tears welled up in her eyes. 

'She's gonna cry again? This girl is a real crybaby' Yuki thought the moment he saw her eyes become watery.

"Why not?" She spoke slowly as tears rolled out her eyes.

Yuki didn't like seeing her cry. "Well, we barely know each other and I don't really feel the same way." Yuki said. He noticed her grip on his hand tightened, it was obvious that she was was hurt. "How about we start as friends? If I somehow manage to fall for you then I will definitely accept to become your boyfriend." Yuki said with a bright smile.

"Really?" President Tsubaki saw a new ray of hope as she wiped her tears with her other hand.

"Of course, you don't seem hard to like anyway." Yuki said while letting go of her hand and patting her head. 

"Can I call you Yuki?" She suddenly asked.

"Of course you can."

"And I also want you to call me by my name, no more calling me president Tsubaki. From now on call me Seri."

"Okay Seri." Yuki said while moving towards the elevator.

'I will make you fall for me no matter what.' President Tsubaki thought before following him.

Later that day Yuki got to his apartment.

He sat on the couch did nothing, Hana hadn't come to visit him because she didn't know he was back. He didn't think too much about president Tsubaki's confession.

He sat on the couch and began to read the manga he left on his table.


Knock Knock.

Yuki heard a knock on his door.

"It's open! Maybe! I'm not quite sure! Could you try opening it!?" Yuki shouted.

The door opened and Hana walked holding a lunch box.



That was the first word Hana spoke.

"You shouldn't leave your door unlocked especially since you live alone." She spoke in a somewhat haughty tone.

"Ummmm, is that food?" Yuki asked.

"You've been gone for days and that's the first thing you ask me. You're supposed to ask how I'm doing." Hana said while putting the lunch down on the table.

"Well, you also didn't ask how I'm doing. So we're even." Yuki said while reading his manga.

They both looked at each other before laughing. Hana noticed the cast on Yuki's leg.

"How are you doing?" She finally asked.

"I'm awesome, how about you?" 

"I'm great."

Hana looked around Yuki's living room curiously. His home was in a grey wabi-sabi decor style, the atmosphere was serene and the plants placed throughout his home gave it a kind of natural feeling.

"Do you want sit?" Yuki asked.

"No, I have to go back. I just came to give you this. Make sure to return my lunch box and wash it properly." She instructed before walking out and closing the door.

'She seems different.' Yuki had noticed a change in Hana's character.

'She must have warmed up to me enough for her to show me her true self, when we first spoke she seemed shy and silent but now she's bossy and a bit haughty.'

Knock Knock Knock Knock

Yuki heard someone knock on his door again, this time he got up and leaped on one leg towards the door. 

The moment he opened the door a girl who looked no older than seventeen jumped on him and hugged him.

She had blue hair which was tied into pigtails on the side of her head, she was extremely beautiful, her light blue eyes were gorgeous, she wore a blue hoodie, a white short skirt, black sandals and white long socks that reached her thighs.


(Big brother!!!)

She shouted in joy and squeezed him.

"I heard about what happened to you, I'm so glad you're okay."

This girl was Yuki's adopted cousin, her name was Yukari Kinatarou.

She let go of him and a white cat jumped on his head, this cat was as white as snow and had blue spiraling lines on both of it's shoulders. It was a small cat that lay on Yuki's head.

This was Yukari's cat, me was Shizuku.

"Yukari, what are you doing here?" Yuki was shocked she arrived here.

"Don't you want me here? Huh onii-chan?" She asked while pouting her pink lips.

"Nevermind, I'm glad you're here." Yuki said.

"I knew onii-chan would be glad to see me." 

She dragged her luggage into Yuki's apartment and sat on the couch, Yuki hopped on one leg into the apartment with the Shizuku still resting on his head. He sat on the couch next to her.

"Why did you bring luggage with you?" 

"Because I'll be staying with onii-chan from now on." She hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Ohh, okay." Yuki said but then took time to process what Yukari just said. "Naniiii!!!"


Yuki slowly released himself from her grip and retreated to the far side of the couch. "Does aunty even know about this!!!?"

"Yes and she's okay with it, besides you need someone to take care of you." She said while crawling on the couch towards Yuki.

"Can't I decide whether you can stay here or not!?" 

She jumped on him and hugged him tightly. "Nope."

"I really missed onii-chan, I hope he can let me stay here." She said while rubbing her cheek against his.

"Okay..." Yuki paused before speaking. "But you'll sleep in the bathroom!!!"

