
Battle Frenzy

Amidst a disaster, an orphan contracts a sickness. In his waking hours, he is tormented by his ailment, but when he slumbers, there is infinite darkness. One day, when he was five years old, a strange Fate Trickster appeared in his dreams. Ten years later, he dreams of becoming a lord. To do so, he takes a chance to trade his fate! That day, Wang Zhong once again stood at the gates of the Tianjing Heroic Soul Academy. He was about to start a brand new life.

Skull Elf · Romance
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1212 Chs

An Unusual Passion

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

There were only a handful of places that were qualified to be called a "palace" in the Land. The Machinery Palace was one of them. It was located in Zone TH002, which was right in the center of the Land and not far away from the Heavenly Gates.

Two transmission tickets were included with the letter, along with a passionate message from Rhode D.

"Wang Zhong, you can invite a friend along. Your friend will be considered as a friend of the Machinery race too. The Machinery Palace welcomes you and your friend."

It had to be said that under Lao Wang's subtle influence, the people of the Machinery race were changing.