
Battle Angel System (has been republished)

the year was 2056 and the world had changed drastically. machines were now a normal thing in life. some humans were now embodied with machines to improve themselves. but a low life girl was about to change this scene forever?

ikudehin_david · Romance
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47 Chs


On a tall building in elite city layed a vehicle on the top floor, the building was still standing but it wasn't in the best of shape as below were many zombies, patrolling the ground mindlessly moving about. These horrifying creatures were stained with blood, and either missed a limb or two as they reaked from their own decomposing flesh.

In the last floor up on this four story building was a spacious apartment, accommodating about 30 people max. The room was currently occupied by seven individuals, all in the sitting room all seated around a rectangular table.

"So how do we get out of here?" Mira asked with a calm expression staring at Zain.

"Well as we all know there are countless of zombies at our exit down waiting for us, so that option is ruled out. And that SUV can only accommodate 3 people in that state, leaving us with only one option." Zain softly spoke as the others paid attention, listening in on what he was saying.

"In the second room, there's a lever that leads to a secret room which is stored with a few blue energy quills. If we can get our hands on those, then maybe I can use my ability and increase the vehicle's capacity more." Zain said staring at them. He could see traces of fear, anger, a bit sadness and different other emotions varying. He didn't blame them as he too was a bit sad, as the world they knew was no more.

The earth has evolved releasing a burst of energy in the air, giving them superpowers known as abilities and also creating monsters told in fantasy novels.

"Then what are we waiting for? let's go there right now." Atlanta vigorously said getting up, prepared to go and retrieve the energy quills.

"Wait.. if you knew this from the beginning then why didn't you go for yourself? There's something you're not telling us." Mira knew there was a but, in zain's plan as she could sense it.

"You're a fun one.. Yes there is a catch. Few days back I tried going down the lower floors, I was successful until I reached the 1 first floor. Countless of zombies had broken through and invaded in it's defenses, advancing forward. I had too retreat as they were too much for me and the guys to handle." Zain hit his hand on the metal table a bit, his face showing a hint of regret and anger.

"So you're saying the second floor has been infested by zombies right?" Mira asked to which Zain softly nodded his head, confirming her thoughts. "What about the third floor, did you bother checking again?"

"No am sorry.. I lost all hope in trying to retrieve the quills when I saw those fucking monsters. The third floor defense is strong so the zombies won't break in easily, but there's always a probability they have." Zain softly said with a grim expression.

"S-so you're saying there's no way out?" Atlanta angrily said, and she could see Zain regretfully nod his head slowly. She was upset she couldn't do shit, as the situation they were in was very dire. They had just awokened abilities about a day ago her's few days back, but still she wasn't as strong as she'd expected to be now.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Mira stood up, determination and a hint of craziness in her eyes.

"A-are you mad? Didn't you hear what Zain said. It's suicide to go down there, there's probably hoardes of flesh eating monsters in the second and third floor by now." Tippy shakily uttered, condemning Mira's suicidal acts.

"Yeah yeah yeah.. zombies might've infested the third floor for all we know and maybe they haven't. We won't possibly know if we sit here cowarding in fear."

"C-cowarding in fear here is what's kept us alive." Jack frowned, his arms crossed insulted by Mira's words. He didn't like any of Atlanta's friends and herself, but he'd chosen to temporarily team up with them till they got out of here. But that didn't mean he signed up for such suicidal task.

"Haha! I knew it they are all bunch of psychopaths. If they wanna be killed so badly then be my guest." Kaiser uttered with a smug look chuckling softly.

"Fine. But I wonder how long it'll take before the zombies finally make their way here." Mira chuckled softly. "Oh wait.. you probably won't be alive by then." She smirked, causing Kaiser's face to contort into a deep frown.

Looking over to sole and Atlanta, she could see there were mixed emotions in their eyes staring at her. She didn't blame them, as this was a life or death situation and any slight mistake could be the sudden end for them.

"Am not going to force you. If you choose to stay here and find another alternative then fine by me, I can go alone. But I doubt you'll find a another way in such little time."

"No way you're doing this alone, we stick together." Atlanta bravely said without any regret, refusing to back down.

"Great.. another sucide mission." Sole sarcastically said rolling his eyes. He'd woken up from a coma not that long, but he'd been putting himself in dangerous situations ever since. He wasn't complaining though,as he'd do it a million times again for his best friend.

"Good. we leave in five minutes." Mira lightly smiled, placing her hands on both Atlanta and sole shoulders.

"Can you show me the way to the third floor?"

"Of course." Zain smiled, leading Mira to a door by the far left side of the room. "During the evolution of the earth, all power's been cut off ever since. but there's a step that will take us down to the third floor."

"Us?" Mira asked to be sure she heard what Zain said.

"Am following you."

"With your ability you're considered the weakest link among us now, so why choose to risk your life for nothing?" Mira asked, perplexed why Zain was so calm amongst the chaos.

"Well I guess you could say it's in my blood." He chuckled slightly staring at the door. "And besides, it's better to die fighting than wait for those fucking monsters to come and devour me."

"Your team, do they know?

"They don't need to know. it's my life and my decision, and am not changing my mind." Zain softly said his mind already made up.

"Then I guess we better not keep them waiting." Mira chuckled, causing Zain to look at her weirdly before averting his gaze a soft smile planted on his lips. Mira then went to call sole and Atlanta, as it was now time for the moment of truth.

"Ha! you're fucking crazy.. I knew you'd lost your mind but I didn't think you'd be this insane." Kaiser maniacly laughed mocking Zain.

"It's too dangerous man, there's no way you'll survive." Jack frowned, persuading Zain not to leave but the latter was too stubborn to listen.

"I've already made up my mind, am going with them. I don't need your pity it makes me sick, if you choose to to follow me then fine. but if not, you can remain here where it's safe. But I doubt it'll remain safe after today." Zain coldly uttered walking away from them, and standing with Atlanta and her team.

"Here goes nothing.." he muttered using his ability to unlock the door, which made a metallic sound before going backwards revealing a step going downwards.

"Let's go." Mira ordered to which they all nodded, going downwards through the step.

"Quick, close the doors." Kaiser hurriedly said, already pushing the door to close a bit as it could only shut with zain's ability.

"W-why did he leave? We always stick together, but now he's gone." Tippy fell to his knees, tears streaming down his eyes watching Zain leave.

"I'll tell you why, because he's a fool and a degenerate." Kaiser spoke, causing jack to frown as he stared at the door.

"Geez.. anyone feeling a little chilly too." Sole asked. He could feel the cold air hitting against his skin, as they proceeded downwards. It didn't take long before before they reached the end of the steps, in front was another door.

"Get ready." Zain said placing his hands on the door, and it didn't take long before it opened going backwards.

The room was a bit dark but Mira activated her ability, as purple lightning crackled around her arms lightening it up a bit. The group then slowly proceeded into the room, their senses on high alert for any intruder.

"Wait.. zombie." Zain spoke in a hush tone, pointing forward at a zombie on the floor munching on something. Mira then shot a single lightning strike to it's head, killing it as it's body dropped to the floor.

"It's eating it's kind?" They were all surprised to see the male zombie, eating away at whatever was left of the dead female zombie on the ground. Shaking their heads they moved on, advancing slowly not wanting to draw attention.

"Zain, watch out." Atlanta said, as a zombie was already in front of zain. Three other zombies now emerged, surrounding the group as they attacked.


'Fuck!' Atlanta grunted running fast, activating power punch making her way to Zain since he was the closet to a zombie. Her speed was no match for the zombie and she'd reached in the blink of an eye, slamming her fist to the undead creature head.

'Bam!' It's head exploded into bits, splashing everywhere as it's lifeless body dropped dead to the floor.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you." Zain said but Atlanta was already off again to help sole, punching at the creatures head and killing it.

"We've been exposed, they now know we're here." Mira frowned seeing more zombies approaching from all corners of the room, heading for them.

"Whatever you two do protect zain!" Mira shouted, lightning surging around her as she charged forward to the zombies.

"For those of you who don't know my ability is it's called robotic manipulation, which means I can control stuffs with systems." Zain calmly said and he could see Atlanta glance at him weirdly, before averting her gaze elsewhere.

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