

Worse than the first time he had heard her voice, Seth's mind was in an even more horrible state.

Hearing her voice, Seth's frustrations which had been seeking an outlet began spamming his head with all sorts of thoughts, but just before he could think the unthinkable, Seth got a grip of himself and ended his pitiful train of thoughts.

"No matter what, without Alexia, I'll probably be serving tenures of torture in hell, that I am alive is because of her and no one else."

Though he had rescued himself from the pits of disgusting ungratefulness, Seth still couldn't help but fall to his knees.

Following his solemn emotions the sea also attained a certain wavy calmness which was in contrast with its rather turbulent movements a few minutes ago, but then weirdly enough, even though the sea was calm, it began raining in the dark space, Seth had no interest in this phenomenon.