
Batman- The Knight

Ancient existences wake up in the abyss, demons whisper in people’s ears, unknown horrors erode the spirit, and madness breeds in the darkness of people’s hearts. But it is not only darkness that descends on this world. There are heavily armed dark knights walking in the dark to judge crimes; tight-fitting supernatural beings wandering between buildings to act as friendly neighbors; The impossible god on earth, the “S” symbolizing hope shines like the sun on his chest… No one could have imagined that behind all of them, there was just a player sitting in front of a computer screen holding a keyboard and punching hard.

BigDaddyKlose · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Trial and Error


I don't know how many times this bright red character appeared in the center of the screen; Kaiser raised his arm, almost ready to punch the keyboard. But the price of the keyboard flashed through his mind in an instant, so he clenched his fist, insisting that poverty brings peace of mind.

Now he feels more and more that this game is simply off the mark. Kaiser has played countless games, even some hardcore ones that players scolded as "not for people to play at all," and he has achieved the achievement of clearing levels without injury by relying on his skills and perseverance.

It's really unheard of for him to kneel again and again in the novice tutorial.

Because many details of this game are true, it is different from all the games Kaiser has played before, and many places are so realistic that it even affects the game experience.

Just like Kaiser kneeling down as a virgin. After he died several times, he concluded that the deaths were not because the minions had an average vision of 5.00 and their own night vision, but because they heard voices.

That's right, if Batman lands from too high a place, then the "hula-la" wind sound he made when he opened his cloak in the air to increase air resistance and buffer his descent may attract the attention of miscellaneous soldiers.

In addition, the ground under your feet also needs attention. Although Batman normally does not make any noise when he walks after special training, he may still make a sound when he steps on certain materials.

For example, when stepping on wooden materials, it is easy to make a particularly loud sound. Part of the joints of the metal plates are loose, which will cause the metal plates to rise and fall when stepped on, and will also make a sound to attract attention.

Be stronger when squatting forward. Because the movement is very slow, if you move slowly in a crouching position, there will be almost no sound on most materials, and it will not attract unnecessary attention.

After alarming the enemy several times in a row and causing the mission to fail, Kaiser had completely let go of his contempt for the enemy. The Batman he controls has completely entered the night owl mode. As soon as the boots touch the ground, he will directly switch to a squatting position and walk on his knees the whole time, just like an old silver coin in a shooting game.

With this trick, Kaiser successfully manipulated Batman to approach behind the first armed criminal silently. As he pressed the right mouse button, Batman covered the man's mouth and nose with lightning force, dragged him into his cloak, strangled his neck until he was suffocated and unconscious.

He did the same for two and approached the third man on his knees.

Batman approached quickly, and he was about to succeed, but he didn't expect the gangster to suddenly turn around without warning.

The Batman controlled by Kaiser froze instantly. The eyes of the two sides met, and the scene was very awkward for a while.


The gangster exclaimed. At the same time, Kaiser manipulated Batman to rush forward with the firepower and quickly repaired him with a punch, but the other gangsters had already gathered together.

All the gangsters chug chug chug. Although Kaiser manipulated Batman to escape from the battle temporarily, Batman had already been shot and injured. Coupled with the fact that the rest of the gangsters have been alarmed and started searching around, the difficulty factor suddenly increased.

After struggling for a while, he died again.

He originally wanted to summarize the rules of the positions and patrol routes of these minions like other games, but soon found that there were no rules at all.

The positions of these minions are completely random in each simulation, and the patrol routes are not accurate at all. They are basically wandering around and sometimes go to the next station to blow water and fart with their buddies.

There is a saying that CT (anti-terrorist police) has not raised its head since ancient times. Although the NPCs in the game are not CTs, most of them have inherited this fine tradition.

But the NPCs in this game are so outrageous, they like to look up and look around blindly after taking two steps for nothing. Several times, the Batman controlled by Kaiser was squatting on a high place to observe the position and formulate tactics. Suddenly, a miscellaneous soldier looked up and saw him.

Then they turned their heads and turned with no regularity at all, and had no idea when they would turn their heads and look back. When controlling Batman to walk and approach from behind his knees, if the distance is too far, the opponent will suddenly turn around and catch him if he is not sure.

Another time, when Batman was observing from a high place, Kaiser used the claw gun to move his position. Batman drew out his gun and shot a shot of claws that swayed to the other end of the room. It was clear that the firing sound was not too loud after the noise reduction treatment, but the minion under his feet still looked up following the sound, and then exclaimed "Batman ", followed by another chug chug.

When the word "death" appeared on the screen again, Kaiser felt as if he had been crushed to pieces, and he was still a miscellaneous soldier in the novice tutorial.

This novice tutorial is so outrageous, how can people play with the auditory senses of a group of minions who seem to be possessed by Lawyer Ma (Daredevil)?

Kaiser let out a long breath and saw the word "death" written crookedly on the screen again. He looked carefully for a long time before he saw through the cracks in the words that there was a hidden big character written all over the screen——


This reminded him of the time when the wolf was on fire. It is clear that in the same game, some people play like a wolf, while others play like a dog.

He is in a similar situation now. The character on the screen is clearly the crime buster Batman, but this tutorial made him feel like he was playing Hello Kitty with black hair.

This will not work.

With his dignity as the top player in the stand-alone area, he must conquer this game!

In fact, Kaiser soon discovered that it was not that difficult. His kneeling just now is not so much a handicap but a mistake caused by unfamiliarity with the difference between the mechanism and the previous game.

After calming down, Kaiser acted more cautiously.

After all, Kaiser is a game expert, and his basic skills are still solid. As long as he remembers the points that need to be paid attention to in the game mechanism, it is not impossible to attack.

First of all, don't rush in rashly. Kaiser let Batman look down on him first and take action after observing the enemy's position and the surrounding terrain clearly.

And when observing from a high place, you must hide in the shadows and use the darkness to cover yourself. Otherwise, if the minion below is too idle to raise his head suddenly, he may be exposed suddenly.

It must also be noted that when there are enemies near your feet, you cannot rush to move with the claw gun. Otherwise, even if there is noise reduction treatment, the sound of the hook line launching will still alarm the enemy.

When moving on the ground, you must also hide in the dark shadows as much as possible. When you have to operate out of the shadows, you also have to make sure that there is no direct line of sight looking in this direction - the see-through detection ability of detective vision is very helpful here.

The order and route of eliminating enemies based on their positions are crucial. If a gangster discovers a teammate has been alerted, they immediately raise an alarm, prompting all gangsters to start searching.

Moreover, remaining stationary without shadows and cover behind enemies for too long is risky, as the enemy may turn back unexpectedly. Kaiser made sure Batman's movement time without cover behind enemies did not exceed two seconds.

Material underfoot also poses a challenge. While moving on concrete allows for faster and quieter movement, stepping on wood or spliced metal requires slow, stealthy progress.

Due to the multitude of details, Kaiser, fearing omissions during action, resorted to using a pen and paper to list all necessary considerations in a notebook. Before each simulation round, he meticulously reviewed the notes to ensure nothing was overlooked.

Despite taking a bit more time, he successfully subdued all enemies one by one. However, the simulation wasn't over. After neutralizing the seven armed gangsters, the warehouse door suddenly opened, and a burly man charged in.

The screen indicated the next step was the fighting training program. The strong man was a combat master, requiring the player to control Batman for a direct confrontation.

The fighting system wasn't vastly different from the familiar Batman series. It primarily involved two buttons for attack and defense. Kaiser clicked the left mouse button, allowing Batman to automatically choose the most suitable offensive move. Batman, proficient in various martial arts, quickly assessed opponents' movements and selected appropriate attacks.

When the opponent prepared to counter, a blue warning sign appeared, prompting Kaiser to click the right mouse button. Batman automatically countered the opponent's attack with suitable moves. If facing an attack Batman found difficult to defend, a red warning sign appeared, requiring players to control Batman to dodge or roll to avoid the attack.

While the combat system felt more challenging than traditional Batman games, Kaiser, with his extensive training, effortlessly mastered the operation and defeated the strong man without sustaining injuries.

Thinking this was almost the end, Kaiser was surprised to encounter a new challenge. A group of ninjas armed with knives and guns emerged, and the system instructed him to control Batman to face these ninjas simultaneously.

Further tutorials followed, covering the use of Batman's various black technology props. Unexpectedly, Kaiser found himself stuck on this tutorial for almost an entire day. Despite breaks for meals and personal needs, he spent the entire weekend on this challenging section.

He vowed that this was unquestionably the most demanding novice tutorial in all the games he had played. Its difficulty, combined with its remarkable length, surpassed anything he had encountered before. Even with his solid gaming skills, he wondered if others would struggle to complete this tutorial in just one or two days.

Finally, the awaited notification sound echoed— "Mission complete, all simulations ended." The warehouse screen reverted to the Batcave.

Kaiser released a long breath. This time, he anticipated being able to progress further, right?