
Batman- The Knight

Ancient existences wake up in the abyss, demons whisper in people’s ears, unknown horrors erode the spirit, and madness breeds in the darkness of people’s hearts. But it is not only darkness that descends on this world. There are heavily armed dark knights walking in the dark to judge crimes; tight-fitting supernatural beings wandering between buildings to act as friendly neighbors; The impossible god on earth, the “S” symbolizing hope shines like the sun on his chest… No one could have imagined that behind all of them, there was just a player sitting in front of a computer screen holding a keyboard and punching hard.

BigDaddyKlose · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Real or Game?


Kaiser had to admit that he really felt relieved when he saw this line of words appearing on the screen.

The sense of substitution in this game is really extraordinary, completely different from any game he has played before. He feels that it is not only because it is so realistic that it can be modeled and rendered in a fake way, not only because of the player's high degree of freedom in the process of task execution, but also because of things such as music, pictures and special effects.

No, there are other reasons. Some things that he didn't think he could explain, but somehow made him feel as if he was actually there.

But now the level is over anyway. The game screen exited the weird meeting room and switched to the settlement interface, where Kaiser made a comprehensive settlement of the number of enemies solved in this mission, the smoothness of combos, the efficiency of mission completion, and the time it took.

Kaiser felt his tense nerves finally relax. It was only then that he was surprised to find that he was more nervous than he imagined during the game.

But looking back now, the game is still quite interesting. Batman's moves are obviously more varied than before, and Kaiser didn't even see any routines in his moves.

There are also more auxiliary props than before, a high degree of freedom to choose the way to complete the task, and many details make him feel that this game is particularly fresh and interesting.

Manga games are very abstract. Ten manga changes and nine bad ones, this has been the norm in the game circle for many years.

There is a saying that people are iron and rice is steel, and if you don't eat your feelings, you will be hungry. The reason for the birth of some manga games is that the company doesn't want to see great IPs left in the warehouse to gather dust and mold, but if they really want to take them out to make adaptations and games, they are reluctant to pay the money.

So some bad games called an undisguised game were born, using their simple line scenes and rough modeling that seemed to have been learned for three years in animation to slap the players hard, like putting a lump on the head The performance art with the word "feeling" was stuffed into the mouth of the player master, and he also arrogantly expressed whether you love it or not.

However, with the advent of representative high-quality works like DC's Batman and Marvel's Spiderman series, everyone's prejudice against comic games over the years is also being eliminated. The IP adaptation in the game industry also seems to be developing in a healthy direction.

But even so, this is the first time Kaiser has produced such an excellent manga game... No, even in the entire game circle he was familiar with in his previous life, this should be a work that has made breakthrough progress.

It's the main plot that makes him feel a bit out of date. After the first level, he still doesn't understand where this building is, why Batman sneaked in here, and what's going on that makes people go crazy.

But he speculates that this should be just a prologue, an introduction. The follow-up plot should explain the ins and outs of the story, boldly guess that there may be a crisis involving the multiverse, and give a reason to bring the Avengers and the Justice League, two facade alliances belonging to different world views under different companies, together.

Kaiser was really looking forward to what the next plot and level would be like, but he picked up his phone and checked the time, and immediately dismissed the idea.

Tomorrow is Monday, and I have to go to class at 8:20 in the morning. I really can't continue playing.

He is a sophomore now, he is neither a newcomer who is honest and cute, nor has he evolved into an old fritter who takes root in the dormitory and stays at home. He is in a half-baked state.

From the overall perspective of the four years of undergraduate studies, he is probably in such a delicate state of getting in a little bit but not completely in.

Most of the time, he would still go to class honestly, only occasionally skipping a class or two when he had a whim.

It would be fine if I switched to another class, and it would not be a big problem if I skipped it once in a while. But the problem is that the first class tomorrow morning will be linear algebra, and the linear algebra teacher is a typical "star person who will die if you don't roll your name", the kind who will be blue and thin if you don't roll your name in a class.

Although the style of this game is different from what Kaiser expected, it still looks like a game in general, not like Yazi with any other special features.

So Kaiser picked up his mood and quit the game, turned off the computer, and crawled back to bed.

For some reason, he felt unexpectedly tired after playing games all day. He closed his eyelids, sank his head into the white and soft pillow, and soon fell asleep.

In the other side of the city.

A cordon was raised to isolate the towering skyscrapers, and soldiers in uniforms were scattered around.

The black car stopped outside the cordon, and a woman stepped out of the car. She strode through the cordon, and the soldiers on guard saluted as she passed.

In all fairness, she has a pretty face, fair skin, beautiful and very temperamental. If she were to put on an elegant suit and skirt, she would probably look like a female elite in shopping malls.

But no. On the contrary, she was wearing a large black windbreaker, her slender legs were covered with black silk, and the long skirt was like a dark cloak. The black combat uniform under the windbreaker refined the curves of the body, especially the tight chest area, which highlighted an E without hesitation.

To be honest, this face made her feel a little wronged. Because if it is someone else's face with such good looks, it will definitely leave a deep impression on people, but the problem is that even so, this face is far less outstanding than her figure. The convex figure is even more memorable.

The long-legged woman walked through the cordon, and the soldiers saluted her one after another. She walked into the elevator in the lobby and went straight to the conference room on the top floor of the building.

She frowned slightly as she walked into the conference room, thinking that there might be no worse place in the world. Corpses were lying on the floor of the room in disorder, blood mixed with impurities flowed into rivers, and some of them had dried up and solidified.

There is a puddle of vomit in the corridor at the entrance, which is said to be left by the cleaner who discovered the scene.

"Everyone on the board of directors was in the meeting room when the incident happened, and no one survived."

A bald man walked up to her with a cigarette in his mouth. He exhaled the smoke ring and said.

"But all of them are infected."

"Killed?" the woman asked.

"No. They were attacked by someone, but the assailant didn't kill them." The man said, "Their infection level should have exceeded their upper limit, and they blew themselves up."

The woman is thoughtful. Her eyes swept across the messy room, and her eyes quickly fell on the open secret door in the room and the broken stones beside the secret door.

"The people in the identification department said that it should be a statue, and they speculated that it might be the source of infection." The man said, "The assailant probably also blew up the statue."

The woman pondered for a moment, then said: "So, someone has done our job, and it's pretty thorough."

"It should be so."

"So do we have a clue about this mysterious friend?"

The bald man exhaled the smoke ring again, showing a helpless expression.

"The surveillance video was paralyzed, and the other party's whereabouts could not be captured. We questioned the company's employees, and there was only one witness. It's just that the clues he could provide are also very vague..."

"I want to see him," the woman said.

So a few minutes later, the woman came to a hapless security guard.

The security guard seemed to have been knocked out before, and now he still had an ice pack on his head. Before anyone could finish asking the question, he spoke impatiently, as if he couldn't hold back his desire to state his experience tonight.

"I was on a routine patrol at the time, and the thing jumped out with a bang—quickly. I was careless, and fainted as soon as my eyes were dark. Later, Samuel saw me in the corridor... .. Oh, it's Samuel from our security team.

I woke up and heard that something big happened..."

"You just said 'that thing'," the woman interrupted his statement, "isn't it human?"

The security guard shook his head resolutely, showing a look of fear.

"It happened so fast that I couldn't see it very clearly, but it was definitely not human. It had very pointed ears, very large black wings, sharp claws... by the way, it seems to have fangs , like the vampire teeth in the movie, very penetrating.

And it's huge, I think it should be more than two meters, and when it jumps over, it looks like... yes, like a bat!

To be honest, I was a little scared, I have never seen such an infiltrating monster in my life..."

When the woman finished her questioning, her expression was a bit worried.

The bald man was still smoking a cigarette—it looked like he had replaced it with a new one.

"What do you think?"

The woman pondered for a moment.

"...I have no idea."