
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

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Recruiting a Team

The next day, Bruce, Damian, and Alfred visited Xavier's school. They entered his office, and Damian looked at the yellow futuristic wheelchair with sparkling eyes.

The stately professor smiled and indicated for everyone to have a seat. Bruce was the only one to sit, while the other two stood behind him. 

"Bruce, welcome back. Thank you for helping those missing mutants," Professor X said.

"Of course, that's what we do." Bruce smiled back at the professor. Damian, who was a little shorter than Bruce and Alfred stood quietly in the background.

"Who are these two?" The Professor asked. 

"This is Damian Wayne and my butler, Alfred, of whom I'm sure you have heard," Bruce responded.

"Ah, the famous Alfred. The children have mentioned you several times," The Professor said.

"The children are quite chatty, just as children should be," Alfred responded with a reserved smile.

"They say many good things about you," Professor X responded.

"Charles, I came here today because I would like to put together a team. There's an especially dangerous person who needs to be dealt with," Bruce began without preamble. Professor X raised his eyebrow.

"Really, who is this person?"

"Reed Richards," Bruce revealed his target.

"Reed Richards? You want to deal with Reed Richards?" Professor X seemed puzzled and then worried.

"I do, the man is a menace. There are a few people I'd like to recruit from the X-men to help me with this. Alfred, give him the list of names," Bruce said.

Alfred walked forward and handed a list of X-men. The professor scanned the list of names and then placed the paper down. He looked at Bruce as he sighed helplessly.

"Are you ever going to teach your class?" Professor X asked as he hoped he could find a way to persuade Bruce away from his new "mission." 

"I taught a class already," he said.

"One class! Fine, you don't want to teach classes, but maybe you could find a different threat to neutralize," Professor X looked hopefully at Bruce. 

"I don't understand you people, Reed Richards is the greatest living threat to the world. Which is putting it mildly, I think he's a threat to the universe! He is reckless, careless, and absent-minded. He never stops to ask whether he should do something, he charges ahead where angels fear to tread! 

His research threatened the Earth so many times that his numerous acts of saving the world can't make up for it. Why doesn't anyone see this?

I've tried to convince S.H.I.E.L.D. for years about Richards' threat. Unfortunately, Richards made lots of toys for the military, so they covered up for him and pretended not to worry. Other organizations, for one reason or another, refuse to confront or control this mad scientist," Bruce moved in his chair, agitated by the frustration.

"Frankly, Bruce, going after Reed or the Fantastic Four, is the worst kind of publicity for us. Mutants are already hated, while the Fantastic Four is the most beloved and iconic group of superheroes in the world. No one will thank you for beating him up. Even if you get to talk with him, he won't understand what he's done wrong. There's no talking to the man!" 

"I guess what you're telling me is that you've tried to deal with him before?"

"Yes, and I'm not the only one! People recognize the Hulk as a Global Danger. In every human government, the Hulk is on the "Neutralize if Possible" list. While Reed, who is a bigger threat than the Hulk, is on the "Must befriend" list. You're fighting an uphill battle," Professor X looked at Bruce and hoped he understood. 

"I know this won't be easy, but if someone doesn't try, then eventually, Earth will be known as a world that once bore life!"

"What do you want me to say? I agree with you in principle, but we can't take direct action against the man," The professor felt a headache and bowed his head holding it. Bruce was the most stubborn man he knew, and that was saying something!

"Instead of taking direct action against him, I'll have a chat with him. No harm can from talking," Bruce said. 

"Then why do you want to put together a team if you aren't planning on taking action against him?"

"The team is a backup plan. Damian, show the Professor the data on the thumb drive," Bruce said.

"Sure, Father," Damian said. 

"Father? I thought the two of you were brothers...aren't you fifteen, Bruce?" The Professor asked.

"No, I may look fifteen, but I'm actually in my forties. Damian is my son, it's very frustrating and we're getting off-topic.

In my investigations into Richards, I have come to discover that he is working on some kind of dimensional technology. It isn't clear from his notes what he wants to do with it, I don't think he knows what he wants to do with it.

The point is, if you looked at some of the energy outputs he's trying and the wave and particle resonances he's experimenting with it's clear he's going to try something ver stupid very soon."

The professor looked at the data with concern.

"You're right, I won't pretend to understand everything, but this is disturbing. You're telling me he's working on this now?" Professor X looked up at Bruce.

"Working on it and nearly finished. Once he begins testing his new machine, it's anyone's guess what the result will be."

"Why did you choose these X-men, they mostly look like a strike squad," Professor X asked. 

"Everyone on the list has a few skills. Darwin's ability is helpful no matter what happens. The results of Richards' experiment are unpredictable. If we need to intercede, having someone with a power that can adapt to the unpredictable is useful.

Omega Sentinel is also good to have with strange technology. I worked with a Cyborg similar to her. These types of people are very useful with new tech.

Forge can help us create new solutions as we need them. He can also talk tech with Richards to help him understand how dangerous his experiment is.

Dr. Nemesis is on the list for similar reasons to Forge. Richards has a unique level of intelligence and neither Forge nor Dr. Nemesis can match him directly. With the two of them teamed up, I have more hope.

Madison Jeffries knowledge and unique abilities can help us contain unpredictable situations. He can also join my mobile think tank.

Domino's probability manipulation will come in handy for any problems. She's also a capable fighter and can help us with the other members of the FF. 

For combat positions, Alfred is the muscle and he will take care of the Thing. Damian is well trained and I'll give him a freeze ray to deal with the Torch. That leaves me to deal with the Invisible Woman and Reed if necessary. 

It's a nine-member team," Bruce concluded. 

"I don't know how many of them are available, but I think you're right. This is a dangerous situation. Give me a couple of days to gather as many of them as I can," The Professor said. 

Bruce stood up and reached out his right hand to shake the Professor's hand.

"Charles, I appreciate your help." 

The pair shook hands and Bruce, Alfred, and Damian turned and left. 

Professor X continued looking at the data that was supplied by Bruce. 

"Reed, I'm sorry, but you are truly playing with things beyond your ability to control." Professor X picked up his phone and dialed a number, "Dr. Banner, there's something I need your help with..."